Psycho Chan's Note: Almost done! Whoa…it's three am…how the hell did that happen!? I was just at Fluffy's house…like…five hours ago? What have I been doing? Oh…typing. Duh. I am actually quite proud of my story. Really, I am. Especially with Tammy. She's an original character and obviously, she's Francis's little sister by two years. She got her powers because she followed her brother to the docks that night. She's kinda crazy…like a Shiv kinda crazy but she has her brother's temper in fierceness. It just takes more to tick her off. I like her. (There's also Jay, he's kinda off by like, a lot. I like him too. Even if you don't…because I'm weird that way.)

Chapter Seven: Hope

Though he was in slight agony, Francis kept his mouth shut, having already shown enough weakness. Right now, he sat on Virgil Hawkins's bed, as the hero cleans him up. Both remain silent as Virgil dabs the bleeding gashes on the other man's chest, his own uniform bloodied though now he wears blue jeans and his faded orange sweater. HotStreak was bugged by his thoughts. Thoughts he no longer wanted to keep to himself.

"Why did you come to Jay's place?" He asked slowly, not looking at the hero but instead at the many ribbons and framed papers that littered his wall.

"Well…" Virgil continues to clean up the gashes. "You seemed like you needed help…and…that's what I do…"

"Quit the bullshit Hawkins and answer me fer real." HotStreak nearly growled.

With a sigh, the mocha skinned teen presses the towel to a deep gash, knowing that Francis's wouldn't go to the hospital for stitches. "I…donno exactly…see…after…that flight home…I…something just didn't sit right with me…I'm not sure what it was to be honest…" Virgil remembers what bothered him. The way Francis handled his body, the way he knew exactly what to do to get him to submit. The silence after he was dropped off. None of it was right. "It bothered me so much…I wasn't going to help you…until I met your sister. I chased her down and she told me that Jay rented you out and that you both needed help…I couldn't just walk away knowing that you're a prostitute…or a toy or whatever it is that he made you…" He saddens, remembering that conversation all too well. "Why didn't you get help yourself? You have powers now…"

"And do what? He's controlled every aspect of my life…he raised me…I couldn't just…I don't know why myself Virg…it was just easier to do what ever he said." Francis looks at the other man. "Thanks fer the help anyway."

With a quick nod, Virgil smiles, a bit embarrassed over his mixed feelings. "I only wish I knew sooner…"

"You came at a good time…Now my Ma can get a life again and Tammy might…never mind her." The man chuckles. "What the hell were you thinkin' bargin' into my room like that?"

"I'm not sure." Virgil laughs at himself. "I was angry or something…confused?" The laughter dies down. "I don't know. I'm just glad that I wasn't raped by that man." Virgil tosses the towel in the laundry basket that Sharon had left for him to fill.

"So am I." HotStreak really was relieved. The thought of watching Virgil get raped or even being forced to participate in it was sickening. With another silence, Virgil grew curious.

"Now that I think about it, your jealousy suits you well" is said though a grin. "Much better than it does on me anyway."

"You don't seem to be the jealous type."

"Oh, I can be. Not so pretty Richie tells me." Virgil laughs at himself lightly.

"I'd like to see that side of you Virgil." HotStreak smirks, the thought of Static or Virgil being jealous or angry was a pretty funny image. "I also would like to see you in bed again."

That statement made Virgil's cheeks burn. He had totally forgot that he had lost his virginity to this man, which what started everything. "O-oh…"

"But that can wait." The red head leans down, taking Virgil's full lips, the surprise in the younger teen was apparent. He pulls back before Virgil can really process the movement. "Thanks fer everything." Was spoken sincerely. "I can't thank you enough."

"I'm sure you'll think of something Francis." Virgil leans up, kissing the man as he had just did to him. "I'm sure you'll think of something."

'Nother Note From Psycho Chan: Right now I'm going though all my unfinished stories and finishing them up. I wasn't aware that I had so many. It's gonna take a while to do so because I don't have internet and Twitter Chan has to practically murder her stepfather to get him off their computer to update. Our bad.

And yes, this story is now done. Yes, the two date if you didn't get that clue. I never once intended for this story to end in smut. It just starts out with it. I like the way I ended my story. Even if you don't. get over it.

Blooper Note: I was gonna have the conversation go another way only two problems came up. One-it really killed the sweet moment I had going

Two-I couldn't rescue the moment, making things quite awkward

So I'll give you my first sketch cuz it's too funny to keep to myself as Twitter Chan said.

So here it is if you have the ambition

Why didn't you get help yourself? You have powers now…"

"And do what? He's controlled every aspect of my life…he raised me…I couldn't just…I don't know why myself Virg…it was just easier to do what ever he said." Francis looks at the other man. "Thanks fer the help anyway."

With a quick nod, Virgil smiles, a bit embarrassed over his mixed feelings. "I only wish I knew sooner…"

"You came at a good time…Now my Ma can get a life again and Tammy might…never mind her." The man chuckles. "What the hell were you thinkin' bargin' into my room like that?"

"I'm not sure." Virgil laughs at himself. "I was angry or something…confused?" The laughter dies down. "I don't know. I'm just glad that I wasn't raped by that man." Virgil tosses the towel in the laundry basket that Sharon had left for him to fill.

"So am I." HotStreak really was relieved. The thought of watching Virgil get raped or even being forced to participate in it was sickening. "So am I…"

Settling on the ground, Virgil looks away. "I'm just glad that everything is okay now."

Green eyes stare at the hero, mouth nearly agape. "Virg…" HotStreak starts. "My father is being ate alive by wolves…"