So this is it, the final chapter of 'Dear Life...' and I thought these things lasted forever. Isn't it funny how they don't?

I've dedicated this to a few people, but for this final chapter I need to dedicate it to someone special. Very special. And being the sentimental, loving person that I am...(and a pretty big baby :D) I dedicate this chapter to every person who has reviewed my work. I would mention you all by name but...damn...give a girl a break :P

Now I know some people have reviewed and I haven't gotten back to them. If you know me you should know I make it an obligation to answer every review. But I didn't for quite a few because it struck me how funny it was that people kept begging for a happy ending. Instead of replying to you...I thought I'd just let you see how things turned out for yourself but:

Aya Rose
pcp4202002 (love the pen-name mate) :)
Pricilla Grey
thetamarine (not sure if I replied or not) :P

I am very very thankful for the wonderful reviews and I am sorry you never got a reply :)

Finally, MERRY CHRISTMAS everyone :) Have a safe holidays and look after yourself. To all who have reviewed, marked me as an Author Alert, voted for me in the 'Fourth annual Wicked Awards' and generally tried to stalk me; you've been awesome friends. Look after yourself guys and I'll see you in the New Year :D


Chapter 11 (New Beginnings)

'WHAT? What is there something in my teeth? Ok...let's get this over with. No I'm not seasick, yes I have always been green, no I didn't eat grass as a CHILD!'

Frex glared at his daughter as his voice boomed over the chatter of the crowd. 'ELPHABA!'

Ignoring her good for nothing father, Elphaba turned away from the cowering twits and looked around to Nessa. 'Oh this is my sister Nessarose. As you can se she's a PERFECTLY NORMAL COLOUR!'

Frex grabbed his daughter by the arm. 'ELPHABA ENOUGH!' Lowering his voice to a low menacing growl he addressed only his daughter. 'You forget your place. You are here for one reason.'

'To take care of Nessa. I got it.' She ripped her arm out of her fathers grip making his face blot an angry red in rage. She knew he wouldn't hit her though...not in public so she smirked triumphantly at him. 'I believe you are the one forgetting your place...father.' She spat angrily.

Three years ago he broke her heart, taking the one thing she truly held dear. Three years ago he made her change from a quiet, loyal, loving girl to a cold, hard hearted individual. She could never forget the words her wounded Galinda had uttered that terrible night. Never forget the pain she felt. She had cried for days, tears falling, a never ending wave of pain. Anything and everything reminded her of her precious love. And it broke her completely. As the pain slowly turned into a numb throb, she became mean and cold. Her sister didn't even taunt her anymore in fear she would snap. She would fight more with her father, their arguments always ending in Frex hitting her, blackening her till she could barely walk, barely speak, barely see. But Elphaba welcomed the pain. It was what kept her going, or she'd surely have died long ago.

Now she was finally doing what she had promised Galinda she would do. Escaping her father, getting away. But she hadn't counted on how hard it was to find her Lyndie. All she had was Galinda's face etched cleanly in her mind as if she had just seen the picture.

Frex looked at his sin. He could hit her, sure he'd be in trouble but what would that matter? He was finally getting rid of her. But no..he'd restrain for Nessa's sake. For some reason ever since that night three years ago, Nessa started acting more civil to Elphaba. Though Elphaba had never forgiven her.

'You will look after her. Or so help me Elphaba, not even the Unnamed God will punish me for what happens to you.'

It was a terrible threat but Elphaba didn't care. She spat at his shoes and smirked.

'I'll see you in hell father.' And with that walked away, pushing Nessa.


Every gold hair, curl or giggle made Elphaba turn or double take. For three years she'd done the same thing, even though she knew that Munchkin land was not going to be where she found her. It was habit. Oh there was this one girl she saw constantly at this school that looked almost identical to Galinda. But what would she be doing at Shiz university? With a shake of her head, she decided to just wait till Nessa was settled. Tell her roomate this was a mistake and catch the next train to Frottica. All was planned nicely, Nessa knew Elphaba was leaving but not where.

Another giggle. 'Oh Master Fiyero you are a tease' but Elphaba just ignored it this time. She had a plan, she wasn't going to waste time looking for her girl here.


'Now you have everything you need. Madam said she is just a couple of doors down if there's anything else. She doesn't have to know what happened to me either Nessa. For all I care tell them I'm dead. It doesn't matter any more. I'm going to start a new life.'

'Please be safe Elphaba. I know..I know I hurt you terribly three years ago. It was wrong of me. I can never ask for your forgiveness but please know that where ever you go, I'm thinking of you. And I am so sorry for everything.' This was the first time Elphaba had ever heard the words 'I'm sorry' come from Nessa, and it was that alone which made her reach down and hug her sister for the first time.

'I forgive you Nessa. You were a child, confused. You take care of yourself as well baby sister, and remember, don't tell till your asked. They don't have to know I'm gone till they discover it themselves.' Nessa nodded.

'Goodbye Elphaba.'

And like that, two sisters who were never really close had the most intimate moment. And Elphaba knew it was important to them both.

Heading down the corridor she looked at the numbers on the doors go by. She counted down, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23... This was the room she was meant to be staying in. She was smart enough to go to this university, take the highest degree if she wanted to. But she didn't want to, not right now. Study became second since Galinda.

Opening the door she expected to see some girl in the room. But no one was there.

'Hello?' No answer. 'Damn.' Now she'd have to wait and it was time that could be well spent looking for Galinda.

Suddenly there was a noise outside the door. A giggle. The same one she heard before, wheeling Nessa through the yard. Oh god, not her. This going to be a nightmare. All she wanted to do was say 'sorry, not gonna stay, have the room to yourself' and leave but if it's some giggly girl then she might have difficulty getting a word in. That or she'll be disgraced for her skin and the girl will run off screaming. Which was the last thing she needed. Elphaba sighed. This was never easy.

The door opened and Elphaba lowered her head, waiting for the scream. For something. What she heard...well...almost stopped her heart.



Her head snapped up, eyes landing on the most gorgeous blue eyes, pale face, golden curly hair. 'Ga...Ga...Lyndie?' Elphaba finally choked out, eyes wide, filling with tears.

Galinda shook her head in shock, walking around Elphaba as if afraid to touch her and make the beautiful mirage shimmer away.

' you can't be. I'm dreaming again. Wake up Lyndie, wake up.' She pinched herself hard on the arm and then cried out. 'Ow..Oz damn it.' Rubbing her arm she looked at Elphaba again and she began to shake. 'You're...real?'

Elphaba had to laugh at the antics, Galinda's voice was high pitched, and a bit whiny...but oh it was the sweetest sound she'd ever heard.

'Yes...Lyndie I'm real. And I'm your roommate.' Galinda crept closer to the still sitting Elphaba and touched her with a finger. When she didn't pass through Elphaba like all her dreams did...she finally cried out and hugged the green girl hard.

'OH ELPHIE! You did it. You actually did it. You came and found are beside me. We're together.'

'You're not with anyone?' Elphaba rubbed the blondes back, soothing her whilst revelling in the feeling of touching her Lyndie finally after all these years.

'No...what we had...though short was so strong. I have never been loved by someone for my personality. It's always about my looks. You...were the only person to treat me with respect and to show me who I could really be.'

'Come sit down Lyndie, let's talk.'

Galinda moved and sat beside Elphaba on the bed, taking her hand and intertwining their fingers.

'I tried to move on Elphie, I tried to stop the pain but I was so lost for so long. I thought I couldn't live without you and almost tried to end it. End what pathetic existence I now led. But your promise to find me always kept me going. I would dream you'd do it, and then when I'd touch you I'd go right through you, as if you were a ghost. heart just stopped, I grew numb and cold. I began to study more, not go out. My grades we boosted and here I am at one of the worlds most prestigious Universities. But I never stopped looking. Never stopped aching. Oh Elphie...I can't believe it's you.'

Elphaba squeezed Galinda's hand.


But before she could continue Galinda shook her head.

'No...Elphie it's Glinda now...the Ga is silent.'


'When you left me a part of me died. As homage to that, I took a part of me away. Galinda was a social butterfly, Glinda is who I am today...and who is once again madly falling for a beautiful Emerald girl.'

'Well then...Miss Glinda...'

Elphaba took a deep breath and looked into those Blue eyes she never thought she'd see again.

'It's been three very painful long years. I've been lost without you. Will you make me whole again? Will you be my girlfriend, will you be mine?'

Galinda's eyes shone with unshed tears. Her past was dark, but her future looked brighter then ever before. There would be hard times being such an unconventional couple, but like she said to Annika Jones all those years ago...'I believe we can make it.' And she did.

Looking into Elphaba's still intense, emotional eyes, she smiled softly cupping her face.

'I will make you whole again Elphaba. I will spend eternity making you whole again.'

Then she said softly, bringing all her emotion into this small room which they would share in the beginnings of their life, four words that changed their life forever.





Well this is my very first ever completed story on this site and it's been so much fun. You guys have kept me sane, kept me going and most of all, kept supporting me. What an awesome family I've developed with all my new friends here. :)

Thank you all. So very much

Stay safe friends

