Disclaimer: I do not own NCIS.

new therapist every day! xD


The word dropped into the bullpen like a stone. The tapping of keys stopped, and a consecutive groan came from the three agents.

"It's in one hour, too."

"Wait until Gibbs hears about this."

McGee said, looking faintly hopeful that Gibbs might perhaps get them out of it.

"Hear about what ElfLord?"

Gibbs strode into the bullpen with a coffee in hand, so strong Tony could smell it from his desk.


Gibbs looked up.



Another voice chimed in, this time from Ziva. She had taken to flicking her knife in and out, contemplated the most painful way to kill Leon Vance. A noise resembling a growl came from Gibbs as he stood up, motioning for them to follow him. He stalked up the steps and into Vance's office, not bothering to evn knock.

"I'm guessing you here abou-"

"Why the hell are we going to therapy?"

Even Ziva stepped back slightly at the question that dared Vance to answer the fact that they just might have some problems.

"I said so. Now you might as well go now that you're up her. Ms. Scuito and Dr. Mallard will be joining you. You'll have it every day for the rest of the week."

The whole team was glaring now, a look that was slowly making Vance afraid.

"Okay, so the SecNav told me that they need every team to go to make sure everything is okay."

If it was possible that Gibbs' stare could get harder, it did. He strode out with the team behind him, Ziva slamming the door behind them with something that sounded like a crack. There wasn't a word that passed between any of them. They all had equally angry faces, and all seemed to be thinking of ways to kill Vance. Ziva was fondling her knife, making everyone that passed them shrink to the wall and almost run by. Tony had his hands balled into fists, and even McGee was looking scary. But Gibbs was staring so hard that if he was staring any harder he would be searing a hole through everything in front of him. Abby was bouncing in front of a door, a huge smile on her face, while Ducky was off rambling about how this reminded him of something when they walked up.

"Gibbs! Isn't this going to be fun!"

Abby exclaimed when they approached, continuing to bounce, her boots clunking lightly on the carpet and her pigtails bobbing up and down as well. She was silenced with a glare when the team strode into the room where they were to have therapy.

Inside there was a 30-something year old man, sitting behind a mahogany desk, files spread out all over. He wore thick black glasses and had curly charcoal hair. He was smiling a fake, strained smile and when they walked in, his expression turned to one of fear. The team took their seats in the chairs and couch in front of him. Ziva, Tony and McGee took the couch, Ziva a little closer to Tony than McGee, while Abby took the chair beside McGee, with Ducky on her other side. Gibbs took the armchair beside Tony, glaring something more like swords at the therapist.

"Uh... Well, let's start with names, shall we? I'm Dr. Mark."

Ducky decided to pick up when the silence stretched a tad bit too long. "I'm Dr. Mallard, but please, call me Ducky,"

Abby followed suit, "Abigail Scuito, but please call me Abby."

"Timothy McGee. McGee."

"Ziva David. Officer David.

"Anthony Dinozzo. Tony.


Dr. Mark seemed like he already wanted the session to be over. He nervously shuffled some papers.

"Today, um, we're doing a dream discussion... You can, uh, tell us about dreams you had recently."


Tony muttered, and Ziva's lips twitched into a smile, as she scooted slightly closer to him.

"Abby, how about you start?"

"Well, okay."

Abby settled into a more comfortable position, and her face shifted into a slightly more depressed expression.

"Last night I had a really bad nightmare. It was one of the ones where I wake up crying." Abby's eyes were pricked lightly with tears. "In this one... It was Tony and first I saw him kneeling in front of Kate's, Pacci's, Paula's, and Jenn's graves, and in front of the hospital where... Jeanne worked."

Tony's face was stony, and Ziva was looking at him, a faint trace of worry etched into her features.

"And then he lifted his gun to his head..." Abby was choking on her tears now, and one spilled silently down her cheek. "And I watched him... shoot himself."

She buried her head in her hands, curling up in on herself, Ducky gently comforting her as she cried softly. Dr. Mark was looking slightly confused, sad, and scared of the look Tony had. Abby hiccupped a few times and straightened up.

"Thanks Duckman."

She whispered, wiping the streaked makeup off her face.

"Can you think of any reason why you would have this dream?"

"Cuz it's almost happened!"

Abby said rather loudly, shooting a look towards Tony that was begging for forgiveness and was expressing unending sadness at the same time.

"Is this-"

Dr. Mark was silenced by the glare Tony was giving him, that was daring him to ask the question. The rest of the room was either gazing at Dr. Mark with slight interest or at Tony with a mixture of fear and sadness and wonder.

"Okay... now let's do some relaxing."

Dr. Mark said hurriedly, motioning towards some mats. Everyone plopped down on them.

"Now, uh, lay down on your back and breathe deeply."

Suddenly light coughing broke out.

"Tony! breathe normally! You should know by now!"

"Well sorry! I was trying to-"

A snore broke inbetween Abby's and Tony's banter.

"McGee snores!" Tony laughed lightly. Another one joined McGee's. "I.. almost forgot... so does Ziva..."

The one day he was supposed to teach dream discussion and relaxation, he was wound-up, afraid, and most likely wouldn't be able to sleep that night.

Dr. Mark became aware Gibbs was glaring at him roughly 30 minutes later and that all of them were awake. Ziva was considering her knife, occaisionally glancing at him. Suddenly he was afraid and began rambling.

"I think the doc here needs a padded room and a straightjacket."

Tony said smiling. Ziva laughed with him, and even Gibbs was smiling.

"Oh dear."

Ducky said, and he called the Director.