I don't own anything, all characters belong to Janet E.

This is my first fanfic, please be kind. This is a Babe Story. Not Morelli friendly.

Steph's POV:

Hi my name is Stephanie Plum. I'm 33 years old, I have a job that mostly sucks, my car just went to car heaven, and I my shower massager is on the fritz.

Lets see... where do I begin. I'm a bounty hunter, and not a very good one at that. I just rolled in garbage for the umpteenth time, lost my skip, and to top it off my pos car was smashed with sledge hammer while on Stark Street. Now I'm waiting for the police to show up and make out a report before my car gets towed away to car heaven.

I gave my report to Eddie and Big Dog, now we're waiting for the tow truck.

"Cupcake, Cupcake are you listing to me?"

I looked up into the face of Joe Morelli my ex. "What do you want Morelli?"

"You know what I want Cupcake. I want you to quit that stupid job of yours. Haven't you rolled in garbage enough? How many cars do you have to total before you realize that it's time to stop these fantasies, and give up working. If you would just marry me your mother wouldn't worry anymore, and we can have the life that you always wanted."

I was so shocked, I couldn't believe what he was saying. The life he wanted, not me!

"Joe we broke up two months ago. I'm not going to quit my job, and I wouldn't marry you if you were last man on earth!"

"Awe come on Cupcake, the boys miss you."

"Morelli when I left it was for good. I could care less about the boys. Why don't you have that skank Terri take care of them for you, because you will never touch me again!"

"Cupcake, haven't you gotten over that yet? It was just a big misunderstanding."

"No Joe! I do not think finding you playing hide the salami with Terri was misunderstanding! You are a pig! I'm done with you!"

"I guess you need more time, I'll call you later Cupcake."

I thought my head was going to explode. Does he actually think I could forgive him. I yelled to him. "Don't ever call me again Morelli!" He was already in his car driving away, when I felt that familiar prickle on the back of my neck. I turned around and smacked right into Ranger's chest.

Ranger has been in the wind for the past three months. I was shocked to see him. Usually Tank, Ranger's right hand man, will let me know if he's expecting him back.

"Ranger when did you get Back?"

"I missed you too Babe." Then he kissed me, and let me tell you this was no kiss you'd give your sister. This was a bone melting kiss, with a lot of tongue. When he pulled back, I noticed my hands were fist-ed into his shirt and my knees went week. He steadied me.

"Just got back Babe. You need a ride?"

Damn, I think I just messed my panties. The double meaning in his voice made me fall backwards. If Ranger didn't have a hold on my waist I would have fallen right on my ass.

"Come on I'll give you a lift home."

We were driving in his Turbo. I snuggled down in the seats, rested my head back, and inhaled. "Yum!"

"Babe." Ranger groaned.

Oops, I guess I said that out loud.

"I have a job for you tonight."

"Is it a distraction?"

"Yes, be ready at nine."

"What should I wear?"

The car stopped, and we were in my parking lot. Ranger leaned over, pulled me to him, and kissed me. When he pulled back he twirled a piece of my hair, and said "I'll see you at nine."

I was dazed, Ranger's kisses have a way to make a woman forget which way is up. I stumbled out of the car, hearing Ranger chuckle.

Somehow I made it into my apartment. It was 5:00. I had four hours before Ranger would pick me back up. I took a quick shower, and came out to hear the phone ringing. I ran to answer it.

"Stephanie this is your mother. What is this I hear you rolled in garbage again, and your car was towed away. Mary Richard's daughter never rolls in garbage. Why can't you just quit that job and marry that nice boy Joe already? I expect you for dinner tonight, I made pot roast with mashed potatoes. Pineapple upside down cake for dessert."

I have no food in my house, and even though I really don't feel like sitting through a dinner at my parent's house, my mother new she had me. I never turn down pineapple upside down cake.

"I'll see you at six mom."

I looked up and saw that it was 5:30. I only have a half hour to get dressed and make it to parent's house by six. Damn it, I just remembered that I don't have a car. There was a knock at my door. I answered it to a smiling Lester. "Hey Beautiful", Lester said.

"Hi Lester."

"Boss said you might need these." He handed me the keys to Ranger's Cayenne.

"Ranger is always one step ahead of me, and always knows what I need before I do. Hmm, maybe he has my phone bugged. Nope he's just Batman."

Lester was standing in the doorway laughing.

"Oops, did I say that out loud?"

"Yes Beautiful you did. Don't worry I won't say anything."

I told Lester thanks, and watched him leave.

I made it to parent's house with two minute's to spare. My mother and grandmother were waiting at the door for me. "Is that Ranger's car" my grandmother asked.

"Yes grandma it is. He's letting me borrow it."

"Well, ain't that a pip" she said. "Can you drop me off for a viewing? I'm meeting my new stud muffin Calvin, and I'd love for everyone to see me getting out of that fine package Ranger's car."

When I sat down at the table I noticed an extra place setting. Just then the doorbell rang. "I'll get it" my mother yelled. I looked up to see Morelli sitting down next to me. I swear I was so mad steam was coming out of my ears. My mother was smiling "isn't it nice that Joe was able to join us for dinner tonight?"

"He's got a nice package, but not as good as that Ranger fellow" my Grandma said. My dad was busy shoveling food onto plate, but I saw him shaking his head mumbling "crazy old bat".

I ignored Morelli, the whole dinner, but when I started eating dessert he put his hand on my thigh and was inching it higher. I took an extra fork off the table, and stabbed his hand with it. He jumped up in pain, pulling the fork out. I could see blood slowly seeping out of the holes. I couldn't contain my smile of satisfaction, I looked up and I could have sworn I saw my dad chuckling. Morelli excused himself, and left.

I helped my mom clear the table, and than asked Grandma if she was ready to go. I dropped her off at the funeral home without incident, and made it back to my apartment. I went to get ready. Since Ranger didn't tell me where we going for the distraction tonight I decided to dress conservative slut. I wore a red push up bra, matching lace thong, a black skirt that hit my thigh two inches below my but, a low cut red camisole to extenuate the cleavage the bra gave me, and topped it off with cute short blak jacket.

I was looking for shoes when there was a knock at my door. I went to answer it finding Morelli standing there eying me up and down like I was dinner. I went to slam the door in his face, but he was to fast and stuck his foot in-between before it closed. He pushed the door open and backed me up against the wall. I tried to knee him, but he caught my leg. He was pissed. "Cupcake that wasn't nice stabbing me with a fork tonight". I tried to push him off me, but he wouldn't budge. " Leave Morelli, your scum and I want nothing to do with you" I yelled in his face. He was trying to take off my skirt, with me struggling against his weight. All of sudden he was thrown against the door.

"I think the lady said she wants nothing to do with you" I heard Ranger growl at him. Ranger opened the door, and through Morelli out on his ass.

He turned and looked at me and if I didn't know better I would say Ranger was emotional, but his blank masked fell back on his face. "Babe are you ok?" He asked me.

I told him I just needed a minute to get some shoes. I was bending over to strap my shoes on when Ranger came up behind me and ran his hand over my ass. I stood up turned around and he pulled me close, leaned down whispered in my ear " I can take care of Morelli for you", and then his lips came crashing down on mine. I was holding onto him, knowing after that kiss I wouldn't be able to walk straight. He pulled back and said "we better go before were late", and he pulled me out the door.

Ranger explained that we were going to bar called Chances. Bobby would be tending the bar, Lester would be inside, Tank and Ranger would wait outside for me. The FTA was out on 200k bond for rape, and attempted murder. Ranger leaned over slid his hand into my bra and attached a wire, but before he pulled back he let his thumb slide over my nipple. It hardened immediately, Ranger whispered into my ear "stay safe".

I stumbled out of the car and walked into the bar. I spotted the guy easily, he was sitting at the bar. He was 5'11", had blond hair and blue eyes, and was attractive for a slime ball. His father was politically connected and he came from money, hence why he was able to make bail.

I sat down at the bar two stools away from him. Bobby came over and asked me what I would like to drink. "a gin and tonic" I told him "and keep them coming". I downed the first drink as soon as it was set in front of me. The FTA looked over and and slid down to the seat next to me.

He leaned over and asked " what's got a beautiful lady like you so upset?" I downed my second drink before answering. I was really only drinking tonic, but he didn't know that. I tried to sound tipsy leaning on him I said " I just broke up with my boyfriend. I found him in the act, cheating on me. You know what, I'd like to get back at that pig." I drank another down, looked up and batted my eyes at him.

He pulled out a wad of cash laid it down on the bar, stood up and said "let's get out of here." I was acting drunk, clinging to him for support when we walked out the door of the bar. In an instant Tank had the guy on the ground and cuffed.

Ranger walked me over to his car, pushed me up against the door, leaned in whispered in my ear "you did good Babe". At some point he had slid his hand down my top, and removed the wire. I looked into his eyes and they were smoldering black. He leaned down and kissed me, I was breathless, and my panties were definitely ruined. He pulled back to hear the guys saying they'd see us later.

Ranger walked me up to my apartment. He made me wait outside the door while he did his usual check to make sure no one was there, or left me unwanted presents. When he was done checking everything he pulled me into the apartment.

He sat on the couch, and pulled me onto his lap. I don't think I have to tell you but my doodah was humming. He was making slow circles with his finger on my thigh, he looked into my eyes and his lips came crashing down on mine. I was jumping for joy inside, but he pulled back from the kiss.

In a husky voice he asked "you broke up with Morelli?" "Yes" I answered.

He was smirking. "Is it over for good?" I nodded yes, and he kissed me again. His hand was sliding up my shirt when I heard phone ring.

Ranger said something in Spanish under his breath, and opened his phone. "Speak" He listened for a minute, and told whoever it was "I'll be there in ten", and closed the phone.

He leaned down gave one more bone melting kiss. " Gotta go Babe" He stood up, and left me there dazed. What just happened, or would have happened if his phone didn't ring. Damn!

I had been with Ranger one glorious night a year ago, and let me tell you it was the best night of my life. Ranger once told me being with him would ruin me for all other men, and he wasn't lying. He could give a woman an orgasm with one look, but when he touched you it was like fire!

Now I need to go take a cold shower and go to bed. UH--- alone.

Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think of it so far.