My p.o.v.

It was a cold day in Forks, Washington, I was sitting on my couch on the fist floor of my two story house, watching Law & Order: SVU and suddenly my sister Bella comes running threw the back door "Bella, what's wrong?" I asked as I jumped up, she was carrying her friends Jessy and Jackson, Jessy was asleep on her back and Jackson was asleep in her arms, I saw that her neck had a few drops of dried blood on it, she walked over to the couch and laid Jackson down and she set Jessy and the pup she was holding down next to him.

She walked into the bathroom and filled the sink with hot water, she took a deep breath and put her head in the water, five seconds later she lifted her head, wiped her eyes, so she could see, grabbed a towel and put it around her shoulders then she walked into the kitchen and I followed her, she got a pepsi and I got a glass of tea and she started telling me what had happened and after she finished, she said that she was going to check out her new home and the state, it was a sunny day and I know how much Bella loves the sun and I didn't object "go ahead, i'll look after those two" I said pointing towards the couch "thanks, I hope i'm not causing you to much trouble" she said looking down at her soda, I gave her one of my famous smiles "no it's no trouble at all, you have fun, go check things out and hang out when you get back, besides we're going out later but we're still trying to figure out where to go" we had a good laugh, she finished her soda and took off.

Bella's p.o.v.


'I was sitting on the branch of a two hundred year old oak tree, a hundred feet off the ground, when I heard Eminem & Dr. Dre's guilty conscience and I knew it was Jessy, she has been my friend so long that we're joined at the hip seriously and my other friends Gavin and Jackson they're like brothers instead of friends if someone picked on me they would make them sorry. (Jackson is a Hybrid like me except for the fact that I've had like ten past lives which makes me the Ultimate Hybrid and I'm the ultimate predator to, which makes me soo happy, but last year a week before my seventeenth birthday I was down in the woods around Batton Rouge, Louisana and I was hunting.

My brother Gavin (since he was like a brother to me) asked me, my brother Jackson and my sister Jessy, the day before he left to go camping and a week before I went hunting, if any of us wanted to go with him "sorry, but I've got a hell of a lot of chores to do" Jessy said "what did you do now?" I asked "I told my annoying neighbor Joseph that if he didn't stop throwing stuff at my dog that I was going to set his house on fire, he said that I wouldn't and I gave him my evil look and said that I wasn't afraid to go back to prison and I think he shit his pants because his face was priceless, he ran inside his house and I heard his mom yelling at him but he told his parents and they told my parents and now I'm in a hell of a lot of trouble" she explained, we all laughted and when we stopped laughing Jackson said he couldn't go because he was going to the dessert to see what he could find to eat and I said that I was going out of state to hunt so it was just him, and he could have went camping any where but for god only knows what reason, he chose to go camping in the woods around Batton Rouge, Louisana.

I was stalking a white-tailed deer I was crouched down so much that you couldn't see me, unless you had the eyes of a predator, I sent a wave of terror towards the animal it looked up, in my direction then the other way and when it looked my way, I jumped up and the deer took off with me right behind it.

Now I could've jumped on the animal at any time but my demons, my thirst' told me to wait I don't know why but I listened to them and I waited 'Bonnie, Jasmin why do you want me to wait?' I asked curiously, the deer was about to cross a hiking trail, I watched as it crossed the trail and there was a shadow but I didn't have time to figure out who or what it was 'attack' they said togather and I did before I knew it I had sunk my canines into my preys neck and heard a gasp I started drinking without thinking and instead of a struggle, I felt arms wrap around my shoulders like how a brother would hug his sister, that terified me, I pulled back to see Gavin's pale face, I was horrified, I had used my venom and instead of making it toxic, I made sure that if I bit a human by mistake they would be fine but all to soon my hope vanished when I heard my demons talking 'do you think Bella will notice?' Jasmin asked Bonnie 'don't sweat it, she won't know that we changed her venom so that it would turn him' I was scared and now that I knew what was wrong, I knew that there were only three solutions either I could give him my blood and he'd turn in five minutes, I could wait it out and see how long it would take for him to turn or I could drain him which would kill him, I decided that I would simply wait it out so I picked up his limp body and ran up to Forks, Washington and ran towards Forks from Port Angeles and sixteen miles before I got to the town I turned down a Blacktop-driveway and when I saw the garage I didn't slow down, I went faster and took a sharpe right turn and just half a second later I made myself faze through the door and I ran upstairs and the door next to the stairs leading to Amary and Lucifer's room which was the whole attic, I fazed through the door to my brother Terrie and sister Terry's room they had bunk-bed's and they worked at the hospital my brother a doctor and my sister a nurse they looked up and visibly paled at the sight and jumped up and ran to me my brother Terrie took Gavin while my sister Terry took me over and we sat on her bed "what happened Bella?" I told her about every thing from the day he asked me and the others if we wanted to go with him to me chaseing the deer "then both Bonnie and Jasmin told me to Attack so I did and I heard a gasp and instead of putting up a struggle I felt arms wrap around me you know like how a brother would hug his sister and I knew something was wrong so I pulled back and I saw Gavin's pale face and I heard those two talking and I try not to use my venom but those two switched it so that it would turn Gavin and I knew that I had to get him here as fast as I could so I ran all the way here" after an hour I went back to Phoenix worrying about my brother).

I decided to see what Jessy wanted, because untill I picked up she was going to keep calling me, I wanted to know what was going on incase someone needed my help "hello" I said and I think my ears started bleeding because she was screaming "BELLA!! OH MY GOD!! FINALLY, YOU HAVE TO HELP HIM, HE'S GONNA BE KILLED.." I had to shut her up before my ears exploded "JESSY!!!! CALM DOWN OR I'M GOING TO GO DEAF" I could hear her breathing slow down but her heart kept doing double time "now what's going on?" I asked as calmly as I could but I was terrified "you know about that labratory at the edge of town?" I was getting more nervous by the second "y..yeah I kn..know about it, w..why?" I hated that my voice broke but I was getting scared "well I saw this big truck you know like they drive in the army to carry troops from one area to the next? well this one pulled up right in front of Jackson's house and he was home and about ten minutes after they went in they came out and they were pulling a cage it was covered and it had wheels but they loaded it into the back of the truck and I heard growling and roaring coming from the back of the truck, Bella it's him he's in danger I know it you have to help him or th..they w...will hi...him" she was crying now and I knew what I had to do "Jessy go wait in the clearing where we all hang out i'll go get Jackson and meet you there, ok?" she sobbed but answered nontheless "ok i'll see you there, bye" "bye" I shut my phone and jumped to the next tree branch untill I got to the city and then I was jumping from roof top to roof top and in one second the roof of the lab became visible, I jumped and landed on the roof top soundlessly.

I punched a hole in the roof and I dropped down to the floor, I wasn't supprised that there were hunters comming but since hunters have no souls, it would not hurt my record to kill them. I made my way down to the basement where the experiments were done, I killed almost 200 hunters by the time I got down there and when I got to the door, I could hear my brother on the other side. I didn't hesitate, I threw myself at the door, busting threw it.

Two scientist' were stupid enough to try and catch me, they were foolish and yet they were human, which ment that I had two bad marks on my record, which, at the moment, I could have cared less about, right now, because I knew I had to save my brother. I busted the cage that he was in, he was so weak he could bearly lift his head to look at me, I ran over to him, picked him up and ran back to the roof top then I jumped down, hitting the tree line and I ran, I wasn't going to stop until I saw the clearing.

I wasn't supprised that Jessy had brought her golden lab pup she wouldn't leave her there so I told Jessy to get on my back and hold on tight, she did what I said and I took off, after a minute, Jessy and the pup were asleep but Jackson was looking at my throat. I knew he was weak and I had fed just seconds before the phone call, I saw him try to lift his right hand and I leaned my head down to meet his hand, he looked shocked but it wore off quickly 'Bella, i'm so hungry' I looked at him and I saw how close to death he was, they had very nearly killed him, I leaned my head down more 'bite me' he knew that I was serious and I knew that he was starving, he needed it and we both knew it, he bit my throat without hesitation, it hurt but I didn't let it show plus i'm not the type to complain. As he drank and Jessy and her puppy slept, I ran to Forks, Washington, back to my family, to my true home and to a new begining.

To Be Continued...

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