I don't think I can actually tell you in words how sorry I am. I am SO late, but I couldn't really help it, with exams, my apparent social life and lot a STUPID things. Anyway, I LOVE GLEE. I'm watching it right now :) It's so awesome, and it's only just come into the UK today!

Disclaimer: NO, I don't own Ouran High School Host Club!

"Underdog, just look at the mess you've made."

You Me At Six - "Underdog"

Chapter Four

Kyouya Ootori tossed and turned. He was not having a good night.

First of all, his father's words echoed within his mind. Then Tamaki's disappointed face, along with the angry one of Haruhi swam through his thoughts. Just when he thought he could escape via sleep, he realised – nearly an hour into trying – that he could not sleep!

"Dammit!" Kyouya hissed, smacking a fist into the pillow opposite him.

Anger flooded through his body, even though his outburst was private; he still hated the fact that he had just had one.

Why on Earth was he trying do hard to win over Haruhi, when he could easily ask a simple girl like Yuuko Kino?

It made no logical sense! Why go to all this trouble?


Internally, Kyouya groaned.

Why trick someone into marrying you?


Yuuko Kino

Haruhi had replayed the name over and over in her head constantly. Why wouldn't Kyouya just ask her?

She had more money. She seemed to be a nice girl. She was innocent. She wasn't tied down to anything. She was – in Haruhi's (probably biased) opinion – very pretty. She seemed to have everything – a lot more than Haruhi could ever have.

Two days had passed, with Haruhi greeting clients to her usual standard, not looking Kyouya in the eye – in fact, she didn't look anyone in the eye; not even her father.

"Haruhi," her father was trying to break the silence between them at dinner.

"Yes dad?" Haruhi asked, not looking away from her ramen.

"I, um … this ramen is delicious," he said uncertainly.

Haruhi muttered a small 'thanks' and went back to eating.

"Haruhi?" her father called again.

"Yes dad?" she replied mechanically.

"I got a phone call from the Ootori household today,"

Haruhi's back straightened, and head flew straight up to her father.

"Kyouya told me that you won't be returning from school tomorrow, that you will be attending somewhere with the host club," her father said softly. He leaned forwards and studied Haruhi's face. "Why don't you tell me these things, kiddo?"

Haruhi raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know,"

Haruhi's father sighed. "Well, they're going to give you something to wear, that's what he said anyway. So, you can just go in your school uniform. Kyouya said something about a ball?"

Haruhi froze, dropping her chop sticks. "The ball?"

Her father grinned. "So you did know,"

Haruhi nodded. "He, um," she touched her forehead gingerly. "He did mention it before, I didn't really agree … damn rich people,"

Haruhi's father laughed. "You really are something, Haruhi," he told her. "I'm surprised they haven't all fallen for you at the host club,"

Haruhi smiled wryly, trying to think clearly.


Walking through the school, the following day, Haruhi couldn't remove the ball from her mind. It was so frustrating! Why did she have to do his bidding?!

She stormed passed Kaoru and Hikaru, who both looked after her confused.

But their confusion was eliminated when Kyouya almost sent them flying, walking passed them quickly.

Hikaru raised an eyebrow, and turned to Kaoru.

"He must really like her," Hikaru observed.

"What do you mean, Hikaru?" Kaoru asked, although he could see it too.

Hikaru smiled knowingly. "There's no way in hell Kyouya would lose his composure for just anyone,"

Kaoru smiled at his twin and nodded. "I think you're onto something there,"


"What is it Kyouya-sempai?" Haruhi hissed.

She had been pushed, rather roughly against a white marble pillar, right across from her classroom, but hidden behind it so that the two weren't seen.

Kyouya did not seem to be himself, he was still cold, but his eyes were searching hers in something Haruhi noted as confusion.

Kyouya, confused? Had that ever happened before?

"What's happened?" Kyouya whispered, his voice hoarse. "Why are you … what did you do?"

Haruhi's eyebrows frowned. "What are you saying Kyouya-sempai? You're acting like Tamaki-sempai."

"Would you stop calling me your sempai?" Kyouya let go of her arms, taking a step back and crossing his arms over his chest. "You've done something."

Haruhi glared ferociously at him and pulled away from the pillar. "I haven't done anything!" she hissed angrily.

"Yes you have, Haruhi," Kyouya said sternly, stepping closer to her again.

His action made Haruhi step back again, the cold marble of the pillar against her back again while his hands planted themselves next to her head.

"You have Haruhi."

Haruhi's eyes softened when she saw him moving closer to her, almost too close.

"What are you doing?" Haruhi whispered, all though in her head she was screaming rejection at her own words.

Kyouya's eyelids were hooded, watching her carefully as she apparently had an internal battle with herself.

"Don't try and deny it Haruhi," Kyouya said softly, his lips barely moving as he moved closer. "You're already there."

Haruhi's mind filled with confusion. Already where?

"You already know your answer," Kyouya whispered, lips kiss-bruising her precious cheeks.

Haruhi inhaled sharply for air, but found that Kyouya's face was right in front of hers. His aberrantly charming face, with those slate grey eyes, normally filling her with confusion but which seemed to make so much sense to her right then.

Subconsciously, she brought her hands to the nape of his neck, her fingertips gently pressing into his scalp and pulling softly on his thick hair.

Kyouya suddenly thought of kissing her, as though the thought had never crossed his mind before. But then he dismissed the idea, deeming Haruhi to push him away.

She's not pushing you away right now.

Kyouya closed his eyes slowly, his arms falling down to let his hands hold onto the pillar, either side of her hips. He rested his head within the crook of Haruhi's collarbone through her blazer, sighing quite casually for such an intimate moment.

"I've been wishing," he whispered. "That I could have you, for just, one whole night."

Haruhi's fingers froze, an almost nauseous feeling taking over her. Was Kyouya-sempai really saying all that to her?

Slowly, Kyouya pulled away, anger seeming to fill him coldly. "Are you coming to the ball tonight?"

Haruhi gulped. "I might as well," she said quietly, avoiding his stony gaze.

"I'll see you when the club activities are over then,"


Kyouya and Haruhi were both sceptical about what would happen that evening, and they were both equally as out-of-it as each other – so the twins had put it.

"Tamaki-sempai, why do you looked so worried?"

Tamaki blinked twice and lifted his head from upon his palm, looking at the simple girl who had asked him such a ridiculous question.

"It's nothing, my princess," he said, clearly faking. "Would you like some more tea?"

But even as he poured the tea, he was changing back to his worried state. What could he possibly help Haruhi and Kyouya with? His beloved daughter and his best friend?

Should he help them at all? Or should he simply let their interest in each other die down?

Would it ever die down?

Tamaki sighed and glanced over at Kyouya. He was simply typing on his computer as usual, nothing seeming to bother him.

Frowning, Tamaki glanced at Haruhi. What was going on with his best friend and his daughter?


Kaoru and Hikaru grinned at their audience, their hands linked between them.

"We have an idea!" they said in time.

"Tonight," Kaoru said happily.

"We are going to have a movie night," Hikaru said, grinning at Kaoru.

"At ours," Kaoru explained. "Because it's Friday, and we're bored."

"I can't," Haruhi said imminently, looking at her feet.

"How come?" Tamaki asked, almost broken and stepping forward.

"I-er … already have plans," Haruhi explained, not looking away from her feet.

"Well, I guess that just leaves the men!" Tamaki said gallantly, looking away from Haruhi and looking towards the rest.

"I apologise for interrupting Tamaki, but I have plans myself, as it goes," Kyouya said dully, looking straight at Tamaki.

Haruhi blinked, thinking they had been caught when she felt Hikaru's and Tamaki's wild gazes fall onto her.

"I am merely going to a ball for my father," Kyouya explained. "My father wants me to find a suitor there tonight.

Haruhi looked up at Kyouya, shock evident in her eyes.

"Um, I better be going you guys," Haruhi said quietly, turning rather abruptly on her heels to stalk to her bag and then out of the room.

Kyouya raised an eyebrow, before looking around at the host club and mentally sighing.

"You all know."

"Of course we do!" Honey said happily, jumping from Mori's shoulder's.

"We're not idiots you know," Kaoru added in.


Hikaru and Tamaki continued to glare at Kyouya.


Kyouya was cut off by Tamaki turning away from him.

"I don't know how to take it Kyouya. First of all, she's my daughter!" Tamaki yelled, turning back around to Kyouya. "If you dare hurt her, you know what's coming to you, you do know that!"

Kyouya nodded, for once lost for words.

Hikaru was steaming, his arms folded. "I agree with the boss."

Kaoru sighed, and piped up from being suddenly next to Kyouya.

"Leave him alone," Kaoru said sympathetically. "All he's done is fall for someone, and deal about it in the wrong way."

Silence shrouded the hosts.

"I think you should go to Haru-chan now, Kyo-chan," Honey said, suddenly upbeat.

Kyouya nodded, suddenly remembering Haruhi.

"Wha-wait?" Tamaki asked angrily. "You're ditching us for Haruhi?"

"No," Kyouya said icily, walking over to his bag. "I am going to my father's ball. It's just that Haruhi is my guest."

Tamaki's face grew red, but he calmed himself down. "Very well. If you need us, we'll obviously be at the twins'."

Hikaru and Kaoru nodded in agreement, while Mori stayed motionless and Honey grinned.

"Thank you," Kyouya said quietly, picking up his bag and laptop bag and leaving the room without another word.

Tamaki breathed out a sigh of relief. "Well … that's one down,"

Kaoru smiled. "So, when do we talk to Haruhi?"

AN: yeah ...

Yet again, I apologise. I'll try and update soon. I was gonna focus on 'Debts' but that just made me sidetrack from that, and come to Ouran High School Host Club. :)

Have fun, and leave me reviews please :)