Pairing : Hakase x Xigbar
Series : Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds and Kingdom Hearts
Disclaimer : I don't own the series or characters, they belong to their respective owners.
My Reason to Dream
Aim for the moon, even if you miss, you will land in the stars.
Hana used to tell me that each day. She was a beautiful and cheerful woman who was filled with dreams and high hope for my research, she had faith in it and me and believed with all of her might. I dedicated my entire scientific career to the research of Momentum, I was placed as the lead developer of M.I.D.S. and everything had been going smoothly until ... I don't even know what came over Rudger. It was like some psycho samurai took over him like in those cartoons where some good guy's trusted ally gets controlled so they got to beat up their ally and all that stuff then everything has a happy ending. Well you know what? Life isn't cliche like that! It would be boring if it was! Instead, I wanted to hit Rudger with a two-by-four, but I ended up settling for snatching the cards and getting my ass out of there. Yes, real heroic. I know. I can put Superman to shame. Where was I going with this? I'm not the master of drama, I assure you. If those guys who had written those old movies (I think they were called Final Destination) I would have been fired in the first hour. If you think I'm kidding, I'm not.
Ah ... right. Ever since the Zero Reverse, my beliefs on dreams went down the toilet. Dreams meant nothing. You put your entire faith into something only to have it go down the toilet. Dreams meant nothing, they were these delusions you built for yourself just to give yourself something to hope for. They meant nothing, life was what what you were taught, not what you believed. I came to realize this long ago, I stuck to that believe, I held it dear to my heart because I knew it was true. It kept me from feeling anymore pain and everything had been going smoothly until I opened up my heart to him.
I don't know what happened. One minute I was arguing with this guy that Nobodies can have real feelings because he was in love with me, that they weren't just memories. Another we were in this oddly serious scientific talk, and the next I was opening up my heart to him. He made me realize that I had been wrong, that dreams meant something, that it wasn't all about what you were taught. He opened up that door to my heart again. I don't know how he does it, he can always make me feel better when I'm upset or down about what had happened all those years ago. I actually feel guilty for how I feel towards this Nobody, I loved him more than I ever could have imagined. I loved him more than I did Hana and that was where the guilt came from. I couldn't help how I felt. I finally found my reason to dream.
As long as I'm with Xigbar, I'll aim for the moon, it won't matter if I miss ... I'll land in the stars and he'll be right there beside me.
Author Notes :: Hakase is reflecting back on his past and moment he shared with Xigbar when they had a discussion about dreams and beliefs. This really is one of my most favorite pairings, they're like soul mates or something from my experience ~ 8D
This was made out of sheer randomness and boredom. I know. It sucks. XD