Disclaimer: Gundam Wing is not mine, but the situations, original characters, the M-Utatek (no matter how improbable it may be) and anything else NOT original to the GW Universe is mine, any flames for any reason like pointing out that improbability will be laughed at and fed to my Plot Bunny Mkha, who will eat it and leave plenty bunny raisins for you. Not for profit, just for fun.
Started September 11th 2004
Title: Afterthoughts of Discourse
Author: Vega-Lume
Warnings: Angst, MPREG, Yaoi, Het, limey? Lemony? Mountain Dew?(Lets just say there are some citrusy parts, k?)
Beta: None.
Pairings: 2x1, 2xH, OMCx1
Afterthoughts of Discourse
Chapter 11
By Vel
Afternoon, Wednesday December 14th - AC 197
Duo set down the documents he held and rubbed his eyes, he was so tired. Hilde was still on maternity leave so his time was now divided between the baby, Hilde and the salvage yard and much to his dismay, the yard was suffering.
"How are things going?" Hilde asked softly.
"Shitty, the yard is practically at a standstill. We can't accept anymore shipments because there aren't enough people to shift them. I've had to refuse three really good paying contracts because I can't trust anyone to go off site to start the inspections, and I can't do them myself because there's just too much work to be done here."
"What did the police have to say?" She asked as she took a folder of contracts, doing anything she could to ease the burden.
"Not much, they thanked me for the through record of our inventory they also told me that the vid recordings showing the thefts will be allowed in court, and that I may be needed to testify."
"I'm going back to work tomorrow, I can bring Xiiro and we can stay in my office," Hilde said as she sat on the sofa and set the folder on the side table.
"I don't like the idea of her being at the yard, even if we do keep her in the office. She isn't even a month old yet," Duo said.
"You can't do all this work on your own," she told him. "I know I was going to stay home another six weeks but you need me now."
Duo frowned. What she said was true; he knew he couldn't keep doing all on his own. He sighed, "Alright, but wait until Monday. There isn't really much that can be done until then anyway."
"Okay," she agreed. "We'll need something for her to sleep in and get a mini fridge and a bottle warmer so I can pump milk at home and bring it in each day. There's no way I'm breast feeding in front of a dozen greasy men."
Duo chuckled, "I'll get everything set tomorrow and then I'm closing the yard and giving the guys a long weekend."
"With pay," Hilde added. "This close to Christmas it would suck to have a smaller paycheck. And make a point to let them know that even with the problems, we are staying open and they will keep their jobs."
Duo nodded, "I will, I don't want them worrying, plus a bit of an extra holiday bonus sounds like a good idea," he agreed.
The vid-phone beeped just then and Hilde turned the screen to check the ID. "It's Wufei."
"Oh, let me answer it," Duo said as he scrambled over to the sofa and Hilde scooted aside with a knowing grin.
Tapping connect Duo said, "Stu's liposuction and Crematorium, your last stop for a smoking hot bod, this is Duo speaking," the screen stayed black because his friend was on a cell phone, so Duo missed the look on Wufei's face but he didn't miss the exasperation in his voice.
"Maxwell, are you ever going to answer a call like a normal person?"
"You'll just have to keep calling to find out."
There was a small huff before his friend said, "Sally wanted to surprise you, but since you have a young child at home I thought it best to call ahead. We had an assignment on L2 which we have nearly completed and we don't leave until tomorrow. So, would you be open to having a bit of company in an hour or so?"
"Absolutely, we'd love to see you," Hilde said before Duo had the chance. "And thank you for the warning; it will give me a chance to freshen up."
"I have to go," Wufei said suddenly. "We'll see you in an hour."
"Bye, Wufei," the pair said in unison then the call disconnected.
"That was a bit abrupt," Hilde said sarcastically.
"Well," Duo said as he stood up. "Why don't you pop in the shower while I tidy things up a bit," Xiiro started crying. "Well, I'll tidy up after I change the Jelly Bean's diaper," he chuckled as he moved to lift his daughter from her bassinet.
Hilde smiled and gave both father and daughter kisses before heading off to the bathroom to take her shower.
With Xiiro clean, dry, and sucking on a binky, Duo took the time to pack up his files and documents, clearing up the dining room table, and then gave the floor a quick sweep.
By the time Hilde was out of the shower the room was presentable and ready for company.
"I'm going to take the trash out," Duo said as soon as the woman entered the living room.
"Okay, I'll give Xiiro a feed before our guests get here," she replied as she threw a burp towel over her shoulder before lifting the baby from her bed and taking over to the rocking chair.
Pulling the bag from the diaper pail, Duo tied knot in the top then dropped it in the kitchen bag before tying that one off too. Taking the large bag in hand he left the apartment and stuffed the bag in the incinerator chute down the hall.
Xiiro was happily drinking her supper when Duo came back and put new bags in the now empty bins.
"They should be here in about ten minutes."
Just as Xiiro decided she had had her fill the doorbell rang. Duo went to answer the door as Hilde lifted the baby to her shoulder and started patting her back.
"Surprise!" Sally called out in delight, when the door opened, her arms full of gifts. "Merry Christmas."
"Come in," Duo stepped aside allowing the woman and her partner in.
"Maxwell," Wufei greeted, enduring a rib crushing hug from his friend.
"You're not surprised?" Sally said. "Why are you not surprised?" Then sending a knowing glance to her partner she added, "You told them we were coming, didn't you?"
"He did call us," Hilde confirmed.
With a dramatic sigh Sally dumped the gifts on the sofa.
"And we're thankful for it," Duo said. "He gave us the chance to clean up a bit before you arrived."
"Well, I guess I won't kick his ass then," she replied giving her partner a mock glare as she dropped onto the couch next to the gifts and Wufei gave her an uncharacteristic eye roll making the new parents laugh.
The moment their guests were seated Duo placed his tiny daughter in Wufei's arms and the look on his friend's face was so priceless, Duo couldn't resist snapping a quick photo on his phone. A photo Sally then immediately demanded that he send to her so she could have a copy. Then soon, much to Wufei's irritation, Quatre had a copy as well.
"Must you send it to everyone you know?"
"Tomorrow I'll print it out and tack it up on the notice board at work," Duo teased.
Wufei bit back his immediate response. He knew his friend wouldn't actually do as he had said, unless pressed. His best bet was to let the subject drop.
"When will you be returning to work?" He asked Hilde instead, and the conversation segued to the issues they were having with the yard.
Very early morning, Thursday December 15th
The house was dark and warm as the door opened. Something heavy was dropped on the floor near the sofa as a figure moved silently through the dim, not bothering to turn on any lights.
The toilet was used and flushed, hands were washed then the person opened a door and bumped into something. There was a faint crash and then all hell broke loose.
"Who the fuck are you?" a voice shouted when the lights suddenly turned on, then Scott and Rachel were there getting between the stranger in the bedroom and the two youths blinking up from the beds.
"Michael, what are you doing here?" Scott asked his eldest son.
"I live here," the dark haired man snapped. "Who the hell are they?" he asked gesturing wildly at Heero and Mary.
"They are our foster children, they moved in shortly before Thanksgiving," Rachel answered as she grabbed her son and lead him to the living room while Scott cleaned up the mess caused when Michael bumped into Heero's bedside table.
"Why wasn't I told, and why are they in my bedroom?"
"Well, if you would return a phone call every once in a while you would know all about them," Rachel snapped as she turned on the kitchen light and pushed her son towards the breakfast bar. At 4:45 am it was a bit early to start the day but she had to be up by 5:30 anyway.
"What possessed you to get foster kids?" Michael asked with a hint of distaste in his voice.
"They were homeless, and your grandmother called us when one of them fell ill. We decided it would be better if they stayed with us until the boy got well, but after just a few days we realized that we couldn't turn just them out, ever. So we decided to file paper work to make it permanent. It was approved just a few days ago so they can stay with us from now on."
"I don't like it. I mean, who are they really? You know nothing about them, where did they come from?"
"Heero is 16 and was a solider during the war, his sister Mary is 13. Their parents were murdered about 10 years ago. Heero lived with a scientist who trained him, and Mary lived with an old woman they we not related to. After the war the scientist died and old woman was taken to a home for the elderly leaving them both without a home. With Heero's lack of a formal education he wasn't able to get a job that could support them so they have been on the streets ever since," Rachel said, giving the same story Mary had told her. "Happy?"
"No. You don't just have some random moocher you have a killer instead."
"Stop it," Rachel snapped. "You're just angry because they are in your room and we are spending our time, money, and attention on someone other than you. You have always been a selfish person, Michael. You need to finally learn that everything isn't just about you."
The young man glowered as he watched his mother pull out the makings for pancakes.
"Your mother is right," Scott added and Michael jumped, not realizing his father was so near. "Heero and Mary have had a tough life and deserve so much more then we can offer them, especially Heero, he has lived through things I don't even want to imagine. You will be polite and treat those kids with respect. You understand me?"
"Yes father," Michael grumbled.
"Good, now get up and give me a hug," Scott said with a smile and gave his eldest and firm hug. "I missed you; you should come home more often."
"I'll try," Michael promised then joined his mother in the kitchen, giving her a hug before helping her start breakfast.
The bacon was just coming out of the pan when Paul wandered in, "Pancakes and bacon, what the occasion?" he asked.
"Your brother decided to surprise us this morning," Scott said before taking a sip of his coffee.
"Really, where is he?" Paul asked excitedly then rushed off to the nursery to see his brother for the first time in almost six months.
"Hun, if Susan is coming for Christmas, and mom is staying for a few nights too, where is every one going to sleep?" Rachel asked as she set a few pancakes on a plate.
"Uh- I haven't a clue," Scott replied, scratching his head. "Sue was going to sleep on the rollaway and mom was going to sleep on the new inflatable bed. Unless Michael sleeps in the garage there isn't any more space for another bed."
"What about Paul's room? Can't we pick up a camp cot and put him in there?"
"I suppose, it will be a bit tight though."
"Well, whatever we do, it's going to have to wait until tomorrow. With all the work we have today, there just isn't the time to drive into Starsdale."
"That bed sucks," Michael grumbled as he and his brother came back to the kitchen.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, if we had know you were coming we would have made other arrangements so you would be comfortable."
"If you don't like the roll away you can sleep on the sofa," Scott suggested. "Unless you want to share with your brother," Both Paul and Michael made a face and their father chuckled.
"Um, good morning," Mary said shyly from the entrance to the hallway. She had taken the time to fully dress and brush her hair before venturing out of her room.
"Good morning dear," Rachel called from the kitchen and gestured for the girl to join her. "Mary, this is our son, Michael. Michael, this is Mary Stevenson."
Mary could see the resemblance in Michael as he looked like a taller, darker version of Paul with the same face, but black hair and brown eyes like their father.
"Hello," she greeted and received a frown in return. Scott cleared his throat loudly and the boy said, "Pleased to meet you," giving her a quick handshake.
"Is Heero up?" Scott asked her.
"Not yet, he doesn't feel comfortable coming out, not knowing what to expect," Mary replied and the doctor nodded in understanding.
"I'll go talk to him," Scott said then gave Rachel a 'look' before heading off to the bedroom.
"Michael dear sit down, I need to talk to you."