HERE IT IS! IT IS HERE! TIME TO SING AND YELL AND CHEER! THE MOMENT YOU'VE ALL (well actually, just anyone who's been reading this) HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR-
AVATAR: NOT THE LAST AIRBENDER, CHAPTER 10!!!! WOOOO HOOO! Before we begin, I have some promises to keep! Here are ALL the reviews on ALL the chapters (in order from chapter 1 to chapter 9) AND I responded to them!
Reviews for Chapter One
Review By: anna
2009-08-22 . chapter 1
oh! this is very good so far! idk y, but i luv these fics where they're all grown up and have kids and all that... anyway, very good and UPDATE SOON! ;)
Answer: Thank you so much anna! And congratulations- you were the first person to comment on my story! I love the fanfics when the main characters grow up and have kids, too. That's why I wrote this :)
Review By: dpil237
2009-08-22 . chapter 1
so far i like it although you could of picked better names for for zukos kids and the guy toph married cough*teo*cough
Answer: I'm sorry I didn't make Toph marry Teo. I needed her to marry SOMEONE, and if you look at Book 3 episode 21 near the end- Toph and The Duke hugged. Yeah, I agree the names for Zuko's kids aren't the best- sorry! I hope you still like it!
Review By: tweetyberd
2009-09-16 . chapter 1
I like it so far ^^ I'm only on chapter 1, but I still like it xD
keep writing ; D
Answer: I did keep writing :) and I'm glad you liked it! Here comes Chapter 10!
Review By: Kimjuni2
2009-09-17 . chapter 1
I love this chapter, it's a nice introducing and I really like it ^^ So good job !
Answer: Thank you! I'm happy you liked the first chapter- even though it was short, I worked hard on it!
Reviews for Chapter Two
Review By: anna
2009-08-23 . chapter 2
another awesome chapter! but, and i may be wrong, i don't think sokka would technically be king. i think he would be chief... idk though... anyway, great chapter and UPDATE SOON! ;)
Answer: Ugh! You are SO right! Sokka would be chief, not king! That was a stupid mistake! Haha… sorry! I was thinking of deleting that chapter and changing chief to king once I saw your review, but I didn't. Whoops!
Reviews for Chapter Three
Review By: arizony
2009-08-31 . chapter 3
Your story is a bit of a different take on the idea of Azula escaping and causing hate and discontent. (BTW, Lilu is obviously Azula, the scarf and all covering the lower half of her face and all...) To get a bit of a different take on it, if you would like, I would suggest you read Liooness' story "A Dream Long Forgotten". I think you might enjoy it.
I shall have to follow your story and see how it unfolds.
Answer: Yeah, I was obvious with the scarf thing. My bad! I'll have to read that story, thanks for recommending it.
Review By: JesseK
2009-08-31 . chapter 3
I really like this story so far. It was a good idea to have "Lilu" be in the southern water tribe, that will be interesting I am sure. Keep up the good work, and I hope you write another chapter soon!
Answer: Uh, was I that obvious with "Lilu?" (Yeah, I was) Thanks, I'm glad you like the story! :)
Review By: avatarfann
2009-09-25 . chapter 3
i like it so much! it is soo good
Answer: Why, thank you! :D
Reviews for Chapter Four
Review By: Kimjuni2
2009-09-03 . chapter 4
Ouch leezolo kidnapped by Azula, why doesn't suprise me that. Azula must gonna pay for this, in avatar or firelord (zuko) style ^^ And I love the scène when somzon's head is on Kya's belly, so sweet :D
Anyway you did awesome job again, so update soon again and I'll be R&R !
Answer: Yeah, I like the "Somzon's head on Kya's belly" thing, too! Yep, Azula DID pay for it (Firelord Zuko style) Wait- or DID she? You'll have to read and find out…. :)
Reviews for chapter Five
Review By: Kimjuni2
2009-09-14 . chapter 5
Azula is there, she's there ... RUN Zuko ^^ I liked it, great job !
Answer: Thanks! :D You were the only person to comment on Chapter 4 and 5, so thank you so much!
Reviews for Chapter Six
Review By: Kimjuni2
2009-09-14 . chapter 6
Aw Somzon kissed Kya, so sweet, sweet, SWEET ^^ And Lily was Azula no wonder why everything was so easy for her. I realy love this chapter. So Update whenever you can and I'll be R&R!
Answer: That kiss was hard for me to write, so I'm glad you liked it. Yeah, sometimes everything is easy for Azula; she's a sneaky one! I liked that chapter too, if you can believe that!
Review By: kataang1234
2009-09-16 . chapter 6
OMG! I love it!!
This story is so awesome!!
I especially like the whole Kya and Somzon romance it's so cute!
update soon!
Answer: Thank you, I love writing romance, and I thought that Kya and Somzon were perfect for each other :)
Reviews for Chapter Seven
Review By: kataang1234
2009-09-18 . chapter 7
Once again another great chapter!
I can tell Quato is just like his dad when it comes to !
Update soon!
Answer: Yeah, I wanted to make the father-son connection with Quato and Sokka, I'm glad you noticed it!
Review By: BlackRose108
2009-09-18 . chapter 7
I fianlly got around to reading this!
First of all I love how you focus on both the origianl characters but you also focus on their children's stories and their relationships. I've never read a story where the children's stories go so indepth. Great job.
I suppose one thing you could do is work on the length of your chapters. They come across as a bite short. It might take a little longer to write but readers like to read stories that have something meaty to sink their teeth into every time it's updated, which is usually accomplished with slightly longer chapters. Being more desciptive might add to the length, try metaphores and getting more into the character's head between conversations, don't be afraid to descibe where the people are and what they're thinking even before the dialouge starts.
Other than that, keep up the awesome work and can't wait for the next update.
Answer: Thank you SO MUCH, you're review really helped me improve my writing (I think…) Yeah, my chapters are a bit short- but this one isn't going to be- I can guarentee you that!
Review By: Kimjuni2
2009-09-20 . chapter 7
O_o Azula will all get it from her mom^^ Anyway I love the mother/son reunion and how Ursa react that zuko is taller, married to mai and having 2 sons, so adorable ! Anyway good job !
Answer: Yeah, I wanted to remind people that Ursa hadn't seen Zuko since he was 13, and now he's 40!
Reviews for Chapter Eight
Review By: BlackRose108
2009-09-19 . chapter 8
Aw. Kya and Somzon are so cute. The way you potrayed their conversations was very realistic.
On a more serious note, Your writing has already started to improve. Great Job. You're getting more into the chartacters and I'm starting to picture things more. I would jsut like to say to really focus on humanizing your characters. Fanfiction is always great because you have the characters given to you. Their personalities and whatnot, but remember to become one with every character as you write for them. Don't make everyone seem to have the same thought patterns, mix it up. Make everyone's personalities show even when they're not talking.
Whew, that was long. Anyway, I admire your writing and I hope you will continue!
Answer: That's okay, I like long reviews! And short ones! (In fact, I like all reviews!) I'm glad my writing improved, I hope it still does. I worked pretty hard on the Kya/ Somzon thing, and it looks like it was worth it! Thanks!
Review By: kataang1234
2009-09-19 . chapter 8
I loved the Kya and Somzon scene it was just to cute!
Good job on this chapter!
Answer: Thank you! I personally loved that Kya x Somzon scene, and I'm glad you liked it too! More Kya x Somzon coming up! (I think I'll call it Kyazon or Somya!)
Review By: Kimjuni2
2009-09-20 . chapter 8
O ohw warning them before azula knows. Anyway Somzon and Kya both say they love each other, so sweet was that ^^ I really love it, so update soon and I'll be R&R.
Great job !!
Answer: Thanks! Kya and Somzon both love each other- it's so fluffy. And if you liked that, you'll love this chapter! The whole thing will be super FLUFFY!
Reviews for Chapter Nine
Review By: anna
2009-09-24 . chapter 9
aw! no! dont make the next one the last chapter! its wayy to good!
Answer: Sorry! I MIGHT make a sequel, or I might not. But I'm probably going to start a new Chapter story after this is done- It's gonna be mainly about Azula, Mai, and Ty- Lee when they were little and went to the Fire Nation Royal Academy For Girls. It'll have Maiko, Azula x SOMEONE, and Ty- Lee x SOMEONE/S.
Review By: kataang1234
2009-09-24 . chapter 9
AHH! It's so dramatic!
Please update soon before I die from suspense!
Answer: Oh my god! I don't want you to die from suspense! Well, you won't, because here's the final chapter!
Review By: Kimjuni2
2009-09-25 . chapter 9
Ahh I love it ^^ Awesome that Leezolo has a girlfriend, Somzon and Kya kissed again, all so sweet :D Omg is Zuko really gonna kill Azula, she was attacking his family, so it wouldn't suprise me. Anyway you did awesome job again so, update soon and I'll be R&R!
Answer: Maybe Zuko killed Azula… maybe he didn't! Keep reading and you'll know. Yeah, I think I mentioned Leezolo's girlfriend earlier, Yazaia. But in Chapter 9 I spelt her name wrong, like 1 million times! It's Yazaia, NOT Yazia. It's pronounced Yeah- Zah- EE-Uh. Sorry about that!
Review By: BlackRose108
2009-09-25 . chapter 9
Once, again, I can see you improving already. You're getting better at describing the surroundings and using metaphors. One way to help with the endeavor is to always remember to think with an open mind when writing, use words and phrases together that don't seem to fit together technically but can fit together in writing, you'll be suprised with how many combinations you can get and really picture the scene in your head before you write it.
Also, don't push youself with the chapter lengths so much. You don't have to strive to write 12 pages to make it longer, just let the ideas flow, and work on your own personal writing style and all the other things I mentioned, the length of your chapter will come.
Answer: Thanks again, that was really helpful! But I don't think I'll have to strain myself to make 12 pages, the story hasn't even started yet and I already have 8 pages! (because of all the awesome reviewers!) Thanks!
Review By: avatarfann
2009-09-26 . chapter 9
i like this story so much!! I CANT WAIT FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER!!
you are very creative in making stories.. i just love it!!
Answer: Thank you so much! Well, I hope Chapter 10 is worth your wait :)
Review By: Mishiro-chan
2009-09-26 . chapter 9
Answer: I know, I do it on purpose so you'll want to keep reading! I hope you enjoy Chapter 10!
WOW!!!! 24 reviews in total. 24 REVIEWS!!!! Thank you to all of you! You are all wonderfully amazingly fantastically AWESOME! I'm sorry about the longest Author's note in the whole world, so I'm gonna shut up, and let you read. But I have 2 more things to say. One is a thing that must be on all of the chapters, and the other I have to say or I'll be sued.
Number 1)
This takes place 22 years after Sozin's comet. Aang (Age 35) is married to Katara (Age 37) and they have 3 kids: Kya (12), Hako (9), and Giatso (6). Suki (38) and Sokka (39) are married; they have 2 kids, Yue II (12) and Quato (14). Both of them live in the Southern Water Tribe.
Toph (35) is married to The Duke (35); they have a daughter named Talifa (11). (They live in The Great Divide)
Zuko (40) and Mai (38) have 2 sons: Leezolo (15) and Somzon (13). (They live at the fire nation royal palace.)
Number 2)
Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar. (Tried to make it short!)
FINALLY I'M DONE! NOW HERE WE ARE (Drumroll, please) CHAPTER 10!!!!
Avatar Book 4
Chapter Ten
Mai's Pov
I lounged on the deck of the ship, and watched Zuko staring into the water. He had been standing there for over an hour, just looking over the ocean. I took a deep breath, and walked toward him.
"Hey." I said. Zuko didn't look up, so I tried again.
"You know you did the right thing." I whispered. Zuko shook his head. I wrapped my arms around him, and we stayed in that position for a while. Then, finally, my husband spoke.
"I should've killed her. I shouldn't have had Aang take away her firebending. I should have killed her when I had the chance." He whispered in his horse voice. I looked at him.
"You know that wouldn't have been right." I said, choosing my words carefully. But who was I kidding, it might have. I hated to say it, but if there was one person who deserved death, it was Azula. But I wasn't going to say that aloud.
"Now Azula is frozen in ice, surrounded by earth, and she can't firebend. There's no way she's coming out." I told him. Zuko looked at me. I was so glad about finding Leezolo and that no one was dead and I wasn't going to let him ruin the moment. We watched the sunset.
"It sure is pretty." Zuko said. I shook my head no.
"Orange is such an awful color." He laughed.
"You're so beautiful when you hate the world."
"I don't hate you."
"I don't hate you, too." I wrapped myself in his arms, and I felt his warm lips on mine. And I kissed him like it was the first time, happy my family was finally back together.
Aang's Pov
I sat in bed, cuddling Giatso and telling him the story of when I defeated Ozai. He loved that story, but I always made it light and happy.
"Once upon a time, daddy took a bad guy's firebending away. The bad guy was mean to everyone, mommy, daddy, Zuko, Uncle Sokka, Aunt Suki, Toph and everyone who wasn't in the fire nation. But now bad guy is somewhere else and Zuko is a nice fire nation ruler. And we live happily ever after." I heard snoring, and saw my youngest son had already fallen asleep. I picked him up and placed him on his bed, pulling the covers up to his chin.
I crawled into my own bed, and snuggled up next to Katara, who sat up.
"Hey Aang." She said softly. I smiled in the dark.
"Hey Katara." I answered. We just sat in bed for a moment, then suddenly I got out.
"You know, it's a bit early to go to bed." I said. Katara nodded, but then yawned.
"I know, I'm just- so tired (YAWN) because of this crazy day. I'm so glad it's over, and I'm so glad everyone's safe." I walked over and wrapped her in a hug. I just so happened to glance at the calendar, and I gasped.
"What?" Katara asked frantically. I glanced at her.
"We lost track of time," I said, "Guess what yesterday was?" Katara looked too, and her eyes widened.
"Our anniversary." She whispered, "I can't believe we forgot! Where should we go, there's not enough time! We missed it." I gave her a sly smile.
"Well, maybe we could celebrate it now, better late than never!"I told her. She smiled too, and we smashed our lips together in a long, sweet, kiss.
"Happy anniversary, Aang."
"Happy anniversary, Katara."
Suki's Pov
Sokka walked into the room, twirling his space sword. I sighed. I hadn't really had much time to spend with him the whole trip. We were too busy battling Azula, and looking for Leezolo. Sokka walked towards me, and I was trying to braid Yue's hair. Apparently she had seen some "cute guy" on the ship, the son of the captain, and she wanted me to give her "An exotic water tribe hairstyle like no other." I brushed her long hair, the same color as mine, and pulled it into elaborate braids, buns, and hair loopies. I saw Sokka out of the corner of my eye, watching us and smiling. Yue jumped up.
"Thanks mom! This'll be sure to impress Fong!" She leaped off the stool and ran out. Sokka smiled after her, then walked over to me.
"Our kids are growing up," He said, "Quato has a girlfriend, that Onna girl. I still can't believe that he found his true love on Kyoshi. Like father, like son, I suppose." I felt myself blush. Sokka snaked his arms around me.
"Sokka, I love you."
"I love you too, Suki. I love you so much. Even more than my Boomerang!" I laughed out loud, but Sokka silenced me with a kiss.
Toph's Pov
"Hey Royal Dukeness." I said. I skipped up to him and gave him a friendly (but hard) punch on the arm. My husband winced, and then smirked.
"Haha that didn't hurt at all! You're losing your touch!" He exclaimed in singsong. I glared, and punched him again, this time making him fall over.
"Okay… I probably deserved that" He admitted and got to his feet. A few yards away, I felt Mai and Zuko making out. I stuck out my tongue- gross! The Duke saw my reaction.
"You can't be going like that to them, we do it too- all the time. In fact, I wouldn't mind doing it more." I grinned, and punched him in the arm yet again.
"Ouch! Toph! What was that for?"
"That's how I show affection." I replied. Suddenly, I could feel The Dukes heart speed up in anticipation, and his features arrange themselves into a sly smile.
"You know, Toph… There are other ways to show affection." My heart sped up too. And even though I thought it was girlie, I let The Duke dip me low.
"This is the 3rd and last time you do this." I told him breathlessly.
"We'll see." He answered, and kissed me full in the lips. I let him, hey- you don't have to be tough all the time!
Fongs Pov
I was so bored. My dad was the captain of this ship, and we were driving some of the most famous families in the world, but there was nothing to do. I had made friends with a lot of the kids, though. I am 14, the same age as Prince Quato. I am a year older than Prince Somzon and a year younger than Prince Leezolo. Man, everyone on this ship was royal.
I was thinking about how much I missed the fire nation, when Quato's sister- (Yue, I think? ) came walking toward me. I could feel my jaw drop. Her long, red hair was like a master work of art on her head. It had some water tribe hair style- braided hair loopies that hung all around, framing her face. The rest was in more braids and buns and waterfalls of long hair. Her blue eyes were like pools of water. She was wearing a silver and white kimono like thing, and gray slippers.
"Hey, you're Yue, right?" I asked, suddenly hoping my own hair looked cool and my robes were clean. She blushed, and nodded.
"Yeah, and you're Fong?" She asked. I could only nod dumbly. We stared at each other for a while, and then I realized I looked like a total idiot. I had to make conversation- fast!
"So… you're Quato's sister?"
"Um… are you a bender?"
"Oh… cool… same here…"
"Oh… so how old are you?"
"Just turned 14."
"12 ½ " I smiled. So she was a year and a half younger than me. I wanted to know more about her.
"You wanna go… do something together?" I asked feebly. She smiled.
"Do what?" She asked.
"Oh.. I don't know… we could find something to do!?" She laughed.
"I'd love to." She said, "See you around." Then she walked away, a smile still on her face. There was one on mine, too. Suddenly, this ship wasn't that boring.
Normal Pov
Dear Onna,
How are you? How's the Kyoshi Warrior training going? I bet you'll be even better than my mom. (Don't tell her I said that!) Anyways, I miss you. I know I've only known you for a week or two, and I know we're moving fast, but- Do you want to be my girlfriend? I promise to take it slow if you want to. Write back!
That was 3 days ago. Quato missed Onna so much that he couldn't even believe it. It really had been love at first sight. He had sent out his Dad's messenger hawk (Hawky Jr) to Onna, and she still hadn't replied. What if she had already forgotten about him?
"Hey Quato." A voice said. Somzon walked into the room, drinking a glass of hot tea. Quato looked up.
"He Somzon," He said, "How are you and Kya doing?" Somzon blushed, and shot back,
"How are you and Onna doing?" That made Quato sigh.
"I don't know," He told Somzon, "She hasn't written back yet." Somzon cocked his head, and then looked Quato in the eye.
"It's only been 3 days. And you know, your messenger hawk arrived a few hours ago…" Quato's face sprung into a hopeful expression.
"Thanks! Tell Kya I say hi." He yelled, making Somzon blush again. Quato raced down the corridor, and onto deck where the sun had just set. He looked around, and spotted Mai and Zuko- making out! He shivered, and then cleared his throat. Zuko and Mai jumped apart, and both blushed.
"Do you guys know where my messenger hawk went?" He asked them. Mai nodded.
"Um… yeah. I think he's in the storage room. Quato said thanks, and hurried down to the storage room. He heard Zuko say to Mai, "Now, where were we…" It reminded him of Onna.
He threw opened the door and ran to Hawky Jr. He ripped the note out, and happiness bubbled threw him.
"Dear Quato,
I miss you so much, too. My Kyoshi Warrior training is going great, thank you! Oh, and I would love to be your girlfriend. I know, we are taking it fast- but I'm okay with it, as long as you are. You write back, too!
Your new Girlfriend, Onna"
Quato let out a whoop of happiness, and started dancing around the supply room.
Leezolo's Pov
"Why, Yazaia?" I asked her again. We were sitting on my bed, staring at each other. Her chocolate eyes were still red from crying. Her long fluffy brown hair was wet with tears. I still didn't understand why she had worked for Azula. Yazaia looked up at me.
"She said it was the only way to protect you." She said for the a millionth time. I couldn't get anything else out of her, so I shrugged it over and kissed her on the lips, instead. Her taste filled my mouth, and I felt dizzy. Vanilla and cinnamon. That's what she tasted like. Vanilla and cinnamon. Yazaia pulled herself a little closer to me. We kept kissing. I had missed her so, so, so, so, so, so much! Suddenly, her soft lips let go of mine. I looked at her, confused.
"What is that?" She asked. I noticed to what she was pointing to, and gasped. Shoot! She wasn't supposed to see it yet! It wasn't even done! Before I could stop her, Yazaia walked over to the table and picked up the red, velvet choker that had a small golden pendent on it.
"Is this…. A betrothal necklace?!" She exclaimed. My heart skipped a beat. I could feel the heat rise to my face. I had started it early, and I wanted to propose to her on her 16th birthday, which was in a month. Mine was in one week.
"Yes." I said. She gazed at me, and she looked… hurt?
"Oh." She said, "So… who?" I suddenly realized. She thought I was proposing to someone else! No, no, no! I had to set her straight.
"You." I said. She gasped, and then her face broke out in a smile. She rushed over to me, and hugged me tight. I smiled into her hair.
"I was going to ask you on your birthday, because then you'd finally be 16." I told her. She let go of me, and grinned.
"Maybe we can do it a little early." She said, a sly look on her face.
"What?" I asked, feeling dumb. She rolled her eyes.
"Ask the BIG Question. The one you were going to ask in about a month…." I grinned, and grabbed the betrothal necklace.
"Yazaia, even though I'm not supposed to ask this until you turn 16… will you marry me?" She grabbed my neck, and crushed her lips to mine. When she finally let go, she gave the answer I had dreamed about.
"Yes, Leezolo. I will be honored to marry you." My heart sped up in happiness, and we kissed again. I hope she's okay with being the nations next Fire Lady!
Kya's Pov
We were finally home! The ship pulled up to the Great Walls of The South Pole, and everyone had thrown a party! It was weird, being back home, though. Me, Yue, and Quato had to go to school every few days, which meant I had less time to practice Airbending, and more importantly, less time with Somzon.
Yue had met this cute guy named Fong, whose dad was the captain of Zuko's ship. They were staying so they could eventually take Somzon home.
Quato was writing letters to Onna daily, and she was writing back just as fast. Ah, love!
It was a cold, clear night. (Just like every other.) The stars were out and it was a full moon, so I could see waterbenders everywhere around me, practicing. I was sitting on the roof, and just watching them, when I heard someone come up behind me.
"Hey, Ky." It was Somzon. He kissed me on the cheek, and then sat down next to me. We sat like that for a while.
"Leezolo proposed to Yazaia." Somzon finally said. I looked at him with surprise.
"Really, That's great! When's the wedding?"
"I don't know." He said. I shivered, I wasn't wearing a parka, just my kimono. Somzon wrapped his arms around me, and heated me up with his firebending.
"Thanks." I said, blushing. He smiled. We sat like that for about a minute, then Somzon broke the silence again.
"We're leaving tomorrow." He said. I gasped, and sat up straight to look at him.
Why?" I asked, "You can't stay longer?"
"My dad has to
get back to the Fire Nation, he's been away too long." He
answered. I pouted.
"That stinks." I said, "I'll miss you so much." He kissed me again. I snuggled into his chest. Taking in the warmth.
"Kya?" He asked.
"Hmm?" I questioned sleepily. I shifted closer to him.
"I love you." He said. I wasn't tired any more.
"I love you, too." I answered. Then he looked uncomfortable. I was confused.
"What is it?"
"Oh, nothing…"
"No, really?"
"Well, while we're on the topic of love… and marriage…"
"Well… my dad said that if I had found my one true love, we could arrange the wedding now. That's what Leezolo did, he arranged it 2 years ago, when he met Yazaia. When he was 13. Just like me…"
"Yeah?" I said, Somzon was blushing the color of a cherry. I wonder why?
'"Well… I have found my true love… you. So… when you're 16… would you like to… marry me?"
Wow. Now I knew why he was blushing! I couldn't believe what I was saying, but I said it.
"Sure…" I said. There was an awkward silence.
"Okay, cool… thanks." He said. Suddenly I got an odd urge, and I think he got it too, because suddenly we were making out, then and there. I couldn't believe it- I'm 12 ½, and I already had my first boyfriend, 3rd or 4th kiss, and now I was getting married!
"I love you, Kya."
"I love you, Somzon."
THE END!!!! THE END!!!! Ah, 2 wedding proposals in one story! :) SO FLUFFY!!!! I can't believe I finally finished this! I know, I know, it took me FOREVER to update like 2 weeks, I'm so sorry! Maybe it was worth it? Maybe?
Please review! You will not get credit in the next chapter because… there are no more! But still, please, review! (PLEASE?)
Thanks so much to all of you for your reviews! I hope you enjoyed my story :)