Summary: Harry is happy to finally be with Ginny, but when she has to leave him over the winter break, he spends time with a certain Ravenclaw, and something that he never imagines happens to him.

Parings include: Harry/Luna, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Neville/? and slight mentioning of Ron/Lavender

A/N – Harry and Ginny are dating, Ron has just told Lavender to go away, and he and Hermione are in denial with their feelings.

First real Harry story, so please review and tell me what you think!

Chapter 1

It was the day before students would be leaving Hogwarts for winter break. With no classes that night, Harry along with the others who accompanied him to the ministry were currently sitting in the room of requirement, discussing what they wanted to do that night.

After the events that had taken place near the end of their previous school year, the six of them became closer friends, and regularly met in the room that had previously hosted DA meetings. Harry had even got the courage to ask Ginny out, and the two of them had been dating for a couple of months.

Harry, Ron, Hermione, Neville, Ginny and Luna were all sitting in a circle on the cushions they had previously used when they were learning how to stun. "So who's doing what during the winter break?" Harry asked.

Ron and Ginny made faces, while the former said, "We have to go to our Aunt Muriel's. Mum promised her we'd visit her at least once in our life."

Hermione scoffed, "It isn't that bad is it?"

"Yeah, apart from showing me how to knit and telling me about all her heirlooms for the billionth time, I expect to have the time of my life," Ron muttered.

"You're just over exaggerating," Hermione replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

Before Ron could argue, Ginny interrupted. "We'd love to hear you two bicker all night long, but I'd like to find out what Neville, Harry and Luna are doing"

Hermione smirked while Ron shut his half open mouth angrily. "I'm going to Gran's again, like usual," Neville stated.

Harry groaned, "Am I the only one staying this year?"

"I'm staying too," Luna said dreamily. "Daddy's going to Canada to see if heliopaths are the reason they have so many forest fires."

Harry smiled in relief, and plopped a chocolate frog in his mouth. "So, what shall we do tonight?" Hermione asked.

"Let's play Truth or Dare!" Ginny squealed.

"Ew, that's such a girly game," Ron exclaimed.

Ginny shot him a dirty look, "Got any other ideas, besides discussing quidditch all night?"

"I think it's a good idea," Luna piped, earning a smile from Ginny.

Ron looked at Harry for support, but the look Ginny was giving him made him shrug, "I guess so."

Ron slumped his shoulders in defeat while Ginny grinned. "I'll go first," Ginny smiled, "Ron, Truth or dare?"

"What happens it I don't do it?" Ron asked.

"Then you'll have to kiss Malfoy," Ginny smirked, "So Truth or dare?"

"Dare," Ron said glumly, while glaring at Harry.

"Okay, I dare you to kiss Hermione every time you two argue this evening." Ginny laughed.

Harry and Neville laughed, Luna smiled, Hermione turned pink, and Ron said, "What?! It's not my fault she's so disagreeable,"

Hermione's eyes narrowed and she shot back with, "Me? You're the one who has less common sense than a…" She suddenly stopped and looked horror-struck at Ginny. "That doesn't…" she began.

"Oh yes that counts," Ginny smirked.

Hermione sighed and faced Ron, who had turned pink. He slowly leaned towards her, and brought his lips upon hers. However, as soon as they made contact, they wrapped their arms around each other and stayed in that position until they ran out of air. Meanwhile, Harry was whistling, Ginny was laughing loudly, Neville had his mouth wide open, and Luna was humming quietly. When the two broke apart, they realized they weren't alone and both were blushing madly. Ron decided to say something before anyone could comment, and said loudly, "Neville, Truth or dare?"

Neville snapped his mouth shut and mumbled, "Dare."

Ron smirked evilly and said, "I dare you to go up to Professor Sprout and propose to her after confessing your undying love for her."

Neville turned red and said, "Do I have to?"

"Unless you want to kiss Malfoy," Ron shrugged.

Neville sighed, and the six of them ventured towards the greenhouses. They found her in Greenhouse 3 and the five of them waited outside, while Neville took a shaky breath before walking in. Professor Sprout looked up and smiled, "What can I do for you this evening Mr. Longbottom?"

Neville cleared his throat and said, "I loved you the moment I saw you and I knew you were the one for me so…" he knelt down, "Will you…m-marry…m-me?"

Professor Sprout looked at him in shock and said slowly, "I think I'm a little old for you dearie…"

"Okay, I'll take that as a no," Neville spluttered, before running out. When they reached the Room of Requirement, everyone other than Neville was laughing uncontrollably. "Harry, truth or dare?"

Harry stopped laughing and swallowed, "Dare"

"Hm…okay, I dare you to wear the pink boxers that Lavender gave Ron that says "won-won" on your head for the rest of the game." Neville smiled.

Everyone was silent, until Hermione screeched at Ron, "Your WHAT?!"

"Well I told her to leave me alone after that…" Ron said defensively.

"Why do you still have it?!" Hermione spat.

"Well looks like you two will be locking lips again," Ginny said smugly.

Both of them blushed again, and shared another kiss. Then Harry and Ron made their way to their dormitory, where Ron wordlessly handed him the mentioned boxers. How do I get myself into these things, Harry thought.

Back in the Room with his new head gear, Harry turned to Hermione and said, "Truth or dare?"


Harry thought for a moment and smiled, "I dare you to admit your true feelings for Ron. Hermione turned red and said quietly, "I um really like you Ron…and um…yeah…"

She quickly turned away from Ron, who was shocked, but slightly smiling. Hermione cleared her throat and said, "Ginny, truth or dare?"

"I'll go with dare."

"I dare you to sit in Harry's lap for the rest of the game."

Ginny laughed as she made her way over. "That was kinda lame Hermione."

"I'm not done," Hermione smiled, "From now until you board the train, you can only kiss him once." Harry groaned, "What have I done to you for you to torture me like this?"

A shrug was all he got. From Harry's lap, Ginny asked, "Luna, Truth or dare?"

"I think I'll pick truth," came the reply.

"What?" Harry asked around Ginny, "We all did dares."

"That why you're all Gryffindors, and I'm a Ravenclaw," Luna answered calmly.

"Okay then Luna, who do you like?" Ginny smiled.

Luna suddenly became very tense, something she never did. "Are you okay?" Neville asked worriedly.

"I'm fine," she answered softly, "but I can't answer that."

"Then you'll have to kiss Malfoy, on the lips," Ginny said in a serious tone.

"Fine," Luna answered, shocking everyone.

The blond Ravenclaw got up and the others followed her. They found Draco with Crabbe and Goyle on the third floor, taunting a first year. When he saw Luna coming towards him, he faced her and sneered, "What do you want loony?"

Without a word Luna walked up to Draco, who had begun to back away, and kissed him lightly on the lips, before turning around and walking away. Draco stared dumfounded at her as she disappeared down the corridor.

Back in the room, everyone was staring at Luna, who once again had a dreamy look in her eyes. "You uh…you don't like Malfoy right?" Ginny asked slowly.

Luna glanced at Ginny seated on top of Harry and said a faint "no". They realized it was late, and the six began to head back to their dorms. Luna split up with them halfway, while the others made their way to the Gryffindor common room. In there, Ginny said, "What was so bad about that question that would make her want to kiss Malfoy instead of answering it?"

The other all shrugged and when no one replied, they decided to go to bed. That night, Harry lay on his four poster bed and thought: Who does she like that she can't say? Why would she want to kiss Malfoy instead if she doesn't like him?


Well how was it? Please tell me. If no one reviews then im gonna give up.