Disclaimer: not mine k? Besides it's not like Stephenie Meyer is actually gonna let me use her characters like this!! Mwahahahahaha!

The sun was shining. Edward looked across the parking lot to his love of 3 days, Bella Swan. Currently she was getting out of her dull orange truck. She looked up. Their eyes met for a brief second before she looked away. In the distance, there was a screech. Edward looked at the entrance of the parking lot to find Tyler's van speeding toward Bella, who was pinned against her van. Edward knew that it would squish her, so he ran to save her life. Unfortunately, the glare of the sun was so bright, that it got in his eyes. He was blinded for a few seconds. Enough time for Tyler's van to squish Isabella Swan into a pulp.

Edward was stunned.

"That's not how it was meant to happen" he wailed to the sky "Damn you CrAzYwRiTeRgUrL!"

A voice boomed back out "I have seen the future and declared it stupid so I squished her to prevent it!"

"NOOOOO!!!" Edward wailed, breaking down into babyish sobs "My love who I've only known for 3 days has been squished!"

Then he knew what to do. He ran as fast as his vampire legs could take him to the nearest cliff.

"Goodbye cruel world," he screamed, and he plunged into the abyss.

"NOO!! Edward!!" screeched Alice and she too jumped.

"NOO!! Alice!!" screamed Jasper, jumping.

"NOO!! Alice and Edward and Jasper!!" screamed the rest of the vampire family and they jumped as one.

In the Swanses' kitchen, Charlie held a pistol to his head.


"NOO! Bella and her child who I'll never imprint on!" screamed Jacob, as he was attacked by a horde of Extinctionists with syringes.

"We must put him down!" yelled the head surgeon "Gather the werewolves!"

The werewolves were rounded up and the surgeons advanced menacingly, their needles glinting in the light of the cage.


The poison ran through the bloodstream. One by one, the werewolves dropped to the floor, dead.

The Extinctionist bellowed a war cry and waved the once living pelt of Jacob Black.

"Ahh!" screamed the world of Twilight and all the characters I've forgotten, as they were eaten alive by chipmunks. And so the World of Twilight was silenced until...

"Hey!" said Bella frrom a nearby hospital "I'm alive! Where's Edward?"

"Everyone is dead!" boomed the voice from the sky.

"NOO! Kill me too CrAzYwRiTeRgUrL!" she wailed, on her knees.

"Glad to."

A blot of lightning struck the now properly dead Bella Swan.

In case you didn't get the idea, I don't like Twilight.