I just went back in time with this song. Motown, Spinners, Could it be I'm Falling In Love. Aww man, I love this song. I'm using it for a fanfic I'm writing in one chapter. Not this one though. I'm having this tiny issue with this story. I want everyone to be in character, but Sam is so, ugh! I love Sam, so I'm gonna keep her as much in character as I can, while showing an emotional side. If I accidentally type Antonio instead of Anthony, I'm mixing it up with the fic I was talking about earlier. Two different characters, similar names. I am so cold, and hungry. Well, enjoy.


The sound of Carly's voice echoed through the room currently occupied by Samantha Puckett. Sam was the only one in the three bedroom house besides Carly, who just barged through the front door. Mrs. Puckett was currently M.I.A after what took place today. Mr. Puckett was there earlier, but couldn't bare it any longer.


Carly was now at the doorway to Sam's room, watching her pack her clothes in a bag.

"Don't try to talk me out of it, Carly," she replied.



Carly walked over to the bed and began unpacking Sam's things, while Sam went to her dresser to get more clothes.

"Sam, think about this."

Carly took out a shirt.

"There's nothing to think about," Sam told her, "I'm leaving."

Sam put three shirts into the bag and turned to get more. Carly took them out.

"Sam, you're fourteen," Carly stressed, "Where will you go?"

"Away from here."

"Sam put a pair of jeans into the bag, then turned as Carly took them out.

"Sam, stay," Carly whined.

Sam turned to put another pair of jeans in the bag.


She put the jeans in the bag, then stared at Carly.

Why isn't this bag full!"

"I don't know!"

Sam looked on the bed and noticed previously packed clothes now unpacked.



Sam sighed in frustration. She paced to the window, then back to Carly.

"You don't get it Carly! You don't understand!"

"Well help me understand Sam!"

Sam ran her fingers through her blonde curls.

"We were supposed to leave. Anthony and me. He was my way out of here. We were going to leave… We had everything set."

"You and your brother were going to runaway," Carly said softly.

Sam nodded, on the verge of tears.

"He promised that when he finished high school, we we're gonna to go to San Francisco. We we're going to move in with an old friend, and he would go to college there."

Sam moved back her bag, and sat on the edge of the bed. Carly sat next to her.

"He said he'd look after me. He said we'd be together forever. He promised, Carly, he promised. Now he's gone."

Carly sighed.

"Sam," she said softly, "I'm sorry."

Sam shook her head and wiped away tears.

"No," she sniffled, "I-I should've known that I never get out of here. I was stupid to think otherwise."

Carly shook her head.

"No, Sam, you weren't."

Sam gave a sad chuckle.

"Sam, I'll tell you what," Carly stated, "Stay. You can spend most days and nights at my house. Just.. finish high school with Freddie and me, then, if you still want to… you can leave."

Sam looked at Carly. She sniffled a little more.


"Sam, just finish high school. Please. Then you can go. I just want, no, need… to know that you're alright. At least then, you'll be 18 and at least have a high school education."

Sam sniffled once more, then nodded.


Carly looked straight into her eyes.

"Promise me, Sam."

Sam nodded.

"I promise."

Carly wrapped an arm around Sam's shoulders and hugged her. Sam rested her head on Carly's shoulder."

"Thanks, Carly."

"You're welcome."

There was a moment of silence, then Sam spoke sadly.

"Stupid drunk driver."

Carly nodded.

"I miss Anthony too."

Alright, I should've said this earlier, but all chapters have been inspired by a song. I'm telling you, there is a 99.9 percent chance, the chapter title is the name of the song. I'm leaving that .1, because I won't really know, until I type all chapters. Wanna know the best part about this story? The story is already finished, I just have to post the chapters on here, so it should get updated frequently, and when i say frequently, i mean every time I come over my uncles house, which is at least once a week. He has the internet, I have my laptop. Time Fix, by the way, the title of the story, is a song I wrote, and the name of the last chapter, chapter 20. I know what you're thinking, a) yay, 20 chapters, party! Everybody sing, party! b)dang! 20 freakin chapters!? But some of the chapters, around the middle, are pretty short, as short as my mom, and she's 5'2. I'm 5'10 or 9. So people of (a), don't get your hopes to high and (b), you're welcome.