"Strange wedding." Said one of Sandy's friends as they led Kuki back.
"Yeah, real strange wedding." His other friend agreed.
They stopped at the room where Kuki was supposed to enter. Kuki stopped Sandy's friend Jack and gave him a peck on the cheek. He automatically went extremely red and gave her a cheesy grin.
"What was that for?" He whispered, glancing to check that the others weren't watching.
"You've like a best friend to me the last few days, the only one I could talk to. I'll never see you again because I'm killing myself." Kuki replied honestly.
"That's nice isn't it?" Jack replied dreamily, before catching up with his friends. "She kissed me!"
Robin panted as he ran, this girl was starting to really freak him out. She was catching up with him, he could hear her heavy footsteps as she ran in his direction.
He ran downstairs into the kitchen and picked up a knife which was lying on the work surface.
When Abby ran into the kitchen she was greeted by a kitchen knife thrown into her stomach. She gasped in pain and leant against the wall as she heard Robin's evil laugh.
"I know you!" He said harshly. "You're that know-it-all brat who tried to battle me after I killed that sister of yours. Have you been chasing me your whole life only to fail now? I think that's the saddest thing I've ever heard. Perfect."
Abby glared back at him in pain. Her breath breaking up into short, sharp pants. She leaned against the wall, and slowly slid down it.
Kuki walked into the room and walked to the far end. She perched onto the seat at the dressing table and opened the drawer to reveal a small dagger. She picked it up and examined it for a second, then placed it on her heart and took in one final breath.
"You know." An Australian accent made her jump. "There aren't many perfect breasts around nowadays, it'd be a shame to wreck your cleavage like that."
Kuki turned around, on the bed laid Wally, who was staring back at her with a cocky grin.
"Wally!" She ran to the bed and dived next to him. Pulling him into a tight hug.
"Wally? Why won't you hold me?" She whispered to him.
"Gently." He grunted back.
"A time like this? All you can think to say is gently?" She squeezed tighter.
"Gently!" He whined as she touched a sensitive spot on his chest, where one of the suction pads had been.
"You're hurt!" She whispered in disbelief and gently traced where she had touched last to cause him so much pain.
"You're still trying to win aren't you?" Robin laughed harshly as Abby tried to regain her strength and stand back up.
Robin walked slowly towards her, pulling out his sword. "I hate to kill females, but I'd rather just put you out of your misery."
He thrust his sword forward, aiming for Abby's heart. She flicked her wrist to block his lunge. Slowly, she pressed up against the wall and stood herself up.
"Hello, my name is Abigail Lincoln. You killed my sister, prepare to die!" She whispered.
He backed away slowly. Abby followed at the same pace.
Abby was still weak, but her strength was increasing with dtermination.
"Hello, my name is Abigail Lincoln. You killed my sister, prepare to die!"
Robin decided that running was no good. It was now time to fight and get her over and done with. Abby read his mind and went for him with her sword, he blocked.
The swordfight went on for about five minutes and Abby's continuous speech was starting to freak Robin out even more.
"Hello, my name is Abigail Lincoln. You killed my sister, prepare to die!"
"Stop saying that!" He yelled.
"Hello, my name is Abigail Lincoln. You killed my sister, prepare to die!"
Robin lost control. Abby flicked away his sword and stood on it before he could reach it. He stood there with pride and dignity in his face.
"Where's your merry men to save you? Down the Friar Tuck shop?" Abby hissed.
"You may have grown older, so has that joke!" Robin spat back at her.
"You gonna' plead for your life or what?" Abby asked him in a casual tone.
"What do you want? Money?" Robin reasoned.
"You can have anything you ask for, just let me live!"
Abby leant in closer to him.
"I want my sister back you son of a bitch!" With that, she struck him hard in the chest. Blood gushed from his mouth and he fell to the floor in pain.
"And by the way…The tights really don't do much for your legs." Abby sneered, then ran off.
"Can you ever forgive me?" Kuki whispered, they were cuddled up on the bed. Wally could still not move. How he'd managed to make his way into her room and onto the bed was unknown to the both of them.
"For what?" Wally asked.
"Getting married, I didn't want to but…you didn't come, I didn't get much choice."
"Never happened." Wally stated.
"What?" Kuki looked up in confusion.
"You didn't get married." Wally repeated.
"I did, I was there at the church and the vica…"
"Did you say I do?"
"No, Sandy skipped that part."
"Then you're not legally married." Wally chuckled. "If you didn't say it you didn't do it? Don't you agree your royal highness?"
Wally said his last three words as if he were spitting venom. Kuki followed his gaze to the door and noticed that Sandy had just walked in.
"We'll talk about that later." Sandy sneered. "First. To the death."
"No! To the pain!" Wally hissed back.
"What?" Sandy shrugged arrogantly.
"I'll explain it and use small words so that even you can understand it. You rat faced dweeb."
"That has to be the first time somebody has ever insulted me!" Sandy stated, trying to speak calmly.
"Get used to it! To the pain means the first thing you lose will be your feet, below the ankles, then your hands at the wrists, next your nose…"
"And then my tongue? Come on I don't have time for this!" Sandy said, growing impatient.
"I wasn't finished…the next thing you lose will be your left eye, followed by your right…"
"And then my ears? Okay I get the hint!"
"Wrong! Your ears you keep, and I'll tell you why… so that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness will be yours to remember…every girl that cries at your approach, every woman who cries out, "Dear God, what is that thing?" will echo in your perfect ears. That is what "to the pain" means. It means I leave you in anguish, wallowing in freakish misery forever."
"You're bluffing!"
"It's possible, pig… I might be bluffing…it's definatly conceivable, you miserable vomitous mass, that I'm only lying here because I lack the strength to stand…then again, perhaps I have the strength after all…" Wally struggled as he attempted to move. Kuki helped him as he slowly stood up and raised his sword. "Drop your sword!"
Sandy did so, his eyes were wide from fear and his face was extremely pale.
"Have a seat!" Wally guestured to a chair. Sandy obliged obediently.
"Tie him up."
Abby ran into the room and glanced around the room.
"Where's Hoagie?" She asked.
"He was with you." Wally replied.
"Great, we've let him go out on his own!" Abby groaned. "Never let Hoagie from your sight! When you do he…"
Wally waved it off. "He'll be fine."
With that, Wally lost his strength and his legs collapsed.
"Help him!" Abby said to Kuki.
"Why does he need help."
"He's got no strength."
"I knew it! I knew you were bluffing! I knew he was bluffing." Sandy snapped, still tied to the chair. Abby raised her sword up to his neck.
"Want me to take care of him for you?" Abby asked.
"Na, whatever happens to us, I want him to live a long life alone with his cowardice." Wally replied.
"Abby! Abby where for art thou Abby?" Hoagies voice could be heard. They all went to the balcony to see him sitting on a horse, the others around him.
"See what happens when you leave him alone!" Abby hissed, making Kuki and Wally giggle.
"Look, I found four horses! What a lucky get away plan huh?" Hoagie yelled.
"Great Hoagie, we'll be right down!" Abby called back.
Wally held Kuki out of the window, she jumped and landed perfectly onto her horse.
"You know, it's weird…I've been so caught up in revenge, now that it's over, I don't know what to do with the rest of my life." Abby said to Wally before she jumped.
"Ever considered piracy? You'd make an awesome Stickybeard!" Wally replied.
Abby grinned and jumped, Wally soon followed and they rode away into the night. Out of Cleveland and into freedom. And as dawn arose, Wally and Kuki knew they were safe. A wave of love swept over them. And as they reached for each other...
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"What? Why'd you stop?" Wally asked.
"It's kissing again, you don't want to hear that!" Kuki shook her head and closed the book.
Wally looked at her and turned a shade of red.
"I don't mind so much now, you can carry on if you want."
Kuki grinned and opened the book again.
"Since the invention of the kiss, there have been five kisses that were rated the most passionate, the most pure. This one left them all behind. The end." She read aloud.
"I really have to go now, I promised mom I'd make dinner."
Wally watched her as she stood up.
"You'd better get some sleep anyway." She smiled sweetly and began to walk away. "Bye Wally."
"Kuki?" She turned to look at the short blonde in his bed.
"Erm, do you think you could…erm…you know, com back tomorrow and read somethin'"
Kuki gave a smile which made his heart increase ten times in rate.
"Ah Crud." She smirked.
The end
Well that's it, hope you enjoyed.
I've got another one in mind and should start it soon hopefully, so until then.
Please Review!!!