This was it, what it all came down to. But he couldn't do it. He looked at the little red headed girl lying down on the cold stone floor of the Secret Chamber. He lifted his wand to cast the spell to take the life out of her to make him completely alive.

"Wait! Please, Tom. Wait!" he turned to the shadows where the voice had come from and saw an older version of Ginny. "Ginny?" "Yes. Please don't do this, Tom. I know you and I know that you could do so much. Eventually you might come back. But, please, don't take the life out of me. If you care at all for me, you won't do it."

But Tom Riddle cares for no one, right? Here he was questioning himself when he could defeat the small little girl in front of him and become alive again. Ginny watched him, twisting something on a chain around her neck. Tom asked "What's that?" "A time turner. It's how I'm here talking to you at sixteen when I'm also lying there at eleven. Please, don't." she begged gesturing toward her eleven year old self.

Tom looked at her then slowly lowered his wand. Ginny took a few steps toward him but stopped when she saw his wand was still in his hand. He saw her looking at his wand and put it in his pocket. He stepped closer to her. "Why are you really here?" he asked her. "Because, I missed you." She said. Tom reached out and cupped her cheek in his hand. His touch was soft and comforting.

They heard footsteps start echoing around the chamber. Ginny stood on her tiptoes and her lips connected with Toms. When they finally broke apart Ginny whispered "Do you love me, Tom?" He glanced around. She turned his face back to hers. "Tom?" "Yes, I do love you, Ginny." They kissed quickly and Ginny backed away whispering in a warning voice "Goodbye, Tom. Be careful. And, please, don't." She looked at her younger self, then pulled out the tiny hourglass on a chain and disappeared into the air.

Tom lifted his hand to touch his lips. "I love you, Ginny. Goodbye." He turned and saw Harry Potter next to Ginny's little body. Tom would protect it from danger and that meant keeping it away from Potter. He stepped out and said "She won't wake…"