
Summery: The team are sent into a therapy, secrets are unearthed, feeling are discovered and skeletons come out of the closet.

Disclaimer: Don't own any NCIS characters except the OC's

I have seen a lot of fics that have the team going into therapy, but most of them have been humours, I thought I would write one with a little humour, but also one that divulges in to the chapters past and fears and stuff like that. Hope you enjoy…..

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Chapter 1

Gibbs sipped his coffee as he strode into the bullpen, smiling slightly as the bitter brown liquid slipped down his throat.

He greeted each of his team with a smile as he walked towards his desk, placing his coffee down and booting up his computer. A flashing white box blinked on his screen, reading, 'new message' in bold black letters.

He quickly skimmed the page. But the three words that caught his eye was 'Team therapy session'

"Have any of you read your emails?" Gibbs asked with a sigh.

Special agent Timothy McGee nodded with out looking away from his computer, a curious expression on his face as his eyes were glued to the screen.

Agent DiNozzo just sighed, stating that he didn't know why they had to go and that he was perfectly fine.

Ziva just punched her keyboard, and glared at her computer.

""I do not understand why we need a therapy session, we are perfectly fine without telling some complete stranger our problems." Ziva yelled finely, her hands flying in all directions.

Gibbs smirked at her outburst.

"Because Officer David." a familiar voice said from above them "All teams have to do it. CIA, FBI…even NCIS." Vance said as he came down the stairs. Ziva slouched in her chair, crossing her arms in a moody gesture.

"Still think its stupid" she mumbled under her breath.

"Your session will be today at twelve, with a doctor Chris Crilling, make sure all of you attend" Vance said , looking at Gibbs with a raised eyebrow.
Gibbs looked at him innocently.

As the hours ticked by, the team had become more restless. Tim took to tapping his pen annoyingly on his desk, Tony screwed paper balls up and threw them at Ziva and McGee and Ziva had decided to pass the time by cleaning her nails with her knife and sending angry glares at the directors door.


When the clock struck twelve, the team had reluctantly made their way up stairs. Coming to a stop in front of a door that simply read 'meetings room'

Gibbs was the first through the door, intending to get the session over and done with.

Tim was dragging his feet behind him as he reluctantly walked through the door with his boss.

Tony was quoting movies, and Ziva was mumbling incoherently in Hebrew.

When they entered they were greeted with a bright large room, all tables and chairs having been removed, only to be replaced with brightly colours beanbag chairs.

Doctor Chris Crilling sat in the large green beanbag chair near the window, looking down at the file in his hands. He was constantly pushing his thick rimmed glasses up his nose, he looked up, seeing that everyone had arrived and smiled widely.

He wasn't what the team had expected, he was tall and lanky, with think circler specials and curly brown hair that didn't go past his ears. His face was cleanly shaven, speckled with a few spots and pimples.

Tony and Tim sat down on the two beanbag chairs, smiling as they comfortably snuggled down into the brightly coloured fabrics. Ziva and Gibbs, remained standing.

"Agent Gibbs, Agent Day-vid, please have a seat?" the doctor said, motioning towards the chairs.

Gibbs and Ziva sat down reluctantly.

"It David!" Ziva stated. "And I'm an officer."

"My apologies"

"Well?" said Chris, pushing his glasses up his nose and sniffing. "Lets get started shall we!" he continued, picking up his pen and licking the end.

This was going to be a very long day.

They had started with introductions, although why they had left Ziva baffled. The team had already known each other for over five years, and the Doctor would have all he needed to know in the files in front of him.

McGee went first, sitting up straight on his chair as he spoke.

"I am Timothy McGee Special agent at NCIS, I am also a famous novelist!" McGee started, a proud smile on his face. "I am 29 years old, My Dad was a marine and…I have a dog Jethro" he finished.

Tony was next, a smile on his face as he spoke.

""My Name is Tony….Tony DiNozzo, I am a very special agent, grew up in Baltimore in a big house my dad owned and I am a little bit of a ladies man" Tony finished with a charming smile.

Gibbs hesitated before specking, his expression remained black as he spoke.

""Gibbs, grew up in Stillwater with my dad, was in the corps for a while then became an NCIS agent. I like to build boats.

Last of all it was Ziva, she slouched in her chair with her arms crossed stubbornly over her chest, she looked out the window as she spoke.

"Ziva, Israel, Mossad Assassin."

The room went silent as everyone waited patiently for her to continue, when she stayed silent, Doctor Crilling.

"Ok well, now that we have gotten past the pleasantries. I am inclined to inform you that not only will you be having a team season, but also individual seasons, but right now, lets get started on this session."

Crilling looked at each member of the team as he said this, taking in their expressions, then writing something down on his pad and paper.

"Well for starters, lets talk about you childhoods. What were they like?"

HEY GUYS! i have just updated this so there should be no mistakes, but i have not had my coffee this morning so there might be. I swear i could beat Gibbs at a coffee drinking contest hehe.

One to chapter two....