Brennan stared out the window, sunlight shone through the glass, the light seeming brighter as if reflected off the snow. The only sound in the white walled hospital room was the shrill beeps of the monitors. She lay perfectly still in the moderately comfortable bed which someone and propped up for her. Wires restricted her movements as her chest rose and feel in time with her slow breathing.

She just stared out the window in silence her mind blank and numb. 'It's over.' That was all she could hear in her head. All of it was over. She should feel a sigh of relief or a sense of peace but instead she just felt cold and empty. It was here in this harshly lit room that she could allow herself to feel the real weight of the situation. She did not have to compartmentalize anything or make it seem better somehow. For the first time, in a very long time, Temperance Brennan allowed herself to fall apart. Tears feel in steady streams from her ice colored eyes but she did not sob. She merely stared out the window not really seeing anything beyond the clear pane of glass, just like her mind. It was clear of the horrors she had experienced only hours ago.

There was a creak as the door on the other side of her room opened. She did not turn to meet her visitor, just listened to the heavy sound of his footsteps. Perhaps if she willed it enough they would leave her in piece to grieve her loss.

"Bones?" She turned at the sound of his voice warming her body like honey. His left eye was black and there were round circular bruises on his neck. He kept his injured arm tucked close to his body like an injured wing on a baby bird.

" Bones, are you alright?"

" Go." She whispered looking up into his warm brown eyes.

" It's over now, you're safe." He was at her side now; she could feel the bed sag under his weight as he sat down, careful to avoid her legs. She turned back to the window, her sanctuary of clarity.

" Look at me." He said reaching out, running his fingers along her own bruised complexion. It was then that she allowed the warmth of his presence to wash over her, to make the dull empty ache in her subside slightly. She met his eyes; his red rimmed puffy eyes, swollen with tears he had yet to cry. She had never seen emotion so flamboyantly displayed across his face. He was in pain, just like she was. Both of them sat is silence aching for what they no longer had.

" It hurts." She murmured at last, breaking the moment, pulling the reality into view. He gently scooped her up resting her limp body against his side. She winced as pain coursed through her before she stopped fighting it and relaxed into him, the tears flowing freely as soft sobs wracked her body.

" I know baby, it's alright. I've got you, I'm here now." He rocked her back and forth his own tears slipping into her tangled hair. They just sat there huddled together, each silently wallowing in their misery. They knew they were not over the mountain yet, hell, they had not even scaled the hill, but for the moment they came together seeking the support that only they could give each other.

Neither had any idea how long they sat there holding each other till the tears ran dry and the sobs extinguished. The sun had come up bathing them in light, then retired for the day leaving them in the darkness. It was then that Brennan opened her crust-covered eyes as the light from the fluorescents above her made her swollen sinuses throb. Booth was still breathing evenly hanging halfway off the bed. Her body lay cradled against his. He looked so peaceful, seeming restful at a glance.

She made no move to wake him, just lay there nestled in his arms. Silently and quietly she ran her fingers through his tousled hair, not wanting the closeness to end but feeling reality set in. She could feel the walls building themselves back up, the emotions re-adjusting into their compartments. She wanted to spend her last few moments of openness here with him.

Booth stirred beneath her, his arm loosening around her in the process. The peace on his face dissipated; replaced with the swollen mask he had worn before. The world was trying to right it's self once more, leaving to two grieving people in it's wake. Time did not car about them, it only cared about marching on. It paid no mind to the people in the waiting room praying for them, or to the man that had murdered their child. It gave little thought to the cause and effects that these two people would be forced to deal with. It only moved forward allowing them to grieve and cover the wounds they believed would never really heal.

" Where do we go from here?" Booth asked quietly his lips brushing her hair.

" I have no idea. I feel like it is to late." She responded.

" We could always try again."

" You did not even want this one!" She spat her anger at his past behavior surfacing.

" That's not true, Bones. In fact the truth is I wanted more. I wanted us to have a family together. I wanted us to be together. I love you. I love you more than anything else in the world. I'm sorry that I lost my temper in Sweets office. I did not mean any of that, I was just so frustrated, please forgive me." He said, keeping the promise he made to himself.

" I think sometimes things break and you can't fix them." She said softly.

" You can always fix us. We are a pair, two halves of the same whole. We have been, ever since the day we met. Don't shut me out, Bones. You have wanted to keep me at arms length for as long as I can remember. I'm not going to leave you.

" I've given you everything I have. I have loved you from afar and let you have your space. But not now, I can't bear it." He said.

" I don't even know where to begin, Booth." She looked up at him, but he did not see the strong independent woman he had fought next to for the last five year. Instead he saw a scared little girl who was losing her family all over again.

" We will work it out, you just have to let me in." He whispered kissing her hairline.

It was then that he realized they had and audience. Angela stood in the open doorway silently waiting. Booth had no idea how long she had been there, but he was having trouble being embarrassed about being caught in the moment. He did not care who had heard him, it was time they dealt with the issues they had. It was time that he told her the truth. He owed her that.

"Sweetie, let me stay with her for awhile. You need to rest and you need to eat." Angela said walking over to the couple on the bed.

" I'm fine." He said pulling away from Brennan to stand, his whole body protesting and cracking.

" Booth it's been like two days since you have eaten or slept. I have to practically force pain meds down your throat." Angela protested.

" I am fine." He said again, this time in a firmer tone. Angela walked up to him, resting her hand on his shoulder.

" I promise I will stay here until you return. I will not let her out of my sight. Now go, you need a shower and your medicine is overdue."

Booth tried to protest, but he knew she was right. He would be no use here, until he took care of himself. Leaning over Brennan one last time her kissed her lightly. His eyes smiled at her as she opened hers. Then he stood up and nodded at Angela as she ushered him out the door.

"They finished Sully's autopsy." Angela said first, " Guess after he left for the Caribbean he developed severe depression and he was improperly medicated. Cam said it was the level of drugs in his system that made him hallucinate." She waited for Brennan to say something in response.

" Come sit with me." Brennan said ignoring the explanation.

" I heard it was a girl." Angela said sitting along side her best friend.

" Know, Booth said we have to name her." Brennan said looking down at the sheets by her waist.

"I'm so sorry Sweetie,"

"It will be okay. It hurts a lot right now but I will make it." Brennan said as Angela took her hand.

" It will be as long as you have Booth." She said.

" Well yes, but that is not why it will be okay."

" No, that is exactly why it will be okay. You have his love and support. Take this risk Bren, feel things with your heart and not your mind for once. He is a good man and he loves you very much." Angela said looking at her with questioning eyes.

" I am comfortable saying that I love him." Brennan took her friends hand and held on tightly.

" It's nice to finally hear you say that aloud, Sweetie. Welcome to the club." Angela hugged her, keeping her arms around Brennan's shoulders.

" I don't know what that means."

Angela just chuckled. There was a long road to recovery for them, but at as long as they could admit they needed each other to survive then there would be nothing they could not face.


Thank you for sticking with me through my first story. I appreciate the encouragement and the help along the way. I hope this was enjoyable for you, just as it was for me to write. I feel like there is more in store for our characters, perhaps there should be a sequel.

