Spyro- The Colliding Worlds

Written By: Dairu123

Chapter ten:

All everyone could really do was stare at the fallen rubble of the temple, but their attention was quickly redirected by the quiet sobs of Cyril; he was laying, sprawled out over Ignitus's body. Cyril was too disheartened from the loss of his lover, he didn't notice the faint breath that lingered throughout Ingitus's chest. Dairu stepped closer, placing his ear next to Igitusus's mouth, "He's alive!"

Most didn't react, unsure of what to do, but Garjist rushed forward, staff in hand, placing his ear to Igitusus's chest. Cynthia made her approach, sitting next to Garjist, "Daddy... can you help him?"

"I believe I have just the spell, but..." Garjist frowned, not really sure if he should even mention the spell, "It's of dark magic..."

"Isn't dark magic forbidden?" asked Dairu.

Dairu remembered reading many books, that had stated that Dark Magic was forbidden. He never studied too much into the prospect of magic, mainly since it took another wizard to unlock the magic pathways in another individual. Hence, the reason why you had to become an apprentice to become a sorcerer.

"Dark Magic is forbidden, only because it requires sacrifice in order to perform. I have a spell that will undoe the evil of The Dark Master's attack upon him, but... I would need something to counter act the evil that was placed. Perhaps, if he had a lover, he could sacrifice something for him."

Cyril's sobs turned into sniffles, removing himself from Ignitus and stepping forward, "Tell me what I need to sacrifice..."

Everyone blinked in utter confusion at Cyril. Terrador probably was the most shocked, since he had noticed Cyril had been acting funny, now he knew why. The homophobic ice dragon, that thought he was better than everyone else; had broken one of his own disgusts. Becoming a mate to the same gender. This sure as hell wasn't a time to make fun, Ignitus was dying, what could be more serious than a friend; let alone a lover dying.

Garjist sighed, looking to the large ice dragon, "I would need half of your heart, as long as your love is strong enough; it will keep the both of you alive. If you should ever stop loving him, both of you would die. Furthermore, if either of you should become injured, both of you will gain those injuries; granted those injuries will be cut in half and shared by the two of you. Do you understand?"

Cyril wiped the tears from his eyes, nodding; turning to look at his fallen lover, "I do, I will literally give him my heart, just as I have already done with my love for him..."

Garjist nodded, only seriousness plastered on his face. He turned to his daughter; Cynthia, "I will need your help, it takes two sorcerers to make this work..."

"Yes daddy..." Cynthia obeyed, taking her place in front of Ignitus's head.

Garjist done the same, except in front of Cyril. Cyril lowered his muzzle as Garjist placed either of his paws on the ice dragon's cheeks. Cynthia done her best to follow her fathers lead, as he began the chant, "Hinkana, ronin, Korinough Dough!"

Right at both Ignitus's and Cyril's breastplates, a faint glow could be seen. A small ethereal beam could be seen connecting the two. Desperate tears fell from Cyril's eyes as he whispered, "I love you Ignitus, please don't leave me..."

Garjist heard his words, but ignored them, after several versus of the spell. All fell silent and all turned their attention to Ignitus. Cyril seemed to be the most anxious as he ran in front of Ignitus, pulling the red dragon's head into his lap. A small grunt expelled from Ignitus before his eyes slowly blinked open.

"Ignitus! You're alive!" Cyril happily stated, hugging his lovers head.

"Cy... Cyril..." muffled Ignitus.

Cyril pulled back, smiling at him, "Yes my love?"

"You were smothering me..."

Everyone busted out laughing, not really caring about the temple anymore. Ignitus was alive, saddness still lurched in their hearts for the fallen leader of the wolf tribe; Miskio. However, They knew everyone dies at some point and Miskio had managed to save a young pup with his death. Cynthia watched Cyril nuzzle Ignitus's muzzle affectionately, as she stepped up to Dairu to do the same, "I love you Dairu."

"I love you too, you big red dino!" Leia giggled as she wrapped her arms around both Cynthia and Dairu.

Sasha hadn't let go of Volteer the entire time, nuzzling her nose into his yellow neck. Everyone froze as Ignitus pushed himself to his feet. Cyril had his claws wrapped around Ignitus's upper arm, protectively as Ignitus began to speak, "The temple is gone, and the Dark Master is dead. I think it's about time the the Dragon city becomes populated by their rightful owners once again. Hope greatly filled the large group as the leader of the Manweersmalls; Mole-Yair stepped forward, "We the Manweersmalls, will gladly help restore the city."

Liking the sound of a chance to help the dragons, the leader of the Atlawa; Kane, also stepped forth, "Aii' We will help too, Let our spears, protect the dragons that once protected us!"

Ignitus nodded, taking leadership for the ongoing task, "Cyril and I, will tend to the Dragon city. As for Terrador and Volteer, you both should tend to restoring the Temple, As the land returns to it's natural peaceful state, We will need a place for eggs to be hatched." Ignitus couldn't help his blush as he added, "Especially with all the mating that has been happening."

Everyone seemed to have their own blush when he said that. It didn't take long for them to shake it off and the guardians took off; followed by the Atlawa, and Manweersmalls. All was left was Dairu and his misfit family.

Leia giggled as she kissed Dairu's cheek, "So, I guess you are the leader of the wolf clan now!"

Dairu blushed when he spoke, "I don't know..."

"Hey, I was second in command if you turned down the position and you are my mate, which means, you are either in charge, or mated to the fur that IS in charge."

"Guess, I don't have a choice then." Dairu chuckled, before kissing Leia's lips.

Cynthia pouted as she made a fake fit, "And where is my kiss?"

The kiss was broke, Dairu and Leia grinned knowingly to one another before both tackled Cynthia to the ground, a kiss being placed to either cheek.

So now with The Dark Master dead, the Dragon city and Temple being rebuilt. Everyone seemed happy for the moment. Every parallel world would slowly calm, not having to be imprisoned or feel the wrath of the devious purple dragon. In the end, Dairu fused the wolf clan along with the Wyvern clan and took charge of both. Forming the largest mail carriers of any parallel world. Cynthia had an egg possesively in her care; Leia being a different specie had Cynthia have a second one all for her self.

Volteer had the temple rebuilt in a matter of months, long before any dragon could have their eggs. Even Sasha having one of her own by Volteer's seed. Cynder had an egg by Spyro, in which was an odd color, being told that the egg would come out possibly a new breed of dragon. Since, Cynder had the four elements of chaos, and Spyro was of course the purple dragon that had the four elements, fire, water, earth, and lightning.

In a far away land:

A purple egg is washed up onto an empty beach. A sea gull landing on it, to expect it for food. As the sea gull places its beak on the sphere, a jolt of dark energy engulfs the bird; hatching the egg with a large explosion. A sinister laugh could be heard as the skies become gray, "Hhhhaaahhahaha, Next time Spyro... NEXT TIME!"

Author's notes;

Dairu: I had totally forgotten I hadn't finished this story, but hopefully this was an okay and suitable ending. From rereading this story, I was actually a little appalled by my grammar from back then. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed Spyro- The Colliding Worlds