Disclaimer: I don't own the Powerpuff Girls. They belong to Cartoon Network. I don't own Marjorie Plutonia. She belongs to Sniper. The story line belongs to me, and the oringinal characters are all mine. I pity the fool who takes my story line without my permission. (That line ain't mine either). So, with that out the way...on with the story.
Author's Notes: This story is NOT a Blossom/Brick get together. I wanted to do something different. If you don't like it, it would be highly appreciated if you don't read it. Thank you.
Bring It On
~~Her Boyfriend~~
She kissed him with a fiery passion...and he was kissing her with pure lust. Terrance ran his hands through Blossom's hair, as his other hand roamed the rest of her body. He wanted nothing more than to break her in, but knew it wasn't going to happen. He was starting to get bored with her anyway.
Blossom pulled away and looked at her watch. She had places to go, and people to see.
"Why you stop for?" he said,
"I gotta go." she said, "I got a tight schedule."
"And it's more important than me right?"
"No but..."
"If you like me, you would stay."
Every time he said those words ,it conflicted with her mind. She always wanted to show him that her loyalties lied with him.
"Five more minutes." she said, and then he brought his lips back to hers.
Out the corner of his eye, he saw a girl with a curvy body, and long blond hair. She caught him staring, and gave him a wink. He turned his attention back to Blossom, with new plans on his mind.
"New target..." he thought, "Jamie Smith."
~~Her Enemy~~
Butch Plutonia walked out of the exit of Townsville High, and immediately ran into Blossom and Terrance, lip-locked with no shame. He got pissed off at the sight of them. He hated Terrance because he thought he was such a hotshot, and he hated Blossom, because she was so snotty, and stuck up at times.
"Why don't you two get a room?" he said, walking past. Terrance lifted up his head, and then stared Butch down, anticipating a fight.
"Because we don't have to." Blossom said, smirking at him, Butch threw up his middle finger, and walked past.
"That's all you have to say?" Terrance shot at his retreiving back. Butch turned and then walked back, and stopped a foot away from the both of them.
"I don't have to say anything after I whip your ass." he said, smirking. Terrance looked at him, getting upset.
"Is that a challenge prick?"
"Dude, if I fight you, you would end up losing, so just go back to kissing your half ass girlfriend."
"Screw you Butch." Blossom shot at him as he turned. He didn't even bother saying something to Blossom, because every time they fought, it always ended up getting serious. He didn't feel like the drama today.
"Besides, she'll find out that little dick Terrance is nothing but a piece of shit." he thought, finally calming down.
~~Her Youngest Sister~~
He held her in a way no one else could. He kissed her in a way no one else kissed her. She was in love with Boomer Plutonia, and no one else could tell her otherwise. Bubbles sat on his lap as they watched the rest of the track team do extra laps.
"So what you been up to love?"
"Nothing new." she said, smiling, "How about you?"
"Nothing." he said, rubbing her stomach, "Except that I missed you all day."
"I missed you too Boomie." she said, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek. Boomer kissed her back, and then rubbed her stomach from side to side.
"Oh. I know something new." she said, "Buttercup got into a fight with Teresa."
Teresa was Terrance's twin sister, who's just as bad as her brother. Other than that, they're Mitch's half brother and sister. Almost all of the girls are afraid of Teresa, except for Princess Morebucks, and the Powerpuff Girls.
"Again?" he said, smirking, "It seems like Butch and Buttercup really hate the Mitchellson Twins. They seem perfect for each other."
"Not really." Bubbles said, smirking, "I asked Buttercup if she had a thing for him, and she said that they were just friends. Brick and Blossom are the same way...obviously."
"Oh." he said, smirking, "I guess that Butch has eyes for Blossom then?"
"I don't know." Bubbles said, "They fight more, and besides, Blossom and Terrance seem to like each other a lot."
"Yeah, but Terrance is a relative of Mitch, and I don't think that they would stay together for long."
"Who knows?" she said, laying on his chest, giving a sigh, "I have you, and you have me."
Boomer smiled down at her, and gave her a light peck on the head.
~~Her Other Sister~~
Buttercup laughed as they walked down the block. Butch had ran into Buttercup, and he was now telling her about the run in he had with her sister and Terrance. He was dissing them both with no shame, and didn't care whether they were behind them or not.
"You know what Butch?" Buttercup said, and then he looked up at her, "I think you two should get together."
"What?" he said, "I didn't hear you say that."
"Yes you did." she said, "It seems like you like her a lot, or else you wouldn't have bothered them...or her every chance you get."
Buttercup pegged him into a corner, and he knew that he couldn't escape.
"Between me and you...I do want her." he said, smirking, "I like pissing her off, because she looks wickedly sexy when she's like that."
"She's easy to get pissed off." she said, "Besides, when you two...if you ever manage to get with her, you'll get soft on me."
"No I won't." he said, putting his arm around her shoulder, "When I get with her, I'll be able to fuck you up with both eyes closed."
"Yeah, right Butch." she said, "When you get Blossom, you'll end up spending more of your time getting her to pay attention to you than you would ever spend trying to beat me."
"You might be right." he said, "But I'll always be your friend."
Buttercup looked up at him, and raised a brow.
"Why would I think you wouldn't be?"
"You're my counterpart dude. I'm supposed to know these things."
"Well thanks for telling me." she said, and then gave him a small, friendly peck on the cheek, "It means a lot."
He smiled back in response and then walked down the block with his friend with a calm mind.
Buttercup knew that he was after her sister from day one. She just wanted him to say it out loud, but she got more out of the deal-his never ending friendship.
~~Her Special Friend~~
Blossom and Brick were walking down the block, talking about everything that went on in their day. From the boring to the most exciting. Brick told her about his girlfriend Samantha Grey. She's just as well spoken and polite as Blossom, and they became friends really quickly. They each helped each other with their weaknesses and they're almost on the same level of academics.
"Blossom, do you think that you could help me out with my Algebra tomorrow?"
"Okay." she said, smirking, "I do suggest that you ask your girlfriend though. She said that she wanted to spend more time with you."
"She didn't act like it today." he replied.
"That's likely for some of us girls to do that." Blossom said, smirking, "Some of us would want to be chased."
"I'll remember that." he said, smirking, "You make me think of Butch. He likes to chase things, and I take it you like to be chased."
Blossom shot her head up at the sound of Butch's name, and gave Brick a disbelieving look.
"You out of all people should know that I don't want Butch, and never will."
"Never say never Bloss." he said, smirking, "You two just might have more feelings than you think you have for each other."
"Listen." she said, smirking, "Let's say for a minute in time, I did like Butch. How can I just jump in his arms, when I'm with Terrance?"
"Just how much do you like Terrance?"
"A lot." she said, smiling, "You know that."
"Yeah...but let's just say for a moment in time you started liking him less and less. What would be the sensible thing to do if you wanted Butch?"
She opened her mouth to answer, but then closed it.
"Brick?" she said, "What are you trying to pull?"
"Nothing." he said, "I'm just saying to give him a chance."
"What chance? The chance to make my life total hell right?"
"No." Brick said, "He's my brother, I wouldn't tell you to get with him if I knew that he would hurt you now would I?"
"No." she said, and then looked up at him and smiled, "So...getting off the subject, do you have anything to do?"
"No." he said, "Wanna chill at the library?"
"Sure." she said, and they walked off in that direction. Blossom didn't know what Brick was implying, but she didn't like the sound of it. She wanted to stay with Terrance, and if things should go bad, then...maybe.
"But I won't like it." she thought, stubbornly. Yep, this was gonna take awhile.