iMeet the Family

This story is dedicated to butlergirl. This story will be updated almost everyday. Btw is anyone as excited as I am that the ITTK promo came on today!!! AHHHHHHHHH!! Anyway this is about Sam meeting Freddie's Aunt CC and Uncle Niles.

Chapter 1: Fire

Sam's POV

My mom has officialy lost it. First off she stabbed a hobo in the park (like in Calico Skies) and now Spencer is my legal guardian. Melanie lives with my Aunt in Tampico Illinois closer to her school. It was a normal days at Carly's house. I heard a scream and a bang from across the hall. Freddie ran inside with a fire extinquisher still spraying it.

"Whoa what's going on Benson?"

"My mom burnt down the kitchen that's what happened" he yelled. His mom was on fire running inside.

"MOM!" Freddie screamed running over to her. I would normaly laugh but this time I decided to help crazy. I grabbed the emegancy fire extinquisher behine the kitchen counter and Freddie and I sprayed her off. She had 3rd degree burns everwhere. They had to take her to the hospital.

"How is she?" Freddie asked her.

"Not good son. I have good news and bad news"

"Good news first"

"She'll live. We got her on machines and are doing plastic surgery"

"Bad news?"

"She'll be in here for about a year"

"A YEAR!" Freddie yelled

"Ma'am will you take your boyfriend and settle him down." he said to me

"He's not my..whatever" I said grabbing his arm and sitting him in a chair.

"I cannot believe this is happening!" Freddie said pacing back and forth.

"Well who are you going to live with?"

"Well I can't stay in my apartment anymore. It's burnt down"

"Well maybe you could stay at our apartment" I said gripping his hand. Then I awkwardly pulled away.

"Ok good idea. Spencer can be my temporary guardian."

"Yeah see life's good" I said sitting there for a minute.

"Oh crap!" Freddie said looking at his parephone.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"In all this I completely forgot about my aunt and uncle coming to visit with my cousin."

"The one Stephanie who hates you?"

"No not her. These are my favorite relatives ever"


"It's fun to watch them fight. But after they fight they start making out and it gets creepy."

"Yeah people over 30 shouldn't make out."

"Yeah. I told them to be at my apartment at 4 and it's 3:30"

"Well we better get over there" I said grabbing my coat. He ran out the door I followed behind him. Then I saw a fatcake machine. I stared at it, Then I felt a hand grab my arm dragging me out. Freddie and I drove over ran upstais to the apartment and set up for the relatives to come over.

I heard a knock at the door. I opened it and there was an older gentleman with bue eyes and blonde hair along with a woman much taller that him along with a girl about me and Freddie's age with brown hair and a baby in the older gentlemans arms

"Hello is Freddie Benson here?" the man asked.

"Yeah he is. Come in" They sat down and Freddie ran out of the bathroom giving them a hug.

"Hi Uncle Niles, Aunt CC, Hey Sydney Hey Ben" he said as he held his baby cousin in his arm rocking him back and forth.

"Sam this is My Uncle Niles My aunt CC and their kids Sydney and Ben"

"Hi" I said casualy

"Hello" the said in unison. Niles got up and proceeded to the fridge

"Would anyone care for a drink?" he asked. His natural butler instincts kicked in

"Butler boy bring me some milk" CC demanded

"What's the matter you all dried up?" he said with a smirk.

"Just bring me the damn milk!" she said.

"Besides the cow anypne else want anything?"

"No" we all said together.

"Here's your damn milk." he said giving it to her. But when she grabbed it from her he pulled it back took the straw out and put it back into his ear and back in the cup.

"Oh that's it you're on" they stared aruguing. Soon shouting at each other.

"Gee who does that remind you of?" I asked.

"Us" Freddie said chickling. Then they started making out.

"Ok maybe not that part" I said.

"Sydney come upstair and I'll help you unpack while you mom and dad unpack each other" he said walking up the stairs with a suticase in one arm and his cousin Ben in the other. I also had a suticase followed behind me was Sydney. She was slighty disturbed by her parents making out but when we got upstairs she seemed to feel more comforable.

"I'm going to take a nice long shower" Freddie mumbled to himself. We were both exhausted from the whole day. He started the shower and went back to his room. I was too drowsy to care why the shower was running. I grabbed my towel proceeded to my room got undressed and went back into the shower. Freddie came up after a minute and grabbed his towel and got undressed in his room doing the same. He got back into the shower and shut his eyes. He fumbled around for something.

"Where's the soap in this damn shower" he grunted angrily.

"Oh here it is Freddie" I replied peppier now that the hot water hit my face.

"Thanks Sam.....SAM!" he screamed.

Oh no cliffhanger!!! Will update tomorrow promise