"He cannot do this!" Morgana cried, gracefully tossing herself onto a nearby chair.

"He's just trying to save Camelot," Gwen tried gently, standing dutifully by her mistress' side.

"By locking everyone away? He's a fool."

Gwen would have warned against such treacherous statements if it were anyone else but Uther's ward. She folded her hands and sighed, trying to smile. "Maybe it won't be so bad. I'll be here to take care of you."

"For that at least I can be grateful, my dear Gwen." Morgana relaxed a little, gesturing toward the chair beside her. The kingdom's white walls amplified the morning's brightness, filtering dazzlingly through Morgana's window which was draped with various flowers and plants. Camelot had once again fallen into peril with the outbreak of a terrifying illness that Gaius, the court physician, had yet to find a remedy for. They knew it was only a matter of time before true terror befell the people.

Inside the stables Arthur was just as worried.

"He supposed that by containing the people who have fallen ill, he'll contain the virus or whatever it is? It doesn't work like that. I mean, right? He doesn't know what to do-"

"And neither does Gaius," Merlin interjected.

"Neither does Gaius," Arthur nodded, bewilderment turning into frustration. "So he's just doing something to make it seem like he knows how to handle the situation."

"He's doing what he can. Come on, breakfast is ready. We should-"

"No. We should be out there looking for some sort of cure."

"We can't find a cure to an illness we've never seen before." Arthur began to pace. Merlin sighed. "And even if we could, I wouldn't try it on an empty stomach, come on."

"Ordering me about again are we? I could have you dismissed for that."

"Wouldn't get you very far," Merlin opened the stable door. "Seeing as how we're not allowed to leave the castle and all. Besides," he added with a sly grin. "Who would feed that enormous ego of yours?"

Arthur permitted his fist to collide with Merlin's arm, sure to bruise.

"Breakfast it is," Merlin staggered. "For your stomach, not your ego."

Arthur let the door hit his servant in the face as he left.

A/N: More to come! The upcoming chapters will be longer. What do you think so far? Please review! Thank you for reading ^^