"What if I do not sign it?"
Mary asked Chapuys, looking at the piece of parchment on the table before her.
" It is very possible that the King will put you to death" Chapuys said gravely.
" No, I am the King's daughter, he is my father, and he will not kill me"
" Your Grace." Chapuys only just managed to keep himself from shaking her.
" He will put you to death. He may be your father, but he will only love you, as long as you do as he commands."
"He is my father, I must have faith, Ambassador, for if he did not kill my mother because she didn't sign, then he certainly will not kill me. My mother didn't sign this, so that one day I could become Queen of England. If she did not sign, then I shall not. I will write to my father and tell him that I love and obey him, but that I cannot sign."
With that, Chaypuys gave up trying to make her see sense; he knew that she was a lost cause. She was as stubborn as her mother. Mary began to put quill to parchment as she wrote what would surely be the most important letter of her life.
Meanwhile Sir Francis Bryan was sent on what he was sure was a fruitless mission by the King. He was charged with the task of persuading the Kings daughter Lady Mary to sign the oath, stating that Henry's marriage to her mother was unlawful and therefore that she was clearly illegitimate.
He knew she would not sign it.
He had never met the girl, but all reports described her as just like her mother in both looks and temperament.
It was going to take some difficult persuasion tactics to get her to sign.
That was where he came in.
" Lady Mary" he said, curtly, stressing the lady.
" Sir" she replied, she had finally written the letter to the King, her father that was going to reconcile them, she was sure of it.
" I am aware that you have received the oath of allegiance, which clearly states that His Majesties marriage to your mother was unlawful and that you are illegitimate, have you not?"
He stated, never one for polite pleasantries.
" I have" she answered coolly, raising her eyebrows, ever so slightly.
" And?" he said, impatiently.
"I will not sign", she stated firmly.
That was when he lost it.
He started towards her, hoping to choke some sense into her when he remembered that, illegitimate or not, she was still the Kings daughter, to touch her meant death.
" By God, if you were my daughter, I would bash your head against the wall until it was as soft as a boiled apple!" he exploded, furiously.
He could see that she was clearly shocked by his statement.
Good. Now maybe she would sign.
But still Mary stood firm." I shall not sign, Here is my letter to His Majesty."
"That is all, Good day Sir Francis"
Mary's tone making it clear that the audience was over.
Francis just glared at her and walked out of the room.
King Henry VIII, on the other hand was impatiently waiting for Sir Francis to return with the oath. There was no question in Henry's mind that Mary would not sign, now that her mother was dead, she would see sense. She had to.
When Sir Francis returned, not with the expected oath but instead with a letter, puzzled, he opened it.
My Dearest Lord and Father,
I offer, first my congratulations on your recent remarriage to Queen Jane. As your loving daughter, it is my dearest wish that you should find happiness with your new wife.
As to the oath of alliance, I regret to inform Your Majesty that I cannot sign. I most willing accept your new wife as Queen of England, now that my beloved mother has departed from this life. However it is still my firm and true belief that Your Majesty's marriage to the former Queen Katherine was lawful and valid, and therefore I am still Your Majesty's loyal and legitimate daughter.
It is my fondest hope that we can soon be reconciled and that I may come to court to meet Queen Jane.
Your ever loving and obedient daughter, Princess Mary Tudor.
Henry could not believe it, she still refused to sign! He crumpled up the letter into a small ball and threw it across the room. Well there was only one thing to do now.
" Inform my daughter that the Queen and I will shortly be paying her a visit." He said curtly.
He was not happy. Not happy at all.