It was almost show time.
Looking into the mirror of her dresser, she adjusted the strap of her Ultravoice's holster and centered the pendants around her scarred neck. Trivial, but it looked nice. It would be the first time she ever went to work without the surgical gear. Personal taste aside, she supposed the gothic clothing, while unusual, would allow her to blend into the Yellow Flag more easily than if she chose to wear the mask and goggles.
There was also a practical element to her current state of dress; it would be easier to chase the prey down in a dark frilled skirt and black knee-high boots rather than trying not to trip over a black leather apron every ten seconds.
Satisfied with her appearance, Sawyer hopped off the chair and grabbed the large chainsaw waiting patiently on the bed. There was an eerie smile as she gazed at her reflection in the guide bar. She took a moment to reflect, mentally, about the events leading up to this point. Everything that had been said and done, everything she had experienced, everything she had been through, and she was still alive. She earned the right to this hunt.
Annoyingly, Adolph's voice started playing in the back of her head. All that talk about hunting in packs, all that nonsense about forming a reliance and being abandoned in a time of need. She was stronger than that.
She had been through hell all her life. There was no such thing as tenderness, no such thing as kindness, no such thing as mercy. There was only bloodshed and apathy. This hunt would be no different. She would take down the target by herself if she had to do so. She was used to being alone.
As she reached for the door knob, she hesitated. There was a strange feeling in the pit of her stomach. Something was going to happen to her if she went tonight...
She promptly ignored it and opened the door, shaking her head. It was just a feeling. It probably didn't mean anything.
After all, how was her life going to be affected by one hunt?