
I sat in front of my mirror admiring myself. I fluffed my perfect blonde hair then grinned showing off my pearly whites. I sighed happily; my weird Wisconsin roommate was out having lunch with Zora and I was free to gawk over myself without being stared at. Don't judge me, if you looked half as gorgeous as me than you wouldn't be able to keep your eyes of yourself either! Nothing could possibly ruin my Tawni time.

"God! You are so annoying! Do you ever shut up?" Sonny stood in the doorway and yelled to someone (most likely Chad) who was standing out in the hall. She slammed the door and sat on the couch in our dressing room. Her shirt was stained with blue ink which she was unsuccessfully trying to remove with a towel she found on the floor. Just as I was about to ask what was going on the door burst open. I turned around in my chair to see who else was causing a disruption of my peace.

It was none other than Chad Dylan Cooper. His blonde hair sitting perfectly atop his head ,just like mine ;I know what you're thinking and I know he's the enemy but you can't just let perfect hair like that go unnoticed!

"I wasn't done talking to you, you Chuckle City freak!" He was pointing at Sonny and it was then that I noticed that his usually perfect Mackenzie Falls school uniform was wrinkled and a cuff was torn off.

She got up from the couch clutching her now blue stained towel tightly in her hands.

"Stop calling it Chuckle City, the show is called So Random! and it's a million times better than your dramatic crap!"

Chad stuck his tongue out at her and she began hitting him with her towel. I sighed and rubbed my forehead; I looked in the mirror and noticed I was beginning to get stress lines on my face! This was not good, if I didn't get them out soon I'm going to end up looking like a prune before I'm 30! A few seconds later Zora walked in, I don't need this.

"These two morons are going to kill me; I'm going to hide in the vents until dinner." She walked off and disappeared into the hall. That girl was so weird.

Those two buffoons were still bickering and I couldn't take it anymore!

"Sonny, weren't you and Zora going out to lunch?" They finally stopped arguing to look at me.

"Yes, as a matter of fact we were. But on our way out this….this…." she pointed to Chad.

"This...this…" She tried to come up with a way to describe Chad.

"Magnificent hunk? Charming knight? Gorgeous being?" Chad interrupted. She glared at him.

"This arrogant fool spilled blue gunk all over my shirt!"

"Well I wouldn't have spilled it if she wasn't in my way, and look she attacked me!" He pointed to his torn cuff. "And anyways," he continued. "I think the shirt looks better that way!"

I said nothing. What he said was true, the shirt did look better with the stain on it.

"Well Richie Rich over here should watch where he's going! You don't own the hallway you know?" She yelled back at him and placed her hands on her hips.

"Well I was doing perfectly fine carrying the bottle of ink until you came along…it's all your fault!" He said.

"My fault! Well you can just-"

"Both of you can just shut up!" I exclaimed. I could feel my stress lines getting deeper and frowned.

"I don't care whose fault it is! I'm so sick and tired of hearing you guys bicker like brats!" I slumped in my chair and cherished the few seconds of silence that came after my outburst.

"This is supposed to be my own private Tawni time, not Sonny, Chad, Zora, and Tawni time! So I will bet you, Sonny Monroe, that you can't go one day without insulting Chad!"

Sonny looked at me with hatred in her eyes. She was mad because I knew that never won bets, but I didn't care I just needed them to shut up.

"And if you should fail to go one day without insulting Chad than you will carry all of my bags the next time I go shopping, and you can't complain about it!"

She groaned and Chad smirked. I glared at him.

"Do you, Sonny Monroe agree to the terms I have just explained to you?"

She sighed and pushed her bangs out of her face, "I guess," she mumbled.

"And I shall be your witness!" shouted Zora, we all looked up at the vent and wondered how long she had been listening.

"What do I get?" he asked.

"You, get nothing! But all three of you can leave now and give me back my peace!" Both of them left the room and Zora scampered away in the vents, probably to lock herself in that coffin in the prop room.

I rolled my eyes, finally I had peace and quiet.