Catherine: hello people of the world!!!!!!! This is my new fic (god, how many am I writing?!?!)
Katya: a hundred of them?
Catherine: AHHHH!! What are you doing here???? O.O
Katya: well I assumed you are going to need me…
Catherine: well you assumed wrong!!!!! :[
Katya: aww shut it! Just tell your readers what they will need to know about this.
Catherine: okay okay…… So and yeah. In this fic, two years have passed since Ultimecia's defeat. Everything is back to normal, until a new girl arrives Garden…
Anyway, I intent to make Zell look more mature (a LOT MORE!) than he was! Like, he matured during the game, and after all these years. Obviously, he may look and sound a little OOC to all of you, but remember, this is AFTER the game and Zell MATURED!!!! Therefore, he will look and behave older and (probably) wiser. ;D SO YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!
The game will start in February, so it will be close to Zell's birthday (any of you know when is it? You get a cookie if your answer is right ;D) . Zell will be 19, almost 20 (do the math to the others), and Sapphire will be 17. There will be more OC's to appearing like in three or four chapters ahead. So you've been warned!!! I expect as usual, reviews and feedback! SO HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!!!!!!
Katya: bloody hell! You know how to yell really loud!
Catherine: (grins) that I do…. The disclaimer…
Disclaimer: Nope, I don't own any Final Fantasy, names, places or characters. Just the plot and my OC's.
Chapter I
His footsteps could be heard for all of Garden. Most of the students were in class, and the ones that weren't, would probably be in the Training Center or Library. Squall had called him to his office, saying that it was something important. And so, Zell, who hadn't any other option, had to go.
His class that day would only be in the afternoon, which he was glad. Zell liked to wake up earlier and do some exercise, not stay in a classroom for two hours, lecturing teenage kids in their puberty.
As he waited for the elevator to come, he looked at his image reflected in the glass. He had cut that fringe that everyone said it looked like a chickens, or chocobos, tail. So he had cut it, and ha let the hair grow a little. But just a little, slightly reaching his shoulders. The tattoo remained there and he changed the clothes. The blue Bermudas and the red and black jacket vanished as well. Now, his garment was composed by shorts, black t-shirt, and a dark blue jacket that covered all of his chest and back. Right now, the jacket was in his shoulder, his hand grabbing the collar.
Zell Dintch had changed. He had clearly changed into a mature man. During their journey to defeat Ultimecia and the two years that passed, Zell had changed from a loud person, to a calmer one. He was still the informant and the 'encyclopedia' (like the others called him) to them. Therefore, Zell decided to take a chance at instructing.
The elevator let out an audible "DING" when it arrived at the 1st floor, and Zell entered.
She stopped in front of the majestic building that stood majestically in front of her. People had told her that Balamb Garden had once moved, but looking at it, she couldn't stop but wonder how on earth could that thing move.
The sun hit the Garden, making the wonderful colors look more vivid and brilliant. The bell sounded in the academy, and she wondered, not for the first time, how on earth she was going to find her way around that huge place…
"What do you think, Fenrir?" she asked her loyal partner.
Fenrir, a pure white Torama, stood proud and beautiful at her side, reaching her waist. It's not like she was really small, it's the fact that Fenrir was big! His blue eyes looked around, analyzing every detail, every person, and every leaf of the trees. He finally looked at her and purred, making the girl smile.
"Yeah I like it too. Come on, let's check it out!"
She walked into the Garden, glad that the man at the entrance was sleeping. Fenrir was a domestic monster, but people would always barrel his way. The inside was as beautiful as the outside, the water giving a clean and refreshing feeling. She noticed the elevator and the hallways above her head. Fenrir let out a small growl, remembering her that she had to get going. She patted his head and arranged the backpack in her shoulder as she picked the folded paper.
Okay let's see… Headmaster Cid's office is in the 3rd floor….
Her gaze went to the elevator and she shudders. She hated elevators! It was the most horrified thing she had ever gone to before. Fenrir grabbed her sleeve with his teeth, hurrying her to continue her way. Sighing the girl gave up and at extreme slow pace, went towards the elevator.
"Ah Zell, glad you're here."
The headmaster cheerful voice made Zell slightly flinch. The headmaster happy mood didn't generally meant good thing.
"You called Squall?"
The commander hadn't changed through those years, perhaps maybe the frown that had vanished. Right now, he stood close to the head's desk, calm and impassive.
"We have a - mission if you want to call it - for you Zell."
The cold voice had also vanished, replaced by a warmer one.
"Mission?" Zell asked, bewildered. They hadn't given him a mission for months. Things were too calm for SeeDs nowadays.
"Well, more of an assignment." Cid clarified, grabbing a folder. "Month ago, a Galbadian famous and rich noble presented us with an unusual and interesting offer." The headmaster smiled slightly, giving Zell the folder. "He said it was his, and his daughter wish to learn the SeeD's way. The girl already has military training, given from her father. But now, she wishes to become a SeeD and the father said that it would do her good."
"Since when do we accept people just like that?" Zell asked, suspicious.
"The girl has already the basic training Zell." Squall clarified. "We sent two SeeDs last week to examine her. Physically, mentally and medically. Everything was fine - almost perfect."
There was some information lacking there in Zell's opinion. If the girl had received the basic military training, that meant she was older than probably the usual accepting age at Balamb. And the headmaster said the man had 'offered'…
"So what's the catch?!" he asked. "You're just accepting her like that? How old she is anyway?"
"She's seventeen Zell." Squall said. "The father even paid us for us to accept her."
"So it's all about the money!?" Zell shouted, not believing it. They were accepting some daddy's girl who suddenly wanted to become a SeeD just because of the money?! "Did you forget the true meaning of SeeD Squall?"
"I didn't Zell," Squall said, crossing his arms. "and it's not about the money Zell. She's just good."
Zell finally opened the folder headmaster had given him before, and found an usual cadet profile in there. The girl's name was «Saphire von Kaiser» daughter of «Herzog von Kaiser», seventeen years old, specialized in hand-to-hand combat and guns. 5'5 1/2" of height… there was some more medical information that Zell passed. The only thing that caught his attention was the picture in the left up corner that showed him a teenager with hazel eyes and dark brown hair smiling at him.
"She's just a daddy girl's…" he muttered, handing the folder back to Squall. "And I can' still understand why you called me…."
"You're going to be her personal instructor." The headmaster replied, smiling at the blond.
She had just arrived at the third floor, keeping her mouth closed the entire journey of the elevator. Fenrir had emitted sounds that, if he were human, would have been called grumbled.
The elevator let out a loud 'Ding', signifying that they had arrived. The girl got out from there, her hazel eyes scanning the fancy reception place. There was a desk filled with paper and a computer and three doors. The one that caught her attention was the one at center, the huge mahogany doors who clearly told her that that was the headmaster's office.
She approached it, and knocked.
The loud voice made jump in surprise and back away from the door.
"I won't be her personal instructor!" the voice yelled again and the girl heard the footsteps coming closer to the door. "No fucking way!"
The girl didn't have even time to get away in time, when the door suddenly burst opened and a blond boy stormed out of the room, bumping into the teenager brunette on the way, making her fall on her behind. Fenrir growled at the young man, but Zell didn't even acknowledged the brunette and neither the Torama on his way out, only stopping inside the elevator, and almost smashing the 'Down' button.
The brunette rubbed her behind with a grimace face, when suddenly a young man got out from the room, looking calmer than the one before.
"What are you doing here?" he asked and the girl stood to her feet.
"I'm Sapphire von Kaiser and I'm…"
"Glad you are here. Come in." he interrupted and entered the office again.
Sapphire exchanged a look with Fenrir before entering the headmaster's office and gazed at it. The office was well decorated, and the glass of the window occupied not only the wall behind the desk of the headmaster but also the ceiling. Sapphire stared at it with amazement before a cough interrupted her.
"Glad you are happy my girl." A man in his forties with brown hair, blue eyes and glasses, and seated in a chair behind the desk, said, smiling at her. "I'm the Headmaster Cid of Balamb Garden. And you must be Sapphire."
"Yes sir!" the girl greeted like her father told her to, under the analyzing glare of the brunet with blue eyes. "I'm Sapphire von Kaiser."
"Well, we already receiver your things and…" the headmaster look fell upon the white Torama. "Well, what do we have here?"
Fenrir stood proud and beautiful at his mistress side, his blue eyes calm and pacific, while Sapphire gently rubbed the spot behind his ears.
"Well, he's my partner sir. His name is Fenrir." she asked, feeling somewhat awkward by the fact that maybe Fenrir wouldn't be so allowed in there.
"Your partner?" Squall asked, raising his eyebrow. "Since when are Torama's partners? And since when they are white instead of orange?"
"Well sir," Sapphire started, looking from one man to the other. "Fenrir is a rare specimen of the Torama's that daddy gave me when he was little, ten years ago. We have been together ever since and he's a great partner!"
The two men just stared at the girl and the white Torama.
"You wouldn't let me have him together with me in this place?" she asked, her hand grabbing Fenrir's fur, feeling nervous. The white Torama was also nervous about leaving his mistress.
Squall and Cid exchanged a look before looking back at the duo.
"If he's trained as you say he is, then I guess we will let him stay. But-" he said louder, seeing the girl and the Tomara ready to jump in happiness. "-he's staying in one condition. At the minor mistake, he's out. The same goes for your, young girl. One slight mistake and you're out." he remembered Zell's words. "This is no playground and no one is going to favor you just because you're the daughter of a rich man. You'll be treated as any other cadet in here."
The girl frowned, annoyed.
"And I wouldn't want it any other way. I thought my dad had told you that." she raised her head, in a proud way. "I'm Sapphire, no more, no less. I don't want to be treated like a rich daddy's girl." Squall almost chuckled at her choice of words. "I'm a normal person, just like everybody else. If I wanted special treatment, I wouldn't surely be here."
The headmaster and the commander looked at the duo in front of them. The girl surely had an attitude, an enormous pride, humbleness, and the Torama next to her was just like her own reflection, although Squall was sure that the Torama would be quicker in hurting someone than she was. And then, probably not.
"You two will stay, and do not worry Miss Kaiser," the girl sent at the headmaster a cold look, and Cid quickly changed the addressing. "Miss Sapphire. You will be treated as any other normal children. Although you'll see we do not have any normal in the true meaning of the word." The headmaster chuckled and reached for something in one of his desks drawers. "Here is your schedule and cadet card that has your ID number and your dorm number. It's all online in here." he smiled again. "You will also find inside your room your bags and two cadet's uniform. There's also a book with the rules here at Garden and everything you may have doubts about. If it hasn't, just ask a fellow cadet or SeeD, or go to the computer, and you'll be fine." he looked at her over his glasses. "In here you'll have to learn to live and manage on your own, Miss Sapphire. Don't forget that." he smiled again and straightened in his chair. "Your father has great expectations in you my girl…." the girl just nodded, and his smile grew bigger. "Well I guess that's all. Dismissed."
"Roger sir!" she said, saluting him in military way, rather in the SeeD way, and turned to leave.
"Oh, Miss Sapphire?" the headmaster called when she grabbed the doorknob. "You'll have a personal instructor… call him tutor if you want… to assist you in everything and to be the one who will help you in this start phase. He may also give you extra work if he pleases. It's all for your own good."
The girl nodded her understanding and agreement.
"His name is Zell Dintch." Squall said, impassive. "Expect a little… hostility from him. Nothing too much, just the normal."
The girl nodded and left, leaving the two men behind, who were trying hard to hold their laughs.
"Zell will be pissed." Squall said, a smile threatening to appear in his face.
"It will do him just good."
A/N okay done. So what do you guys think???????? Huh? HUH??? I CAN'T HEAR YOU, SO LEAVE A REVIEW!!!!!!!!! ;D
The reason why Zell is acting this way will be explored later in the next chapter and the others that will follow. ;D so review PU-LEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I based Zell's shorts in the wolf pack of the movie/film "New Moon" (yeah, I'm a Twilight half-nerd so bare with me xD) . If any of you had already seen the wolf pack posters (where there's four half-naked cute young men xP), will noticed the shorts they wear. That's exactly the kind that I was thinking.
So I didn't had any ideas for the chapter title. However, if any of you has, then tell me ;D
READ AND REVIEW because reviews makes me happy, and me happy makes more chapters. :D
Katherine the Black Rose