Summary: After Carly finds out Sam's secret, she decides to do another Win a Date Contest on iCarly. This time, Freddie is the mystery date. Does Sam win, or does some one else win? How does Sam react?
Disclaimer: I don't own iCarly

My train of thought ended as I heard footsteps. I looked around it shock. I had to hide before some one caught me again, and I'm sure I wouldn't be lucky enough to get caught by Carly this time.
I quickly dove under her bed. I heard the footsteps going by and the minute I heard the bathroom door close, I ran out. That was too close.
Then I saw Freddie. That's right, Freddie. I should've just ran, since Freddie and I were kind of fighting, but I couldn't hide my crush or block our friendship just because of what happened with me and Delia at cheerleading practice. I stopped right there.
"Sam?" He said
"What do you want?" I asked rudely. I couldn't make him suspicious; I wasn't ready for him to find out the Delia stuff yet.
"I just wanted you to know that they wanna know where you are, the party already started."
Like Delia really cared. "Um ok. I just had to go change."
"In Delia's room?"
Crap. "No I thought I saw something in there."
Freddie rolled his eyes. "Sure, I believe you."
"Look, Fredward, I know Delia and I have been having problems and what had happened, but I would want nothing to do with her room.
Freddie sighed. "Whatever. Just go to the party. Don't you do anything to Delia though."
Don't worry, with what I'm learning you won't need to worry about me being immature for now. "Or what?"
"You'll see."
"I'm so scared."
He just shook his head and walked back to the party. I followed him, knowing that if I didn't, he'd tell Delia something. I wasn't scared, I just didn't want people to know I'm desperate to defeat her, but in the most logical way possible.
I walked in and heard 'Single Ladies' blasted.
Delia and her friends were dancing like…I don't even wanna say. They were all shaking their butts and grinding on each other. I couldn't help but laugh at how they considered that 'cool'.
Then I saw all the boys, even Freddie, watching and cheering. I stopped, and my fists curled. I didn't care if it was just their hormones going off; it was too painful to see Freddie into girls doing something so…sluttish.
Carly came over, "It's ok Sam. Delia and her friends are ridiculous and everyone knows it."
"Then why is everyone watching them?"
"That's just because their DUDES. It's just their hormones being turned on."
I sighed. "I know."
"And I heard Delia and Freddie won't last long."
"That's obvious."
"But you don't want him to find out the hard way and get hurt, right?"
I looked at her shocked. "How'd you know?"
"I just do."
"Well don't tell anyone I care about Fredlumps! Though I'm pretty sure people are beginning to know I like him."
"It's ok, Sam. We'll figure it out, somehow."
"Ok…I sighed."
I then decided to sit down and patiently wait for the party to end. Yes, I like to party, but there was no point on dancing of everyone would be focusing on Delia dancing like a hoe, though I can dance way better than she can without being a hoe.
Then I saw it.
Delia and Freddie dancing, not grinding though, thank God.
But funny thing is, Delia wasn't even facing Freddie. In fact, she was facing David. And David was facing her. How weird. Freddie didn't notice though, his eyes were closed.
I had to see this. I knew it was wrong, but my other side only said not to try and convince Freddie, right?
So I went near them, but I needed an excuse. Freddie would know I'm spying, so I decided to turn around and ask the first boy I saw.
Sadly, the only boy behind me was Jacob Edwards. Jacob may have the name from a hot guy in Twilight, but fact is he's a loser. I'm not being shallow either. He thinks it's fun to play immature jokes on people, and I mean stupid ones. He tried to stink bomb the boys' room. What person above elementary school stink bombs? And I bullied him in ninth grade. That made him like me. What person likes their bully?
That's why I stop bullying Freddie so much.
I would regret this, since if Freddie took advantage of my crush, I'd humiliate him in every way possible.
He looked back and when he saw me, his face brightened up. "Sam! I know you may not wanna dance but please…"
I sighed. "Yes."
"Well that's o-WAIT, what?"
"I…" C'mon Sam, you can do it. "Wanna…dance with you."
Jacob didn't hesitate. He knew this was an opportunity. He grabbed my hand and took me right near Delia.
Just my luck.
Jacob was a good dancer, actually. I was a great dancer too, but I couldn't focus. I tried to focus on Jacob, but the song was so loud, and I couldn't do what I wanted, so I had to steal a few glances. It was often the same, Delia focusing on Freddie, then when she was sure he wouldn't notice, she whispered something to Freddie.
I stepped on Jacob's shoe. "OW, Sam!"
"Sorry! Gosh, it was a mistake."
He knew I wasn't paying attention, but he also knew if he said anything I'd leave. Well, after this song, our dance would be over.
I peeked over, Freddie and Delia were kissing.
Oh God…I was feeling nauseous.
Like when I saw him and Carly kiss. It was like being punched by some one stronger than me. I had seen Freddie and Delia kiss, but that was before I knew who she really was. Knowing he was making out with someone who was betraying him was worse than the jealousy. Way worse.
The last lyrics of the song were playing. After this, I'd stop them, and tell Freddie something was up between her and David. I shouldn't interfere, but this is for his own good right? And Freddie should've caught on at some point…
All I had to do was break free of Jacob…
Wake up in the morning feeling like P. Diddy
I escaped Jacob, but this song made the entire girls group together and start jumping around like goofballs. And the boys just sighed and sat down.
Crazy as it was, I thanked to myself whoever picked to play that song. At least now the torture was over.
I had to one thing though.
I began to jump around like an idiot like them. I was embarrassing myself, but that's ho far I'd go to do what I wanted, just like the movies.
I jumped near a table, and grabbed a coke. Surprised Delia would have soda at her party. It would make her perfect little teeth brown.
I made sure to let the soda shake before I got near Delia. She was not too far, but she was belting out the chorus to 'Tik Tok' with her friends. I shook my head. I guess Delia really didn't know how to stop embarrassing herself. After all, no one was cheering, but looking. Heck, some boys covered their ears.
After what I planned to do, I would embarrass her more anyway, so I guess it didn't matter.
I shouldn't do it, especially because of that fight and because I was already on thin ice with Freddie, but I didn't care. Sam Puckett was all about impulsiveness, well now with Delia harmless impulsiveness.
I made the can face Delia, then I opened it, and a foaming sound came out.
"EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKK!" Delia screeched as the soda squirted at her.
The DJ turned down the music, the jumping stopped, and everyone stared at the birthday girl.
"Stop!" I turned around, and there was Carly. "Gosh, you're such a drama queen! Sam doesn't want to start with you no more! It was a mistake!"
I secretly thanked God I had Carly.
"Yeah, well guess what? I know that Sam is jealous of me! I'm prettier and popular than her, heck I can even fight better than her! By the way Sam, we know you want Freddie, but I'm not handing him to you. Why? You don't deserve him. That's why he picked me at that game. We were meant to be! So go back to trying to figure out how we're going to break up because it's not going to happen.
That did it. Not only did she insult me, but she seriously thinks she's going to win. She thinks I'm dumb. She thinks Freddie is dumb. I didn't care if this is a party, I didn't care that most of Ridgeway and people I don't know are here, I certainly didn't care about everything my other half said. I was going to hurt her. I was going to show her everything she gave to Freddie. She wasn't a better fighter than me. No one was.
But before I could go over to her and deliver the first punch, Freddie stood up.
"Delia, I am tired of you."
Everyone looked up in shock. Delia's eyes widened. "What do you mean, Freddie?"
"I mean you're getting on my last nerve. You aren't the girl I thought you were. I guess that's why you're not supposed to date someone you just met. I mean I though that though you were pretty and hung out with snobby, conceited girls like Tureen and Tasha you didn't seem like them. Well you're not. You're worse than them! You were sweet at first, but then that one side of you came out! The one that hurt me like it didn't matter, the one who didn't even treat me like a boyfriend, and the one who acts like a…" Freddie stopped himself. "And I knew something was up with you. I knew it wasn't going to get better. You and I were going to go downhill fast. But I completely blew that off because I'm stupid!"
"Freddie, you're not stupid, I can change…"
"That's what all girls say! I may be the nerdy guy but I know what girls like you are like! You're gonna try to manipulate me into believing there's good in you, and keep me at your feet. Then when you get bored, you'll break up with me out of no where. I'm not stupid, Delia! You care only about yourself, but I'm not taking it no more! Delia, we are through!"
Everyone, even me, stared at Freddie. This was certainly a side of Freddie no one has brought up. Not even me. Freddie, the one who was sweet, the one who was scared to harm anyone, the one who wasn't about confrontations, was the one who gave Delia what she deserves. I wasn't even shocked anymore, I was satisfied. That anger was gone. Freddie was no longer with that lying, manipulative, slut. Even better, he showed Delia what a jerk she has been.
Now we were waiting for anything. Maybe a pathetic beg to take her back, a 'Fine Whatever', or an argument.
But instead, Delia ran. She didn't even make a fuss about it, try to convince people she's not really a loser, she just ran out.
Now stupid as it seems, I ran after her. I should've just let her cower away and celebrate that Freddie is no longer bound to get hurt. But no, I had to go to Delia and confront her about the diary. Her and Freddie were through, but that didn't mean I was through with framing her.
Carly was calling me to stop. I should've listened to her, but I couldn't. Not now.
Then, I heard voices in Delia's room. I paused and put my ear to her door, which was just opened a crack.
The first voice was Delia's. "Well I don't need to worry about Freddie no more; he could have that Sam bitch, but what about her annoying best friend?"
I grred, Carly was more awesome than her!
"Don't worry hon."
Then silence. I peeked in.
I gasped.
The guy in there with her was David. And he was kissing Delia.
I'm soooo sorry about ditching this story for four months. XD Even worse it's almost a year since I started this and I have more chapters to go. I'm so sorry for being lazy, and I'm sorry if this chapter looks rushed, it's just I'm losing creativity with this story. I forgot half the ideas that I had. I only remembered the cliffhanger for this chapter. But don't worry; I have plenty planned for the next few chapters. Also, I'm going to start another iCarly story and a Victorious story soon. And I'm still trying to fix the space thing DX