Tears of Mother of Pearl

I: Dilemmas to Face

Shona and I have always been best friends.

Aaron and I have always been friends, too. But the circle included Shona, so I couldn't have him all to myself.

I could see that Aaron and Shona looked good together.

Shona was the average mermaid type: long, blonde, flowing hair; glittery jewel decals on her scales; graceful curves and manners; flowing swimming styles.

Aaron was handsome: jet black heir, long; thin (A bit like me, but sleek, not skinny); beautiful black-silver scaled tail; speedy swimming.

We'd go and hang out in Dad's workshop while he tinkered with shell bits. Then, when he left, we'd giggle and look through his drawers, often coming across some love note for Lucky Penny (Dad's cheesy nickname for Mum).

Lately, though, I'd left Shona and Aaron to look through Dad's creations together.

I knew that, if they ever got together, they'd produce a beautiful mermaid: long, flowing jet-black hair, and bright neon jewels on her beautiful shiny black tail.

See, I figured, sooner or later, if Shona and Aaron didn't get together and fall in you-know-what, I'd definitely want Aaron, which would be unfair for Shona. We were a three-friend circle. If any one of us would be left out, all the peace on Allpoints Island would sooner or later disintegrate.

So, in a few words, I loved Aaron.

It's kinda weird being a semi-mer, same as

Aaron. We used to talk about that a lot, and how we both couldn't understand Mr. Beeston.

That was a long time ago. Months.

Sometimes I hate love and then regret thinking that, because really I just can't realize it. Like Mum and Dad, their love was pretty okay.

But my secret crush on Aaron was anything but. See, crushes only your best friend or the whole community knows about. Crushes, you only like the guy's swagger and look. But no, I really did love Aaron. I loved him because he usually took the time to listen to me, took the time to understand me.

Whenever I'd looked into those eyes of his, I'd seen myself reflected in them. But I've stopped looking into them. I don't feel great when I see how they see through me, how they feel my true essence. So quite frankly, I've become stranger to Aaron and Shona.

I never said I was happy about this.

Sometimes I've felt like I'm trapped in my own body. I'm a cage by myself. And to be honest, I consider that half true. It's like I'm so eager to ship-shape my ring of friends and make our relationships perfect.

I tell you; some times I've hated myself. Other times I say it's for the best and even better so I can stop being selfish, like I've been before.

Aaron, it's just that I don't want to hurt you. Or Shona. Please just make it easier and fall in love with her. I'll have a broken heart, but better that than a broken friendship.