They're playing hide-and-go seek, but the truth is Riku stopped looking hours ago. And while Sora may be convinced he's the best-damn-hidden-in-go-seek-player ever, Kairi understands that he isn't looking anymore, she comes up next to him. The waves crash into the rocks, and Riku just watches them move in and out, he wants to join them and drift away. It's been like that for a long time.

"You know," he doesn't look at her. He can't look at her, because she's his best friend and he loves her. "There's a whole world off this island, all it takes is one long swim to start over." Violet eyes are watching him closely, waiting for his next move; the next big thing.

"We could go together." It could be an adventure, he thinks about him and Kairi just exploring the world. "You, me and Sora." Disappointment flows through him, of course.

Riku shakes his head. "Tell my mother I love her." He runs towards the water, not looking back at the girl screaming after him.