We shall never surrender.


His pride hurt.
He'd been too slow to react – too slow to catch on.
He'd been outwitted, Julian would admit that much, only because Jenny had been the one to outwit him.
He'd underestimated her again.
No. That wasn't it.
He'd underestimated the strength of her will joined with Mikael's.
Tom. Of all things.
He'd been right that it was a mere memory Mikael had sucked out of Jenny's mind.
Not a memory. A dream. A fantasy. Jenny's one dream come true – to have Prince Douche-bag defeat him. The image hadn't been real.
But the stave sure as hell was.
He should have known Mikael would go to extremes. He always did when he was backed into a corner.
Yet Julian couldn't have foreseen the move, never could have anticipated that Mikael would use Jenny to banish him into the Dark Realm – the Limbo between Niflheim and Midgar destined for troublesome Shadow Men. The rune stave through the chest was the quickest and most painful method of implementing the punishment.

Punishment. He didn't deserve to be scolded like this, like a mere child. Mikael would leave him here for a century – for longer – he was that merciless.
Given, he could still watch Jenny from the shadows. Follow her, stalk her – but he couldn't interact with her, couldn't even send a whisper to her. That's what was a pain in this realm. He was bound by it.
Watching Jenny wasn't going to cut it.
Waiting for Mikael wasn't an option either.
Julian was going to claw his way out of this abyss and seek revenge on that moron. Show him exactly what Julian was capable of – and he could do so fearlessly, with every vicious fibre and dark malice within his core.
He wouldn't kill him. No, something that isn't born can't die.
But he would pay.

Then he would hunt down Jenny...
...and take her.


...pfft, like I would actually kill off Julian (are you INSANE?)
Requests for a continuation, or another addition, with the characters involved in this fic will be considered. Suggestions/ plot bunnies are welcome too.
Otherwise, thank you for reading, and thank you for your lovely reviews ^_^