Ahh I'm sorry this update took so long! As I said, college just started recently for me again, so things are crazzzyyyyy! I actually have a paper to write tonight so I'm afraid I won't be able to respond to you guys like I normally do :(. that makes me sad because writing back to you guys is one of my favorite parts of being a fan fic writer! So THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone, and I'm sorry I don't have any personalized responses for you guys. But I'll make them twice as good next time, promise. Thanks for your patience, and for reading 3

Obi-Wan felt a surge of strength shoot through him, and he pushed himself into a standing position so he could see better. His had to be wrong; it could not possibly be Xanatos. But he knew it was true even as he tried to tell himself that it wasn't; his Master's former padawan was standing in front of him.

Obi-Wan looked around the room for anything he could defend himself with, but it was sparse, and he found nothing. He raised his trembling hands up in a defensive position, ready if Xanatos attacked him. For the first time in a long while, his senses were alert and he was poised for action, though he strangely sensed no danger from the older man.

Xanatos approached slowly, trying not to frighten the young man. "It's alright, Obi-Wan. I'm not going to hurt you."

"You died," Obi-Wan said suddenly, the look of suspicion on his face slipping into one of genuine confusion. "Five years ago, you died."

Xanatos' pale lips broke into a smile, and a hint of what he must have once been shone through in that moment. "I was reborn," he said almost grandiosely.

Obi-Wan did not smile back but held his gaze steadily, his eyes hard. "Do not try to use your charm on me, Xanatos, it won't work. I know who you are, and what you've done," Obi-Wan said coldly. His legs started to give out and he slipped slightly, but when he saw Xanatos move towards him, he straightened again in an act of defiance. He would not let Xanatos see him as weak.

Xanatos paused, holding his hands out imploringly. "I know you won't believe me when I say I only want to help you. I don't think I would believe it either if I were you. But I have changed; I'm not the man that you met all those years ago. I'm different; I've given up on my anger, my fear, and most of all my hatred. I don't want to suffer anymore, I can't." His ice blue eyes cut into Obi-Wan's sapphire ones, and though they showed only the truth, Obi-Wan knew how manipulative the dark-haired former Jedi could be.

"Those are pretty words Xanatos, but do not forget that I've seen the effect your words have on people. I will not be as easily deceived as the others before me." Obi-Wan's spoke harshly, and his eyes smoldered.

"I have given you no reason to trust me, I know," Xanatos sighed, "but you must, Obi-Wan." His voice was steady and though it showed no hint of desperation, his eyes were nearly pleading.

Obi-Wan lowered his arms, and this time his voice was softer. "How can I believe you? I saw what you did to my Master, and I saw how you killed people without a thought, all for your own gain. Qui-Gon suffered, Xanatos, he suffered every day because of you. For three years he would not let me into his heart completely because of what you did to him. How can I believe you?"

Xanatos just stared at the young Jedi, and for the first time in his life, he did not know what to say.

Qui-Gon Jinn struggled to control his emotions as he stood in front of the Jedi Council. His normally bright blue eyes flickered dimly over dark shadows that suggested his fatigue. Nevertheless, the proud Jedi stood tall and radiated a strength and determination that could not be overlooked.

"I felt Obi-Wan's presence, Masters, and I heard his voice in my head. I felt his pain as surely as I see you all standing before me now. He is alive, but he is injured and weak. I request permission to use one of the Temple's transports to search for him."

"This we have granted you before, Qui-Gon, with our sincere hope that young Kenobi would be located," said Mace Windu, a dark-skinned Jedi that was one of Qui-Gon's oldest friends. "Ever since we learned that Obi-Wan was taken off of Deirosa, we have had no trace of him. You have searched for weeks," he added quietly, the sympathy slightly evident in his voice.

"I will search for as long as I have to," Qui-Gon replied flatly, almost rudely.

"Alive your padawan may be, Qui-Gon, for felt his death I have not. But know where he is you do not. Searched many planets in vain you have," Yoda said, speaking up for the first time during the exchange. He blinked his sleepy eyes heavily, and looked at the Jedi Master curiously.

Qui-Gon brought his eyes to meet Yoda's wise gaze. "I will find him," he said defiantly, his voice strong with a renewed fire he had not been evident since Obi-Wan's capture.

"You must wait until the Force speaks to you again, it may give you more information," Plo Koon said logically as he shifted slightly in his seat.

Qui-Gon straightened his back until he was standing at his full height, which was imposing. "With due respect, my Masters, I will go whether the Council wishes it or not."

"The council does not wish for you to forget Obi-Wan, nor do we wish any further harm upon him. We only hope that you will be logical about this, Qui-Gon," Plo Koon argued.

"You want me to waste time thinking while I could be out looking for him. You do not understand what you are asking of me," Qui-Gon responded firmly, a note of defiance in his deep voice.

"We are asking only for your patience, Qui-Gon," Mace Windu said calmly. He hunched over and placed his elbows on his knees, and his chin in his hands. "You must rely on the Force to guide you. Behaving recklessly will do nothing but cause you to float around the galaxy once more, hoping for luck to help you."

Qui-Gon's hands curled up into fists, and when he spoke, his words were like iron. "Patience is not a luxury I have at this moment. I will not stay here another hour while my padawan is out there, injured and dying. Whether it is the will of the council or not, I am going." With that he gave a curt bow, and left the room with long strides, his long cloak billowing wistfully behind him.

"I am surprised by Master Jinn's rudeness," Plo Koon said disapprovingly as the door slid shut behind the Jedi Master.

"Surprised?" Mace Windu asked, with a small smile. "I did not expect him to act any other way."

"He is far too rash," Plo Koon argued, shaking his head in disapproval. "His efforts will yield him no results, and he will wander the galaxy lost."

"Reckless Qui-Gon may be, yes. But never lost will he be, if hope he holds," Yoda said wisely, as he stared unblinkingly at where Qui-Gon had stood moments earlier. "Know him well, I do, and search for as long as it takes, he will. Give up will he never, until find what he is looking for, he does."