Hi everyone. This is going to be my attempt at a full length story. The plot has been floating around in my head for a while but I'm not sure how to end the story quite yet, so updates might be slow. Anyways, here's the first chapter. It's not the greatest but I promise you the story does get better. Reviews are always appreciated! Disclaimer: I own nothing
Rose Weasley stood in front of the full length mirror and looked at herself. She always pictured this day to be chaotic, full of laughter and last minute crisis' that would have her hyperventilating and resulting in her mother forcing her a calming drought. And of course it would be at the Burrow, all her family had been married there; it would make sense that she would as well. Her father would come in and tell her how beautiful she looked and then the two would share a sweet moment before he walked her down the isle.
No, Rose Weasley's wedding day was nothing as she had imagined it to be. She was currently alone in her bridal room. The two members of her bridal party were presently locating more alcohol. Her parents were no where to be found and Rose only hoped that they would attend her wedding. She was there only daughter and even though their relationship had been strained for years, she was still blood. It didn't even bother her that they weren't participating in the ceremony, as long as they were present for it.
Rose smiled as she looked to the mirror once more. She had to admit, she looked gorgeous. She almost didn't recognize herself. She wore an old fashioned ivory wedding gown from the 1920's. Her hair had been pulled up into an elegant chignon and her face lightly dusted with make up. She was ready. She sat down on one of the chairs in the room and shook her head. Why was she so nervous? She had known the boy since she was eleven years old and he was her best friend, the love of her life, and in only twenty minutes her family, no, he was already her family. She supposed the wedding only made it official. Rose closed her eyes and her mind traveled back to the day she first met Scorpius Malfoy.