A/N: Okay, here it is. This is the end. lol. Umm...I have some kinda important stuff to tell you all at the end of the chapter, so...yeah. Enjoy this!

Chapter Nineteen: Epilogue

The startled priest was spouting questions as he was ushered into the Natural History Museum of New York by someone who either was President Theodore Roosevelt or looked just like him. "I thought I was here for a wedding. What's going on? Why am I at a museum? Who are you? Why are you on a horse? What's happening here?"

"Relax, my good man, all will be explained in time, and if not, it's not important. All you really need to know for the moment is that yes, you are here to perform a wedding ceremony. You'll be meeting the groom shortly. Ah, here he is now!"

Utterly bemused, the priest stared as a dark-haired man in a tuxedo came hurrying out of the museum to greet them. "Oh, good, you made it here. Come on, let's get inside. I'm Larry, by the way. Larry Daley. Nice to meet you Father…"

"Joseph," the priest replied faintly. "Will someone PLEASE tell me what is going on?"

"Oh, you'll find out soon. For now," The odd tuxedoed man seized Joseph's arm and pulled him inside. "We're about to get started." The priest couldn't help but gasp at the sight of the building. It was decorated simply, but elegantly, with gauzy white material draped in dips and curves around the main lobby and flowers adorning the stair rail. A large arch had been set up at one end of the huge room with a white carpet leading up to it from the bottom of the staircase. "That's where you'll stand, Father," the groom said, pointing to the archway which was obviously serving as the altar.

Dazedly, Joseph stumbled over and stood where he was told. He watched as the oddest assortment of guests he had ever seen proceeded to enter and claim seats. He remembered hearing something on the news about the museum exhibits being animated, but this was the first time he'd seen it with his own eyes. It seemed as though the entire museum was coming in to watch the wedding he was supposed to perform!

As the poor priest was processing what was going on, music began to play over the PA system. The guests fell silent and the man in the tux (Larry, he reminded himself) joined him under the archway to wait for the bride. He was followed closely by Teddy Roosevelt escorting…Sacagawea? Following the best man and the maid of honor was a boy, presumably the ring bearer, holding a pillow with two rings on it. Father Joseph assumed that the bride would be the next one to enter in this motley procession, and when he didn't see anything, he glanced over at the groom, worried. This wouldn't be the first wedding he had presided over where the bride had gotten cold feet at the last minute, so it was with no small amount of surprise that he took in the completely serene expression on the man's face. He seemed so confident, yet this entire ceremony had been so disorganized, haphazard, and rushed. It seemed like it had been organized by someone with only a very faint idea of how weddings were supposed to be run…

Just then, Joseph witnessed the groom's expression turn to one of joyful wonder and awe. He quickly turned to follow the other man's gaze and gasped in spite of himself. Coming down the aisle was, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen. It wasn't just her looks, though they certainly weren't lacking, wither. No, the real beauty was something much less tangible, yet real all the same. She just seemed to radiate an aura of love and happiness that would've charmed anyone nearby. Joseph managed to tear his eyes away from her face long enough to see that her dress was a plain, modest affair with a fitted bodice, a long, full skirt that brushed the ground as she walked, delicate, lacy sleeves, and a small amount of beading along one side. She wore no jewelry except for an engagement ring, but then, she really didn't need any. It would have been entirely redundant.

She reached the archway and, almost without thinking, the priest went through the wedding ceremony, only hesitating when he came to the part where the couple had to exchange vows. He knew the man's name, but the woman's was a mystery. He paused to allow her to fill in her own name.

"Amelia Earhart," she inserted, grinning.

"Now, really, this isn't something to joke about, Miss," Joseph informed her tartly. He was feeling a little bit annoyed by now at being kept in the dark,

"Oh, I'm not joking, Father," she replied, her startlingly blue eyes opened wide as if to prove her innocence. "That really is my name, I promise."

He looked at her closely for another moment, then sighed and capitulated. "Very well. Amelia Earhart, then."

He continued on to the end of the ceremony without further mishap, pronounced them married, and told the groom to kiss his new wife. The man did so, holding her gently and kissing her so tenderly and sweetly that it was almost enough to make the onlookers weep. They pulled apart after a surprisingly short time, but they continued to gaze at each other with such obvious adoration that suddenly Father Joseph didn't feel annoyed at all about being dragged out to a museum in the middle of the night to marry two people whom he didn't even know. Seeing how much they obviously cared for each other made everything worthwhile.

The spell was broken when the groom looked over at Joseph and grinned. "You're invited to the reception if you'd like to come, but I suspect you'd rather head home to process all of this." He waved his hand around vaguely to include the entire museum. "Just…take my advice on this. There are some things that you're better off not knowing. And thank you so much for marrying us. The check will be in the mail as promised. Now, go on home and get some sleep. I have to go dance with my wife." He grinned. "I love saying that." Turning away, he waved at a small capuchin monkey standing near a sound system. "Hit it Dexter!" The monkey pushed a button and music came over the PA system. Larry hurried away to find his bride, tossing another quick thank you over his shoulder as he went.

Joseph shook his head and started out of the museum. Just before he reached the doors, Teddy Roosevelt stopped him. Wonderful ceremony, my good fellow! I was wondering, however, if you'd be willing to come back to perform another. You see, there's this lovely girl I wish to propose to, and if she says yes…" The President clapped his hand to Joseph's shoulder. "Well, just consider it, my dear fellow. Carry on!" He hurried away, presumably to fins his lady friend.

The priest stared after him for a moment before continuing out there door. He hailed a passing cab and headed home, and as he undressed and crawled into his bed, he smiled to himself. "Even if this was all a dream, this is one night I'll never forget." Just before losing consciousness, he resolved to visit during the museum's night hours sometime very soon…


A/N: Woo! I'm done! lol. Just to be clear on everything, the reason I was wasking earlier about a sequel or not was because, as some of you may be wondering, no, Amelia is not human. Not yet. I was having trouble trying to think of a way to make it happen without it being all cliche and stuff, so I just ended it here. I was trying to give myself some time to come up with a plan, outline, and write a sequel. lol. So let me know if you want a continuation or not. Like I said a few chapters before, I'm writing for Star Trek Voyager at the moment, but that one's just a little character study oneshot that won't take me very long. Then, if enough people are interested, I'll write the sequel. Review and let me know! Thanks, everyone for sticking with me this long (especially my solitary reviewer for the last chapter. You rock!) I hope all of you enjoyed this! See you around!