Pancake – I'm on my lonesome for now, just noticed the e-mail didn't come up on the last chappie so here it is again - .com/ - hopefully it won't delete. Anyways, on with the show... I'm so lonely *sob*

Bella calls Nessie

Nessie: Hello?

Bella: How's my loch ness daughter?

Nessie: Not good... Jacob's gone weird.

Bella: Sorry, how is that different from normal?

Nessie: Oi! He's gone all... mysterious.

Bella: So has Edward!

Nessie: Hmmm...

Edward: Hey, dear.

Bella: Are you cheating on me?

Edward: Wait, what?

Bella: I knew this day would come! Who is it? Oh God! Just 'cause you got kicked out of the picture when Nessie came along!

Nessie: Don't bring me into this.

Edward: Woah! Don't go all New Moon on me. I've just been looking for a pair of important people.

*Obnoxious fanfare starts up, two people wearing silver capes enter on a were-snail, with baton twirlers around them*

Flapjack: We're back, bitches!

Pancake: Thought, you'd escaped did ya?

Bella: God, no...

Nessie: Anything but this!

Pancake: Well, that's a bit rude.

Flapjack: Totally.

Edward: I'm glad to see you guys.

Flapjack: Stop being an arselicker.

Jacob: Flapjack?

Bella: WTF! Where did you come from?

Jacob: my Flapjack senses were tingling.

Pancake: That's not weird at all.

Jacob: I know right!

Pancake: ... Anyway, it was the fans that brought me here and nothing else.

Edward: What about me?

Pancake: Fuck off.

Flapjack: For me it was all those fans who were gracious enough to patiently wait all those goddamn years for us, they waited through wind and rain, all the hardships you could imagine... *emotionally breaks down*

Pancake: For Christ's sake, get up woman! You're the one with the ideas; I'm nothing but a Manga freak now.

Flapjack: I'm sorry, it's just so hard! *hugs Jacob and feels up muscles at same time* so... familiar.

Nessie: What's happening, I can't see through the phone!

Bella: I think your husband is being raped by a breakfast food.

Nessie: Can't say I didn't see it coming, but can't somebody stop her!

Pancake: Pancake to the rescue! *holds up picture of Shannon Leto* Here girl! Come on! Over Here!

*Flapjack follows poster to where Pancake puts it on the wall and then sits there staring at it.*

Pancake: mission success, now Cullen family, I think we have some catching up to do...

Cullen Family: *GULP*

Oooooh two chapters, one day. *fist pump* question time will start next chappie, in the meantime, we have to catch up with the Cullens, expect face rapes on Jacobs, love attacks on Carlisle and taking the piss outta Bella. Sounds like more fun than a barrel of Flapjacks. See ya next time, chickadees! : O)