Chapter 8: Invitation

Harry began his lessons with Katherine after returning from the New Year. Along with teaching him to block intrusions into his mind she taught a few lesser taught defensive spells and even helped him decide on what to teach the HA.

"All right Harry same as before and …Legimins!" Katherine shouted pointing her wand at the boy.

She saw a toddler being tortured by a bull dog. A fat boy chasing a skinny lad. Then Harry's sorting before she was stopped short by herself smirking with her arms crossed and wand held loosely.

Katherine came out of Harry's head giggling as always.

"What ever had you come up with that anyway?" she asked sitting herself up on her desk in her office.

It was early February and Katherine was about three and a half months pregnant.

Harry shrugged and sat in the chair in front of the desk.

"I don't know I just thought a crazy lioness would be good protection?" Harry stated.

"Crazy lioness eh? Michael's a bad influence on you," Katherine shook her head. She got off her desk and crossed around to sit in her chair. She took the black box out of her desk drawer and opened it putting it on the desk.

Harry took a few of the sweets out and slumped in his chair.

"You're doing very well Harry. Now I had a question," Katherine stated taking a ginger newt out of the box and putting her feet up on the desk.

"Yes?" Harry asked.

"This baby will come in the early summer. Now as you know Headmaster Corbin and I will marry in April during the week of Easter break…" Harry nodded his head.

"Also you know that you must stay at your Aunt and Uncle for at the very least two weeks time…"

"I wish I didn't," Harry sighed.

Katherine chuckled as she continued on.

"The headmaster and I will be taking our honeymoon at this time. After which case you can expect one or both of us to show up on your door step to spirit you away for the summer," Katherine finished.

"Back to Hogwarts again!?" Harry grinned, "Or some hotel?"

"Actually we're off to Professor Corbin's home. I hear he has a Quidditch pitch," Katherine replied.

"I suppose it wouldn't be too bad then," Harry teased.

"Cheeky little bugger aren't you," Katherine laughed.

"I've learned from a good teacher," Harry shrugged.

"All right Mr. Potter off you go back to the dorm. I have no more patience for you," Katherine stated standing. She gave him one of stern looks but the effect was lost in the sparkle in her eyes.

"Yes ma'am," Harry mock saluted as they headed to the door and exited.

Entering the common room they found it deserted but for Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Neville Longbottom.

"Bunch of little snoops waiting for the details on what you've learned I suppose Mr. Potter?" Katherine smirked.

"You could say that Professor," Harry laughed.

"Aunt Kate, Gran told me to give you this in her last letter," Neville replied holding up a piece of parchment.

"All right what does my niece have to say now?" Katherine sighed taking the slip. She opened it and read it over once before putting it back in her pocket.

"All right Neville I'll see to it. Thank you love you can go to bed," she nodded kissing the top of his head. Longbottom nodded and ran off to bed.

"You can't be serious!!!" Katherine shrilled as she busted into the headmaster's office.

"Um tell me what it is and I'll tell you if I'm serious," Corbin answered.

"Damien this is insane you can't allow her to question students about illicit activities! She'll use Verituserum for sure," Katherine cried throwing the parchment on his desk.

"That's why he asked me to brew an antidote and have it placed in the children's breakfast this morning. They'll be able to lie easily as long as they stay calm," Severus sneered coming out of the shadows.

"Oh I love you!!" Katherine squealed as she ran to the potions master and threw her arms around him kissing his cheek.

"Hey it was my idea," Damien pouted as he spun around in his chair.

"Oh I rally love you," Katherine replied ditching Severus as she straddled Damien and gave him a long passionate kiss.

"And on that note I'm leaving. No way do I want to see my future mother in law and future step father in law snogging," Severus stated making a hasty retreat.

A few of the headmaster's portraits agreed and left their frames.