Harry Potter and Twilight Crossover

A New Life

Parings: Hermione/Edward, Bella/Jacob, Ginny/Harry, Alice/Jasper, Esme/Carlisle Rosalie/Emmett

Authors POV

Hogwarts Castle England

The war is over and the Dark Lord Voldamort was defeated once and for all. Harry Potter was the one who faced Voldamort and won, but the war cost a lot of people's lives. The Weasley family lost two children, Ron and Fred. Remus and Tonks Lupin also died, and have a son that will see his parents again. There were also casualties that were on Voldamort's side as well, but some of the Death Eaters were able to get away and that includes Fenrir Greyback, and no one knew about it. There was a memorial service that was held on the Hogwarts grounds for all of the people who fought against Voldamort. During the ceremony, someone on the forest was watching someone that was in the crowd. They were watching Hermione Granger. They just couldn't let one of the people that escaped them once do it again, and they knew that what would happen to her would hurt the Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter.

After the ceremony, everyone left except for a few families. The Malfoy's, Weasley's, Harry, Hermione, and a couple professors stayed at the castle to grieve and to help the house elves to clean the place. Harry, Ginny, Hermione, the Malfoy's and a house elf was working on getting the suites of armor back to the shape they were and where they belonged. Harry and Ginny paired off while the Malfoy's were working together, and Hermione was working with the house elf named Nesse. While they were working, two Death Eaters snuck into Hogwarts and tracked down Hermione. She was working on putting the helmet onto one of the suite of armor when Greyback and Karkaroff came upon her. Karkaroff sent a silencing spell at her so that no one could hear her and then the Cruciatus curse at her back. The curse caused Hermione to fall to the ground onto her back and bang her head really hard on the way down. Her body started to shake while her mouth was open in a silent scream her eyes wide. She saw that Greyback and Karkaroff were by her, and Grey back started to come towards her. He gave a cruel smile and barked a laugh saying, "Look what we have here. We were looking for you Mudblood and now you are going to get what was coming to you when you were at the Malfoy Manner." Karkaroff did not even take the curse off of her through the talk and is not going to let it up until she is dead. Greyback just walked closer and kicked Hermione in the ribs on her left side with quite a bit of force that rolled her onto her right side. He then kicked her in the back and walked down towards her legs. Once he got there, he stomped down onto to her calf of her right leg and there were two loud cracks, indicating that her Fibula and Tibia were broken. He then stomped on her thigh and broke her Femur. He then walked up to where her wand arm was laying, her right arm, and stomped down on it as well, breaking her Radius and Ulna. Greyback kicked Hermione in the stomach and in her right rib. He then knelt down onto one knee and brought out a knife and looked at it. "Let's see if your blood is really different as to what you are Mudblood," he said and stabbed her in her right shoulder, scraping her caller bone. That was when Nesse stepped around the corner and saw the two men by Hermione. Nesse screamed "HELP!" as loud as she could so that the others in the area to come and investigate. The scream surprised the two and they turned around. Karkaroff was so surprised that he let the Cruciatus curse as well as the silencing charm. With the silencing charm lifted everyone could hear Hermione's scream of anguish and they could hear people running to where they were at. Greyback pulled the knife out of her shoulder and was going to plunge it into her heart right when Nesse, seeing the knife aim, cast a spell that made Hermione teleport to a different area, to another country across the ocean. Harry, Ginny and the Malfoy's saw Hermione vanish and they then disarmed Karkaroff and stunned Greyback before they could do anything else except being captured.

Forks, Washington USA

Alice was sitting in the lunch room at Forks High School with her family talking about a shopping trip that she wants to go on when she got really quiet all of a sudden. Edward, Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett looked at her as if it was about where she was going to go, but Jasper and Edward got worried looks on their faces. Jasper could feel that she was getting very upset and worried and Edward knew exactly what she saw. Alice saw an empty cliff looking over the ocean that was by the forest. The next minute, there was a girl that appeared out of thin air, lying on the ground, one of her legs bent weird angles, an arm at her side and blood flowing out of a wound in her shoulder and then everything went blank. Alice blinked her eyes and looked at Edward. He looked like someone just punched him in the stomach. Alice knew where the location of the cliff was at on how her vision just went black. 'Edward, she is in La Push. We need to call Billy to get one of the wolves over there and we need to call the hospital.' Alice thought. He nodded and left the lunchroom along with Alice and the others fallowing them. They headed to Edwards Volvo and got in the car and drove away without a word. Alice called the hospital giving them all the information that she knew on where the girl was while Edward called Billy Black. He waited for Billy to answer the phone while driving to the hospital. "Hello," Billy said. "Mr. Black, this is Edward Cullen. What I am asking you is very important and someone's life is at stake. I will explain it to you later, but right now is not the time. Get one of your boys to cliffs fast; someone is hurt pretty badly there. We already called the hospital and they are sending an ambulance to that general area. Please Mr. Black." Edward said in a worried voice. "Alright, I will call Sam and they will be there and going to the hospital as well. I will be waiting for that explanation Edward," and then Billy hung up.

La Push, Washington

After Billy Black got off of the phone with Edward, he called Sam's house phone and nobody answered. He then tried his cell phone and waited for Sam to pick up. After a few rings Sam answered, "Hello." "Sam, it is Billy. I need you to go to the cliffs right now. I got a call from the Cullen's and they said to go to the cliffs right now. They also said that someone is hurt and an ambulance is on the way," Billy said. Sam replied, "Emily and I are already walking on the cliffs and we don't see anyone around he…" his voice cut off. "Billy, a girl just appeared out of thin air up ahead. Hold of a second." Billy waited a few moments and then heard two loud gasps, "Did you say that an ambulance is on the way?" Sam asked very quietly. "Yes, Edward said that they already called for one." "Good, because we need one this girl is hurt bad." "Sam I need your shirt to stop the bleeding." Billy heard Emily say. "Have to go Billy." And then he heard the dial tone.

(With Sam, Emily, and Hermione)

"Sam I need you shirt to stop the bleeding," Emily said while kneeling down by the girl. What she say was very shocking to her. First, she saw the girl appear on the ground in front of them right before her eyes, and now the shape that the girl was in. The girl was injured very brutally. 'Who could have done this,' she thought. She saw Sam kneel down on the other side of the girl handing over his shirt. She grabbed it and put it against the girls shoulder wound putting presser to it. When Emily was applying presser, she and Sam both heard a groan coming from the girl.

Emily spoke in a soft voice to the girl saying, "Hi there. We are here to help you. An ambulance is on the way to take you to the hospital." The girl opened her eyes and looked around her, spotting both Emily and Sam. "Where am I?" she asked. Sam then replied, "You are in La Push, Washington, which is about 10 miles away from Forks, Washington, where the hospital is located. Do you remember your name?" She nodded and then winced on pain before answering, "Hermione Granger." Hermione opened her eyes and they had a hard time focusing on the people beside her and blinked a few times. Sam noticed that she was having a hard time focusing and asked, "Does your head hurt?" She just nodded her head and looked at her shoulder. He did too and saw that his shirt was getting close to being soaked though. He then heard the sirens getting close and said, "I will go flag down the ambulance and show them where we are at," and then left. It didn't take long for the paramedics to find them and got Hermione in a neck brace and strapped to a back board. They got her on the gurney and into the ambulance in a timely manner with Sam and Emily with them and were on the way to the hospital.

Forks, Washington Hospital

Alice, Jasper, Edward, Rosalie and Emmett were sitting in Carlisle's office talking with him. Alice and Edward explained what was going on and why they were there. They waited in the office for 20 minutes for Carlisle, and it took another 20 minutes to explain why they were there. They heard the sirens approaching the hospital and Carlisle's office phone rang. He put it on speaker phone. "Yes?" "Dr. Cullen you are needed in the ER right away. There is a patient that is coming in that is in with broken bones, head injury and a knife wound to the shoulder. We need you expertise as to what is needed to be done and how to proceed." "On the way." And he hung up. "I will talk to you all later," he said and then left.