Chapter 1- Adjusting

A/N - Just a little thought I had and I decided to write it down, first chapters are always kind of vague but if people want more please review and I'll get on chapter 2! I won't continue if people don't like it so please review.

Disclaimer- Don't own Bleach, but I do own that red cup.

Renji hissed as the bitter, stringent liquid made its way down his throat. Coughing slightly he placed another two sugar cubes into the red mug he was grasping and took another tentative sip.

As the coffee received yet another two cubes of sweetness and yet another tentative sip, Renji sighed in contentment. The coffee had reached the perfect taste, Ichigo said it tasted like hot sugar water but what does that orange-haired bastard know?

Renji had been thinking about the same thing the entire day, his new school. He didn't want to go but he couldn't stay in Sereite forever and besides Rukia went to this new school.

Draining the remainder of the liquid that he hated and loved at the same time, Renji rose heavily from his tattered and frayed green chair before making his way to his bedroom and dropping the cup into an unmarked cardboard box on the way there.

Tatsuki took her frustrations out on the poor soccer ball that lay undefended at her feet, launching it into the air she didn't even bother to look where it went. Turning around and shoving one of her hands roughly into her pockets, she caressed the locket which lay at the bottom of it's denim prison.

Using the other hand she ran it through her unruly short hair and winced when she remembered what she was supposed to be doing, packing.

Firing off an insane number of curses she began to throw her belongings into the many cardboard boxes that littered her bedroom floor. Picking up a photo frame she ran her calloused finger tips over the glass covered faces and grew angry when they started to blur right in front of her eyes. Pulling the tear stained frame off the photo she gently folded it and locked in the denim prison to join its cellmate, the ornate silver locket.

Later that day Tatsuki sighed as the chauffer driving car made its way through the gates of the Karakura Boarding School, weaving its expensive way along the outskirts of the prestigious school. Getting out of the car she was greeted with a cold shoulder, literally. Putting on her best scowl she pulled the wrist of the annoying and exceedingly stupid red head turning him to face her so she could kick his ass. Her anger turned into immediate surprise as she studied the boy in front of her and marvelled at his appearance.

The boy was extremely tall and covered from what she could see in trial looking tattoos, he even had tattoos for eyebrows for god sake. Just as she was ogling his bright red, scarlet hair he snatched his wrist away and muttered a disgusted sorry leaving a bewildered Tatsuki in his wake. Getting over her shock she snatched her luggage from the bewildered and stammering chauffer and made her way to room 13 cursing about irony the whole way there.

Tatsuki found herself cursing for the millionth time that day as she read the note attached to her fridge.


I've moved all my stuff into the red room, don't touch anything. All the food that's labeled is mine and so is all the other stuff. Touch anything and I'll kill you.


p.s. I am not joking, stay away from my stuff.

Tatsuki sat in one of the two seats at the college environment dorm room kitchen and stared disbelieving at the untidy scrawl on the paper in front of her. That bastard she thought as she began her favourite activity of pacing around the tiny kitchen, he actually had the nerve to write a note like that. She had stuck her head into the slightly larger red room earlier and found that the idiot had thrown half his things into disorganized piles all around the blood-red room. Disgusted she'd left the idiots room, oh and that's his knew name, idiot. Renji she thought sarcastically, thinking of a pampered rich boy who had kicked and screamed until he got what he wanted. Now why can't I get a roommate like the tattooed guy, he would probably be a great one. He looked nothing like the other preppy assholes that I deal with on a regular basis; he didn't look like the poster kid for a college environment boarding school. Walking back to her dorm she thought of the mysterious red head and decided that she was going to take up religion and pray for him as a roommate.

p.s Un-beta so beware of mistakes! If you find any please review and I'll fix!