Author's Note:

This story is rated T/M - Strong references to rape, drugs and violence.

Type of drabble - Angst

Name - 'Captive'

Disclaimer - I don't own any rights to Yu-Gi-Oh or the characters.

I'll keep this short and sweet. Apologies on the wait to hear from me, I imagine it has been a few years but I'm still alive, there's just a lot that has happened. This story was written ages ago, and now that I'm going through them all I thought I'd finish them up and upload them. This was vaguely inspired by a doujinshi I saw the cover of where Seto was stuck in a cell with Pegasus. My imagination took a dark turn and I decided to torture Seto. I would think after so long this isn't the sort of story you really would be interested in reading but I do have happier ones on the way, so please be patient and bear with me. Warning there is mentions of rape, drugs and violence if this isn't your scene then I suggest giving this one a miss. Oh by the way, I don't ship this what so ever, I love Pegasus though, he's such an interesting character. This is set when Kaiba and Mokuba lose their souls and are trapped whilst Yugi duels Pegasus to return their souls


Kaiba groans as he regains consciousness, immediately being assaulted by the cold air and damp smell enveloping the room, he shivers as he pulls on the handcuffs that are fastened to the wall which are digging into his wrists and beginning to mark with blood. Blinking as he opens his dull eyes he glances around the room he's been stuck in for a number of days, trying to move slightly he winces however when pain strikes him from his rear and stops attempting to move around at all.

The metal bar door opening with a squeak alerts him that his nightly visitor has arrived to torture him some more followed by his trusted man with what looked like another needle filled with a type of drug to knock the fight out of him once again.

"Ah Kaiba-boy, I see you are awake" Pegasus smiles as he enters the prison where his captive is.

"Enough Pegasus" Kaiba growls as he pulls on the handcuffs once more in an attempt to attack Pegasus which is nothing less than a useless effort as Pegasus laughs "once I get out of these cuffs I'll kill you."

"Now now Kaiba-boy, if you'd just behave I wouldn't have to use such drastic measures" Pegasus sighs as he takes the needle from the man who turns and walks out of the door leaving Pegasus with Kaiba who completely ignored the threat of death.

Kaiba's eyes widen slightly as Pegasus comes closer, he gulps which Pegasus notices and smirks.

"Get away from me!" Kaiba shouts angrily trying in vain to lean into the wall he's fastened to but Pegasus just keeps walking closer as if he's stalking his prey with a hungry look in his eye.

Shaking his head Pegasus leans down to Kaiba's eye level watching the CEO's eyes carefully as he takes a key from his pocket and unlocks the handcuffs holding Kaiba prisoner. Seeing his chance Kaiba begins to fight as Pegasus grabs for his arm. His legs are numb since he's been sat on the cold tiled floor unable to move his legs much.

Pegasus sighs before grabbing a fistful of Kaiba's brunet hair harshly, a cruel smile beginning to take over the happy smile as he whispers into the boys ear "If you don't stop I'll just have to bring Mokuba into our little game."

All colour drains from Kaiba's face at that as he glares all his hatred at the silver haired man kneeling over him. On the inside he is in complete panic about the situation, he couldn't risk letting this monster get a hold of his innocent little brother but he didn't know how much more he could take either.

Noticing that Kaiba has stilled his fighting pleases Pegasus as he holds the boys wrists in a fierce grip with one hand as he injects the drug into Kaiba's arm, watching his every reaction.

Unfortunately Kaiba never screams or cries, he just takes whatever Pegasus does to him although every now and again he'd make some kind of noise but it was never enough for him, he wanted to see the famous teen CEO crying and screaming, begging him to stop the pain.

As Kaiba's head drops forward, Pegasus fastens the handcuffs once again as he sheds Kaiba of the clothes he has left keeping his body warm. Lifting the teenagers head Pegasus notices with pleasure that Kaiba's normally ice cold blue eyes have glazed over, just how he likes them.

Kaiba lifts his heavy head as he feels the little material he has left being removed leaving him clad in nothing but his underwear and an unbuttoned shirt. Pegasus smiles as Kaiba looks at him without really seeing him.

The hazel eyes of Pegasus darken as he leans over the teen and steals his lips in a deep demanding kiss, the little fight Kaiba has left shows as he struggles as Pegasus devours his pale lips. Finding the effort to escape entertaining but also an annoyance Pegasus bites down on Kaiba's lip drawing blood. Licking the blood Pegasus pulls back slightly to glare into the dazed teens eyes in anger.

A shiver takes over his body as the boxers he is wearing are removed leaving him only in the white shirt. Kaiba's eyes widen as Pegasus grabs hold of him and starts to stroke up and down his length expertly rubbing his thumb over the slit, backwards and forwards.

Delight floods Pegasus as he feels Kaiba harden in his hand, a glance up shows the horror in Kaiba's eyes as it dawns on him what is happening to his body against his will.

"I knew you liked it" Pegasus laughes as he pumps the shaft faster, his eye never straying away from Kaiba's. The brunet clenches his fists as he struggles against the handcuffs.

Pegasus frowns, maybe he should have gone with a stronger drug, the brunet wasn't as docile as he would have liked, and he still had some fight left in him. A smirk replaces the frown as the thought 'not for long' momentarily passes through his mind.

Kaiba bites his lip as he grows closer to his ejaculation, if he'd been any weaker he'd be crying but he was Seto Kaiba and he wasn't going to let Pegasus win no matter what.

The fierce determination didn't go unnoticed by the silver haired man as he squeezes on Kaiba's manhood watching the brunet close his eyes from the pain, his teeth biting further into his lip to stop himself from crying out.

A tense of the limbs and a moment later has Kaiba's semen on Pegasus's hand. Kaiba pants as he comes down from his high, the mortification that someone had done that to him was too much.

Kaiba's mouth was dry but with some difficulty he got out some words "you've had your fun Pegasus, now let me go."

Pegasus grabs Kaiba's face with the hand that had just pleasured him leaving the semen on the brunets face as he pretends to think about letting the CEO go. Kaiba soon realises that Pegasus has no intention of letting him free.

Leaving his manhood Pegasus pins Kaiba's legs as he pinches his nipples through the shirt hard as he leans toward the brunet's neck and bites and licks the flesh there. The flushed face of the teenagers pleases Pegasus, he can feel the heat radiating from the brunet underneath him.

Pulling back Pegasus scowls and taunts "It's no fun if you don't make a sound Kaiba-boy."

"As if I'd give you the pleasure" Kaiba sneers.

Pegasus pulls back and slaps Kaiba across the face leaving a red mark on his cheek before unzipping his tight red pants and grabbing Kaiba's legs to lift them into the air.

The evil smile on Pegasus's face answers his question as Kaiba's body fills with dread, he wasn't stupid, he knew what was going to happen. It happened every night. He was used and abused just like how he used to be by his step father except now it was the duel monster creators hands.

Kaiba closes his eyes and grits his teeth at the inevitable pain, he knows all too well not to make a sound, it would only please his attacker more.

"No protest Kaiba-boy?" Pegasus questions with a smirk.

Once no answer is received he plunges into Kaiba, the force ripping the boys entrance as Pegasus's shaft sinks to the hilt, without warning Pegasus thrusts out before thrusting straight back in.

The pain is unimaginable and Kaiba feels his eyes begin to water behind his closed eyelids, he can feel the blood streaking down his leg as Pegasus thrusts faster inside him. The shame and humiliation eats at him inside but he's glad that Pegasus hasn't involved his brother. He never wanted his younger brother to go through anything like what he was being subjected to. If this was the price for his protection then he'd have to endure it.

"You should really pay attention Seto, you look a picture" Pegasus doesn't give Kaiba a chance to speak as he delves his tongue into the brunets mouth, tasting every crevice of the teenagers.

Kaiba can feel the bile at the back of his throat as he's assaulted, being kissed was personal and he had hoped he wouldn't have had to experience that as well. The pain was excruciating and he just wanted it to be over. He wanted to be left alone, what had he done to deserve this?

"This will end quicker if you make a sound" Pegasus reminds Kaiba as he pounds into the him more and more, nearing his climax.

Kaiba shudders as Pegasus tweaks his erect nipples, before biting them turning them a rosy red colour. This humiliation had to stop but he couldn't bring himself to shout Pegasus's name, he couldn't begin to enjoy what was happening to him.

He thinks back to the days he's spent at school, normal boring days. Pictures of the geek squad come to mind, Yugi the boy he had beaten even though he had cheated, the cheerleader who was always there, the boy with the fin on his head that he classed as hair and the loud mouthed mutt Jounouchi.

Kaiba smiles as he remembers the second rate duellist challenging him to a duel, his temper flying as he referred to him as a no good mongrel. The determined blond he'd used as a guinea pig to test his new duel disk. The stupid mutt who'd been so happy when he'd destroyed one of his monsters. The loud happy go lucky blond he loved to tease, Katsuya Jounouchi.

A slap to the face brings him out of his daydreams and back to the horror that is happening in the cell he is locked in.

"Who were you thinking of?" Pegasus sneers "so much so that it made you hard?"

Kaiba blinks as he only just notices that he is in fact erect, all because he had thought of the dog.

"Maybe we should invite them to join us?" with that said Pegasus thrusts hard as his semen spills into Kaiba, some of the white liquid joining the dried up blood on the brunets leg.

"You won't touch him" Kaiba growls, nobody would dirty that light that the mutt had.

"Oh hoh? Kaiba-boy how are you going to stop me. If you hadn't noticed you are locked in here with no way of escape. I wonder if little Yugi would want to join in? Or maybe that cute blond, his screams would be entertaining, what do you think Kaiba-boy?"

"I will kill you" Kaiba glares, his body completely aching and painful, the wetness leaking down his legs uncomfortable.

Pegasus laughs as he picks himself up and zips up his trousers "we'll see" before unlocking the handcuffs so Kaiba can move around the prison for a while.

Opening the door to the cell Pegasus says "I'll see you tomorrow night Kaiba-boy" and leaves Kaiba to his misery, his laughter can be heard down he corridor.

When he can no longer hear Pegasus and the little light he had was gone, a couple of tears fall from his broken eyes, as he rubs his sore wrists. He slowly picks himself up on wobbly and unstable legs as he struggles to walk around the small room he's trapped in.

He had no idea what day it was anymore or what time it was, the days just blended into each other and he couldn't see a sign of escape. He couldn't remember how he even came to the situation he had found himself in. The last he knew he was duelling Pegasus and he had lost and then the next thing he knew he was locked in this dark, damp and cold cell being tortured body and soul.

Sitting down against the wall he puts his head in his lap as he thinks of his little brother and how scared he must be wherever he was in the castle. He only had wanted to protect him and he couldn't even do that, what kind of useless big brother was he? Mokuba was his world and he wanted to keep him safe.

Wiping the dried up tears from his cold cheeks, he wipes at the blood and the semen on his legs, since he had nothing to use as a cloth he could only use his hand. The feel of the semen has him gagging, the memory of what had just happened was too much and he hurries o the corner where the lone toilet was to chuck up whatever was in his stomach which wasn't much since he couldn't remember the last time he'd eaten.

He felt useless and helpless, stuck in the small room. Nobody came to the cell but Pegasus and occasionally his servant so he couldn't threaten anyone to allow his escape. The only ones he could count on and he hated to think it was the geek squad, the last people he ever wanted to count on.

His eyes felt heavy and all he wanted to do was sleep, so as uncomfortable and in pain as he was he closes his eyes and falls into a dreamless sleep.

On the other side of the castle the group cheer as Yugi makes the finishing blow to Pegasus's duel monster taking the remainder of his life points. Pegasus staggers back as he's hit with the last attack.

"Return Mokuba and Kaiba, Pegasus" Yami demands as he places his cards away.

"As you wish Yugi-boy" with that said Pegasus hands over the cards with Mokuba and Kaiba on before fleeing from the room. His last thought 'Don't expect them ever to be the same'

"Congratulations Yug" Jounouchi cheers as he joined his tri coloured haired friend."

"Mr Pegasus had freed your friends and left the prize money to Mr Jounouchi"

With that said Pegasus's security guard turns around and leaves the group cheering in happiness.

"We should go guys" Anzu says as she pats Jounouchi and Yugi on the back.

"Where's Bakura?" Jounouchi questions looking around.

Honda scratches his head "I'm sure he'll turn up.

Rushing out of the castle they bump into Mokuba Kaiba who is looking worried "have you seen my brother?"

"Pegasus has freed him so he should be around" Yugi replies, as he looks around for the elder Kaiba.

Before anything else can be said the doors open and Kaiba emerges walking stiffly down the stairs, Mokuba runs up to the brunet and hugs him who welcomes the hug from his little brother.

Jounouchi warmly smiles at first at the brotherly affection but a deep frown takes over as he notices the marks on Kaiba's wrists as he wraps his arms around his brother before pulling the sleeves down on his trench coat as if just remembering they are there.

Joining the group Kaiba makes a polite nod to them all before walking past them in the direction of his helicopter closely followed by a happy Mokuba.

He stops however as Jounouchi runs up to him noticing straight away when Kaiba winces when he grabs hold of the brunets wrist "you owe me another duel."

Kaiba forces a smirk "mutt you'll never win so just give up" but a frown takes over when Jounouchi doesn't rise to the bait but instead just replies calmly with "I'll show you I can beat you"

Shaking his head Kaiba turns "give it your best shot mutt" climbs into the helicopter with Mokuba in tow and sets off back to his mansion.

"That was weird Jou, you didn't get angry at him calling you a dog" Yugi questions as soon as Jounouchi joins the group again.

Jounouchi shrugs "it's been a long day, I didn't see the point."

They look at each other with confused expressions before they talk about what they'll do when they get back to Domino.

Jounouchi is unaware of the conversation as he wonders with a frown 'what were those marks on Kaiba's wrists and why were they there?'

On the helicopter Mokuba happily talks about anything and everything but Kaiba is too busy being distracted by what had happened in the castle to listen to his younger brother talk.

The cell door opened and Kaiba blearily opened his eyes, it couldn't be night already could it?

"Looks like I've lost Kaiba-boy" Pegasus stands staring at him lying on the ground before tossing him the clothes he'd stolen.

As quick as he can he gets up from the floor ignoring the searing pain coming from his rectum and dresses in the clothes, feeling relieved to be covered again, his shivering body beginning to have some warmth returned.

Once dressed Kaiba walks up to Pegasus and punches him square in the face, making sure to knee him where it hurts as well, hard.

Kaiba pushed passed the man who is holding his privates in pain as he makes his way out of the cell but his sore wrist is caught and he once again is forced into a kiss, the tongue invading his mouth.

"I'll be seeing you soon Kaiba-boy." Pegasus smiled when he pulls away though the pain he's in is evident since he's not standing up properly.

Kaiba takes this opportunity to punch him in the nose, leaving Pegasus whimpering over his bloody nose as the brunet strided past the man on the floor rubbing his lips to rid himself of the kiss.

He stops however and turns to Pegasus "come near me again I dare you, and I'll have you killed" with that said he turns and with a swish of his trench coat he leaves Pegasus.

"I look forward to it Seto."