I know, i'm insane, another fic. This is short and kinda crappy, but i promise it gets better i just wanna know what people think of the whole idea.

Disclaimer: I. Own. Zilch. Nothing. It really sucks :P

Chapter 1

She was slumped on the floor, her mouth gagged, eyes wide. Her body was covered with a thin sheen of sweat, her hair sticking her pale strained face. Her pants were ripped up, as was her top.

She was tired, emotionally and physically. Every bone in her body ached.

The door opened and she winced, with fear, anticipation. Time to get ready for another round. She glanced up at the smiley face on the wall; it was in blood, but not hers. Not yet, that is.

She was strong, she could get through this. Then she heard his laugh, and all her hopes were crushed.

"Agent Lisbon, nice to see you again," the voice chilled her to the bone, and she tried to brace herself as he advanced towards her, knife in hand.

He came right close to her, and she didn't let herself close her eyes. She would not be weak in front of him, she had to stay strong. It might be the only thing she had left.

He untied her gag, "I like to hear them scream," he said sneering at her.

"Well I'm sorry I'll be disappointing you," Lisbon said, expressionless.

"We'll see about that," he told her, giving her a warped smile.

"And, you know what I'm going to do this time?"

She shook her head, silent not wanting to play his mind games, but not wanting to get hurt either.

"I'm going to record your screams, your precious voice, and you're going to be begging me to kill you. And it will break his pathetic heart all over again." He sneered.

She didn't say anything.

"It really quite fun you know, he's just started to find love again, it's sweet actually, so I'm going to take it all back again. I know you've been naughty Agent Lisbon, I know you've been sleeping with him for a while now. I know you have feelings for him, and he has feelings for you. It's time to see how deep those feelings run."

She closed her eyes, hatred and heartbreak in her eyes. She didn't want him to see that. The cruel, twisted sick murderer in front of her. She'd know it had been a bad idea to sleep with Jane, to let herself have such strong feelings for him. She'd known he would get hurt. Yet she had still done it, she'd been a selfish bitch, and now, now Jane was going to have to live with the consequences of her selfish mistakes.

"I'm going to ring Mister Jane, and you're going to talk to him. Understand?"

She nodded slowly, trying not to think about how much this was going to hurt him. Hurt both of them.

She could hear the phone ringing, she didn't want him to pick up, but she knew that wouldn't happen.

After just one ring, he picked up. "Jane."


"Lisbon, thank god," she swallowed, she couldn't take this, "Where are you, I've been so worried?"

"Patrick," he voice stammered, trying to get herself together, and half succeeding, she continued, "He's got me Jane."

"No," he said disbelief colouring his tone, "No, not you."

"I'm sorry," she said, "Don't play his games Jane," she said, and he cut her in the arm.

She gasped, hot liquid seeping out, "Lisbon," he said his voice panicky,

"I'm fine Jane, look, this, this isn't your fault ok."

He hit her again, and she groaned, "Teresa," he whispered. "I can't lose you."

"This isn't your fault," he hit her again, she bit back a moan, "Patrick, I, I love you."

He heard a scream, then the line went dead.

Please review! What do you guys think?
