Tony smirked at the sight of Jen in those heels again. He had bought them for her for her birthday last month, and she had worn them everyday since. It was his way of saying 'she's mine' without anyone really knowing they were together, just like Jen wanted it to be. He remembered seeing them in the exclusive boutiques' shop window and knowing they were perfect for her. Seeing them on her only underlined his correct assumption.

Jenny smirked to herself as she realised all the men in the immediate vicinity were staring at her feet. They were the sexiest shoes she had ever worn and they were empowering. They made her feel good about herself and she knew they made Tony feel secure in their relationship. They'd only been seeing each other for a couple of months, yet it seemed like he already knew her inside out, which scared her a bit, but he appeared to be in it for the long haul.

Gibbs stared at Jenny as she walked up the stairs in those shoes again. Bright red and sinfully high, they were the sexiest shoes Leroy Jethro Gibbs had ever seen in his life, and he'd had four wives on top of a number of girlfriends. He'd seen his fair share of Jenny's shoes, but none as sexy or as high as these. They clearly had significance for her to wear them nearly everyday. A present from a boyfriend, maybe? Gibbs frowned. He didn't want her to have a boyfriend.

Ziva smiled at Jenny, and it widened when she saw the shoes. She new how much her friend loved them, and they had been a present from her boyfriend. She had noticed Gibbs and Tony couldn't keep their eyes off them. Ziva had a sneaking suspicion about Jen and Tony. They looked at each other differently than they used too, and he spent a hell of a lot more time in her office nowadays, and had done since Gibbs had left for Mexico.

McGee looked at Jenny's shoes again and gulped. They were the sexiest things he had ever seen in his life, and he knew he shouldn't be thinking about his boss in that way. They were just so……sinful. He wondered where she got them from. They almost seemed…inappropriate for the office, though they seemed to be a hit with all the men he knew. And she clearly wore them everyday for a reason, he just didn't know what.

Abby smiled when she saw Jenny in her shoes again. They were sooooo cool. She figured they were from Tony. They were the kinda shoes Tony would appreciate and then buy for his girlfriend. In Abby's opinion, Jenny and Tony were the world's worst kept secret, but nobody else seemed to have noticed, so she kept it to herself. She knew it could only be a matter of time though, before somebody else found out about the lovers.

Ducky shook his head when he saw Jennifer in those shoes again. He knew full well who they were from. He may be old, but he was not stupid. He simply couldn't understand how Jethro hadn't worked it out yet. But they do say that love is blinding, he thought sadly to himself. It couldn't be long before Jethro found out, and Ducky would be on hand with bourbon to comfort his old friend when he did. For the time being, he just liked to look at those shoes.

Palmer rarely saw Director Shepard, but lately, whenever he did, she was wearing the sexiest pair of shoes he had ever seen, even sexier than some of those that Michelle owned. They were so, so high, and bright red patented leather. They made her legs go on for miles and she normally teamed them with a fitted pencil skirt. She seemed so tall and elegant in them. Jimmy gulped. If Agent Gibbs realized he thought this way, he'd be dead in seconds.

At the end of the day, Valentines Day, Gibbs headed up to Jen's office to see if she had plans for the evening. He walked straight in and gaped. Jen had just pulled on a tight red strapless mini dress, and it was still open at the back, revealing the band of a black lace bra and a g-string.

"Oh, Jethro, zip me up, please."

He did so, avoiding making any contact with her flesh. The dress sealed itself around her body like a second skin. She turned around.

"I guess I should be mad at you for barging in here, but seeing as you did me a favour I won't be. What can I do for you?"

"You got plans tonight, Jen?" he asked.

She had her back to him, collecting her purse from her desk.

"Why, Leroy Jethro Gibbs, are you asking me out?"

He was ashamed that he allowed a slight brush to creep up his cheeks. She smiled.

"I'm sorry; Jethro, but I do indeed have plans."


She nodded, "Maybe some other time?" she kissed him on the cheek and left.

Aw, hell. He'd been in the mood to go out. Maybe Abs would be up for it. He went down to her lab. The goth had decorated it with hearts and balloons. He smiled.


She came out of the office, "Hello, my silver haired fox! What can I do for you today?"

"Accompany your silver haired fox to dinner?" he asked, smiling.

"I have plans with Ziva," she said.

His face fell.

"Wait! You should totally come along! We'll get Ducky to come too! It'll be fun!"

"I dunno, Abs.."

She gave him a pleading look.

"Fine, but you're asking Duck."

"My pleasure."

So, at eight thirty, he found himself walking into the restaurant with Ziva on his arm, Abby and Ducky behind him. It was a nice place, Alessandro's. Abs had been in the mood for Italian. They sat down at their table.

"Ah, hell," he said, catching sight of a table not far from them. Ziva followed his gaze. Jenny was having dinner with her boyfriend, who was facing the other direction. He held her hands in his and their heads were close. She smiled. It was sweet.

"Oh – my – God," said Abby.

"What?" asked Ziva, concerned.

"Her hand. Her left hand."

Gibbs followed her gaze. On Jenny's left hand, on her ring finger, was a massive diamond. Jen's favourite. She was smiling at her boyfriend, no, fiancé, in a way she had never looked at him. She stroked her foot, clad in those red heels, up her man's trouser leg, and he shivered. She smiled wickedly.

Ducky cleared his throat and Gibbs focused on his menu. He decided to share a pizza with Duck. He didn't have much of an appetite anymore. They made small talk while they waited for their food, and Gibbs found himself relaxing in the company of his friends. Half way through his meal, Ziva startled him by crying out.


He glanced up. Tony was, indeed, walking past their table towards the bar.

He jumped at the sound of his name.

"Ziva! Abby, Ducky,….Gibbs, hi. I, uh, just got to pay the bill." He walked off.

"Young Anthony seemed a bit unsettled," Ducky commented wryly.

No wonder, thought Abby. He'd just asked Jen to marry him, turned around and found her ex not ten feet away. She had a feeling things were about to blow up, in a big way.

Gibbs finished eating and relaxed in his chair. He saw Jen come out of the ladies and walk across the room. Where had her mysterious fiancé gone? She walked to the bar and smiled when she saw Tony. She walked over to stand next to him and they chatted for a few minutes. She laid her hand on his arm.

Strange, thought Gibbs.

Tony finished paying for his bill and turned to her. He placed one hand on the small of her back and pulled her to him, giving her a deeply passionate kiss that she responded to enthusiastically, running her hands through his hair. Several minutes later they broke for air. She was smiling that wicked smile at him again, and he linked his fingers with hers before leading her out of the restaurant.

"Oh, Gibbs," said Abby softly.

Gibbs ignored her. He downed the rest of his bitter, tossed a hundred on the table and walked out of the restaurant. He stormed angrily down the sidewalk, past the restaurant car park. He saw Jen and Tony kissing again, pushed up against Tony's mustang. He kicked a can in disgust and continued walking home.

Abby rushed out the restaurant after Gibbs. He was gone. She saw Tony kissing Jenny against his car. She ran over and slapped his head. He jumped, clearly thinking it was Gibbs. He sighed with relief when he saw it was Abby.

"You are an idiot, Tony!" she cried.

"He saw?" Tony croaked.

Abby nodded. Tony groaned.

"What?" asked Jenny, concerned.

"Gibbs was in the restaurant," said Tony, "I forgot he was there, Jen. You looked so beautiful, I forgot where I was. You know I'd never kiss you like that in public normally!"

"What did he say?" Jenny asked Abby.

"Nothing. Finished his drink, threw down his money and left. He looked upset."

"Maybe I should go see him?" asked Tony.

"NO!" cried Abs and Jen in unison.

"Leave it till, morning, babe," said Jen.

He nodded and kissed her forehead.

"Awww, you guys are so cute!" squealed Abby, "Congratulations!"

The next morning, Tony hurried into work before Gibbs, to get the chance to talk to him before McGee or Ziva turned up. He came in not ten minutes after Tony and ignored him, walking straight to his desk.