You know I was going for a one-shot ' but I think this just might turn into a story if I have people review and not just visit XD PWEASE or the Earl and the rest of the Noah will kill me in a painful way *sobs* oh and by the way the Earl has something to say to everyone.

Earl: *clears throat* This puny human does not own D. Gray-man the all mighty Katsura Hoshino-sensei does own the rights to D. Gray-man and now I have to destroy Cat with my precious Akuma-chans 3 IKOU!!!!

Akuma: *Cocks guns and points at Cat*

Cat:…Mewo? *screams and begins to run away* ENJOY AHhHHHHHHHHHhh!!!

Allen's squeezed shut trying to reject and push back the pain that was coming from his forehead which felt like something was trying to push through his forehead. *NO not now.* thought Allen as he crouched on the wet earth rain soaking through his blood stained uniform making it restrict his movements greatly.

"What's wrong Exorcist? Can't take the heat?" taunted a nearby Akuma as it zoomed forward to land a blow on Allen's head. Allen barley managed to block the attack with his sword and he leapt back and then he lifted his sword pointing it at the level 4 that tried to land a blow on him. "Nahh I was just taking a brake." said Allen as he jumped up and angled himself and his sword and dove down at the dark creature hoping that he had enough speed to run his sword through it.

Sadly it wasn't meant to be as a level 3 Akuma slammed into Allen's side and right into the abandoned building. Allen groaned as a piece of pipe pierced his side from the building *Damn I can't take much more damage. I've got to finish this quickly.* Allen took a deep breath and ripped the pipe out of his side making Allen grunt in pain he stood there for a few seconds to let the pain subside.

Allen ran towards the whole he made with his body and jumped out his sword at the ready to slice the closest object around him which turned out to be a sword that mimicked his own in form. Allen's eyes widened as he slowly brought his gaze up to meet the beady golden eyes of the Millennium Earl who had his ever present grin. "KonBonWa~~3 Allen Walker." Allen paled and the pain in his forehead began to peak making Allen lose focus long enough for the Earl to knock Allen onto the roof of a nearby building.

*Crap I need to get out of here NOW!* Allen tried to summon a door to his Ark but it didn't come to him. Allen's heart began to speed up in pace as he kept on summoning the door only to have no door to show up. The Earl floated down to the roof and laughed at the panic and confused face that Allen was displaying.

"I've cut off this area so you wouldn't be able to escape Allen-kun~~3 You see I wanted to have a nice little chat with you." Allen backed away from the Earl and his face going blank as he absorbed what the Earl was saying. "Why would you want to talk to me? You've only been trying to kill me for the longest time." stated Allen with malice dripping off his words.

The Earl chuckled at Allen's antics to stay away from him. "Allen that was before we knew what was happening to you." stated the Earl as he made his way to Allen his sword was back to being the humorous umbrella Lero and his palms face upward in a disarming manor as if to calm down a wild animal.

Allen glared at the Earl and kept his sword leveled to strike at any moment "And what makes you think I would believe you for a second." As Allen said this he tried to back up even further but instead bumped into a firm chest and before Allen could jump away a pair of arms wrapped around him making Allen drop his sword. Allen began to struggle only to have the arm tighten around him Allen glared at the Earl.

The Earl sighed "It's useless to fight it Allen-kun because the whole families here to welcome you with open arms.~~3" As the Earl said this the members of the Noah clan began to come into view and they began to form a circle each smiling at Allen in a friendly manor.

Allen's eyes practically bulged out of place and then panic latched it's self firmly in place as he began to understand what exactly the Earl was saying in turn of the realization his face paled considerably at the notion and he backed up into his captures embrace. "no…NO!! I WOULD NEVER JOIN YOU!!" screamed Allen trying to struggle again only this time the pain in his forehead felt like white hot coals sending white hot flashes to run through his body knocking the breath out of him and making him weak in the knees.

Being desperate Allen changed his arm back to normal and Allen tried desperately to loosen the arms grip but his strength was depleting faster than he could muster it to pry the offending appendages off. His captor chuckled in his ear "It's useless shounen. Your becoming one of us wither you like it or not." said Tyki. The Earl finally reached Allen and gave Allen a tender look before taking his Innocence arm in his hand and began to put a bracelet that radiated dark matter off it. Allen stared in horror at what the Earl was doing and began having a hysterical fit and he tried to yank his arm free of the Earl's grasp and away from the offending item but it was to late the Earl had put the bracelet on him and that's when Allen's world turned turned black. *I guess this is the end now Mana. I'm so sorry everyone.* A few tears leaked down Allen's face before he completely lost conciseness.

Road pumped her fist in the air "YAY we have Allen. We have Allen!!" sang Road as she began to dance around on the desolate building before jumping on the Earls back to look over his shoulder to look at Allen's face. The group of Noah chuckled at Road's antics and nodded their heads in agreement.

"Looks like my play has taken another interesting turn Ne mina~~3" said the Earl in a loving voice and stroking Allen's hair gently *Okairi Musician.*

Cat: *pants* hope you enjoyed this chappy just had to write something after reading The Mirror by Hane no Zaia it's a good read ^^….Crap here they come *sighs and hides under table* shhhh please help me hid by reviewing so that I can build a wall.

Akuma: Here kitty kitty *turns to audience* Have you seen Cat we have a pleasant surprise for her. *grins evily and starts shooting at random.

Cat: *sweat drop* Pwease review for the sake of humanity.''



Okairi= Welcome home