Ashlynn's Point Of View

I cowered in fear, thinking that my superior was about to strike me. Again. It was always the same everyday; wake up, take a shower, go to a boring meeting, stand behind my superior, follow him everywhere he went, him occasionally getting a fuss in with Ulquiorra, the hottie that was called the fourth strongest Espada, then accidentally make my superior mad for some reason, then get slapped in the face. I had gotten used to Grimmjow Jagerjaque's schedule after a few days. I put my arm over my face, as to protect it. "Put your arm down, I'm not going to hit you. Now get up." I staggered up, clinging to the wall.

"That's a first." an evil smile grew across his face.

"What was that?" he took his hand and grabbed my head, bringing my face to his, leaving two inches between us, "You know I don't like it when people act like jackasses. You are my fraccion, so you will do as I say without any of that attitude." he let go of me, and I backed away a few feet.

"Yes sir. I'm sorry." he started to walk away from me.

"You may go to your room now. I don't feel like doing anything else today." he went into his room and slammed his door, leaving an echo in the halls and a ringing in my ear. I walked a few yards down the hall before turning the knob to the door of my room. I went to the king sized bed and sat down beside the dresser. I ran my fingers through my raven black hair, brushing my hand past my hollow mask fragment. It looked like a headband if you looked at it for the first time. I felt a breeze go through my hollow hole, placed at the base of my neck, but was covered by my uniform. It resembled Ulquiorra Cifer's heavily, but it showed my stomach.

There was a knock on my door, "Who is it?" the door opened, revealing a smiling Gin Ichimaru, "Haven't you ever heard of asking to come in first?" I laid back on the bed.

"Awe, you're cute when ya are mad Ashlynn. Aizen-sama wants ta see ya. Better hurry and see wha he wants." I groaned and rose from the bed, frowning as I left my room. Gin's smile never left his face as I was led to the thrown room. Gin opened the door for me and I walked into the large room. Aizen was perched on a stone thrown, and had his head resting on his palm.

"Ashlynn, it is good to see you. How is Grimmjow treating you?" I scoffed and out her hands on my hips.

"I don't know. I'll tell you when all the bruises on my arms and back go away." he chuckled and got up from his seat, then walked down the stairs to me. His cold, brown eyes met my deep purple ones.

"I'm sorry. I knew I should have let Ulquiorra taken you as his fraccion, but Grimmjow insisted that he needed you more than Ulquiorra." I rubbed my arm.

"Yeah, as a boxing tool. Now what do you want?" he put his hand on my shoulder, but I slapped it away.

"I want you to go to the World of the Living and scout out what all the soul reapers there are doing. I want a full report in two weeks or so. Do you think you could handle that?" I smiled.

"Two weeks without Grimmjow? Yes! I can definitely handle that! I'll pack immediately!" I ran to my room and took a suitcase from the closet, then packed it with all my clothes.

Ukitake's Point Of View

"Are you alright Captain? Do you need water?" I smiled weakly at Captain Unohana as she poured a small glass of water. My smile was interrupted by wet coughs of blood, which stained the bed sheets and my captain's haori. She wiped the blood from my chin and gave me the glass.

"Thank you Retsu." she stroked my hair.

"Anything for my best friend. I'll let you rest now. You need some sleep." she left the room, leaving me alone. I tried to sleep, but I kept tossing and turning, wondering about the mission Head Captain Yamamoto was sending me to do. Something about reinforcements to Captain Hitsugaya's team that was already there. I moaned when I looked at the clock that read three in the morning. I sat up and walked to the kitchen, running my fingers through my tangled, snow white hair, a reminder to me that I had tuberculosis. I took another bottle of water and went into the den, then sat down in my favorite black suede chair. I sat in silence as I drank the water. My eyes started to droop after I set the empty bottle on the table, and I finally fell asleep. The next morning, the gates were opened for me to go to the World of the Living. A Hell Butterfly emerged from the hallway, and it led me through. Minutes passed before I entered the crowded streets of Karakura Town, unseen by the humans that made the crowd.