Harry Potter and the.......?

Summary: This story takes place sometime after PS, maybe during COS. Harry has a dream about a conversation between Sirius Black and his father. From there he realises that his Godfather may not be as guilty as everyone thinks and with a little help from friends and not so good friends, trys to save his Godfather.

There there son, lie down close your eyes and dream of the many things the future will bring you. I know you'll do great things in this life and your mother and i are going to be right behind you every step of the way. We love you"From the doorway of a little house in a back bedroom of Godrics Hollow, Sirius Orion 'Padfoot' Black stood against the doorway watching his brother, in everything but blood James Potter, place his very own little godson down for the night in his crib. "Come on now Prongs we don't want Prongslet here turning into a big ol' sap like his father is with that lovey dovey crap"

Turning round ready with a reply, "Well we don't want him like some mutt that shows affection by jumping in and out of every other woman's bed almost every night"

"Well its hardly my fault if all the women can't help falling for my amazing personality and stunning good looks" coming over to baby Harry's crib "and the way Prongslet keeps gaining the ladies attention he's going to be a babe magnet too" said the babe magnet in questions' godfather.

"He is adorable i must admit but i am slightly biased i suppose" chuckled James.

"He's gunna be a heart-breaker this one"

"What are you doing here Padfoot?" asked his long time friend and brother. "Not that I'm not happy to see you or anything but the visit is unexpected is all".

The smile that had slowly crept onto his face and was making his eyes sparkle and shine when looking at his godson slowly started to disappear when he remembered the reason for why he had came here in the first place.

"I wanted to talk to you about Peter".

"What about him?"

"I think he should replace me as your Secret Keeper?" said Sirius with an almost pleading look in his eye.

"Peter? Why on earth for Sirius? Not that i don't trust Peter, I'd trust him with my life but i thought we agreed that you would be our Secret Keeper"

"I've changed my mind"

With a look that if you'd looked away just for a few seconds and turned back around you would think he'd just been punched in the stomach, James replied rather taken aback, "Oh, i understand Padfoot, it's a lot to ask i know but i thought that you'd want to keep Lilly, Harry and I safe. I thought it seemed like the obvious choice"

"But don't you see James it would be the obvious choice. If death eaters were to come looking for someone who knew the location of the Potter's who do you think they would go to first? It would be me! If that happened and i got captured you KNOW that i would rather die than betray your trust and i don't want you to believe for even a second that i wouldn't!"

What had started off as a conversation in hushed tones had quickly risen to a near yell on Sirius's part and with eyes wide James managed a quick "SHHH!" before glancing at his awake son and pulling his friend out of the room by the front of his shirt.

Leaving the door slightly ajar James responded "I don't know about this Paddy. Do you think Wormtail would be up for it?"

"You know Wormtail, if you, Moony or I asked him to jump off a cliff he would probably do it" They both chuckled.

"Seriously though, i think we should give him a chance, he's our friend and fellow Marauder and between the four of us he would be the least likely to be your Secret Keeper."

Placing a hand on James' shoulder, "It could fool Voldemort for a little bit at least and keep you all safe. That is all i want dear friend."