Welcome to the Second installment of the Spyro's Legacy Series. If you have not yet read the first two installments and want to read this I give you 2 options.
1. Read Spyro's Legacy I: Resurection and Salvation and Spyro's Legacy II: Resurection and Salvation. It would be easyest to find it by going into my profile and finding the link to it there at the bottom of the page.
2. The second option would be to read this quick summery of the Series up to this point. (Obviously don't read this if you want to read the first two installments.)

Previously on Spyro's Legacy:
Spyro's Legacy I: One Life to Live:

Spyro lifted his head from a hard stone floor. Confusion enveloped Spyro for a moment while he stared off into the starry sky.

"Spyro" Came a voice.

Spyro's confusion melted away from joy. "Ignitus! We did it!" He exclaimed.

Ignitus's voice laughed "Indeed we have, young one."

Spyro over flowed with joy and yet there was something there in the back of his mind nagging at him. "Ignitus, What did you mean when you said that have never done right by either of us?"

"Spyro, this is one of the many reasons that I have came to you. I must confess something."

"What is it?" Spyro asked nervously. Mabey he had not know Ignitus so well as he though he had. He suddenly felt unsure of himself.

"It was my first group of hatch-lings, Spyro, ten generations before your own birth. I was the newly appointed Fire Guardian. A new young dragon was comming through the ranks quicker than that of everybody else so I took him aside one day to help him along in his advancement. After all he had to master all of the elements rather than just one."

Spyro suddenly felt as though the whole world had fallen out from underneath of him. "It was Malefor wasn't it?"

"Indeed. At the end of that day he had completely mastered the element of fire. He had thanked me for allowing his training to move at a different pace than all of the other masters had allowed him. He was not much different from the likes of you."

"So I am destined for the same fate." Spyro realised aloud.


Sarah continued to fly towards the eastern horizon. The sun was no longer in her eyes as the day set in.

"When you get to this village there will be a secluded home towards the western outskirts. It will be empty and you will claim it as your own."

"All right" Sarah stammered.

"There you will give birth to a dragon. Now you are not to take this egg to the dragon temple. You have to raise your hatchling in your house and keep him away from all of the outside world. Then we might think about letting you free."

Sarah became visably giddy.

"However!" It warned "If you or your hatchling make your way back to the temple before his thirteenth birthday. You take his egg to the temple or what ever we will possess you once more."

Sarah began to figure that in fifteen or so years that she would be free. In terms of a dragon's life that wasn't that long. However Spyro and company had not got to the piece of telling her that eggs only hatch on one night a century. This way all dragon's are all the same age.

"We are going to get you lost now." the voices said and with that Sarah's vision and consciousness went away.


Cynder turned towards Spyro and Terrador. The only remaining dark dragon launched a bright green ball towards Terrador. It hit him in the neck. Spyro wasted no time and engulfed he enemy in a ball of fire. The dragon's burn covered body stopped and flopped to the ground.

Terrador folded over on himself. Spyro quickly moved over to the Earth Guardian.

"Take me back to the temple." Terrador said weakly.


"It.. has been.... my plesure." Terrador spat out. The final color from his face faded as his eyes closed one last time.

Spyro's Legacy II: Resurection and Salvation:

Alnor looked down at his silky purple paws as he flew through the air towards the place that his mother had defined as "The Temple of the Guardians".

Her history lessons always spoke of places such as these. Never would she speak of the simple things that they could actually go and see. Most often she would lecture about a "Dragon of Destiny" that had saved the world from a great evil and had started the "New Age of Peace" that they now lived in.

Usually his mind would wander while he stared blindly back at her. Not hearing a word of her rambling.

Everyday up until this point Alnor's life had been made up of these history lessons for the first few hours of his day. Then his mother would leave the house and go into town; not coming back home until darkness had fallen.

Then two days ago, on his thirteenth birthday, she had told him in in a torrent that he was one such "Dragon of Destiny" and that he would have to journey to "The Temple of the Guardians" where his destiny would begin to take shape.


Quickly his gaze was turned from the scenery to those who were looking at him and Spyro. They whispered amongst themselves. Many of them motioned towards him. One in particular was just staring at him. This one caught his eyes especially.

Her scarlet scales had a beautiful shine in the sunlight. Her shape looked as though it could not be better. Her eyes were a bright red too.

The sight of her made that feeling in Alnor's lower waist grow stronger and stronger.

Spyro noticed and stopped talking to who was talking to and dropped his head down to Alnor. "Go talk to her." he whispered "You can not go on being shy like this"

Alnor shook his head but was still unsure about himself. What if she like tried to kill him or something? Mechanically though he began to walk forward despite all of his attempts to stop. He couldn't take his eyes off of the beauty before him though, and she couldn't keep her's off of him.

"Hello" he said softly to her.

"Hello" She said a lot louder "My name's Jessica. Where have you been that I haven't seen you before?" she asked.

"I lived on another island before" he whispered. "My name is... Alnor."

"I love that name." She replied smiling. The two still had their eyes locked. "You want to go to my house?" she asked.

"I...I...I don't... know..." Alnor said. "Um.... uh.... Hold on.... I'll be right back..."

Alnor trotted excitedly back to Spyro. Why he was this excited he didn't know but he thought he might have just found his mate.

Spyro stopped talking to who he was talking to once again right on cue and bent his head down to Alnor. He had a large smile upon his face.

"She... asked me... to go to her house... can I go?"

"Sure" he said and then returned to talking to those he was before. As Alnor walked back he heard Spyro say to Cynder "I think that he might have all ready found himself one"

Alnor reached Jessica and told her what he had said.

"Ok follow me then." she said. Shock clearly on her face.


"You know that we shouldn't have just let them do that." Cynder whispered into Spyro's ear upon seeing the two dragons appear from over the buildings. The distance between the two as they fluttered down to the street gave it all away.

"I know... We'll talk about it later" Spyro said quickly before the couple came up to them. "So... did you two have fun?" he asked them.

The two looked at each other and chuckled. "Yeah, you could say that." Jessica said.


Contrasting bright and dark apparitions of dragons drifted low around as clouds in the wind. Upon the ground two large groups of dragons had assembled. The group farthest from the temple were a shadowy group of villains that had emerged from the black hole. Those closest to the temple were bright dragons of love and reason that opposed the forces of malice.

The wind whipped around the entire landscape. The weekly rooted mushrooms for as far as the eyes could see were gone. Their remnants whirled around the sky and blotted out the entire night time sky. Clouds could not be seen, stars seemingly did not exist, the shine of the celestrial moons not reaching through the debris.

Alnor looked down upon it all and his eyes opened wide at the enormity of it all. "Whoa...." He looked over to Jessica. The dark red outline of her body barley visible in the pitch of night.

"It's now or never Alnor. We leave now or we flee. After this point there will be no more option."

"I know" he said solemnly. He looked around as though in search of an answer. The lead of the bright pack, an elderly purple dragon, began to move forward. A blue ball appeared around him as he neared the middle of the now diminishing black hole.

"Jessica, those are the only true friends that I have down there besides my mom. To leave now would be to let them all down. I'll leave you your choice."

"I'm with you" she said after a few seconds of consideration.

With that the pair took off from their perch and descended down towards the battle to join Spyro at the front.


"You!?" is asked in a deep malice tone "You are to one who destroyed Malefor? You puny thing? You old, decrepit, weak, wussy that hides behind his shield of love? HA! You may have," He looked down at Alnor "Both skirted my control. But over the years my presence has been slowly working away at your pointless, loving world of light."

"We may have but in the end it is those of the right and light that will always succeed over the likes of you. In your early life you stopped Ignitus's futile attempt to uproot your world. In mine I did the same for yours. You never have seen the full power that love gives one. The power of love is the one of rightness. It gives you an incredible will and drive to save those that you love. Those who love shall never be defeated."

"A like is the case for hate. Hate shall never be defeated. Hate will conqure ALL!"

"Be prepared young ones. Ready your light power shields." Came Spyro's voice in Alnor's head.

"Then you reject our peace offer?"

"Peace?!" the shadow scoffed. "Peace!? HA! Peace is an idea that is for those that are faint of heart and courage. I'll show you peace!!!" He raised up on to his hind legs and tail and a large shape came flying out from behind him. A wingless, scaleless two legged body bolted at the group and was nearly ready to overtake then when a smiler shape of light came from behind Spyro. The pair clashing in the midway.

"Now see what you have done!" the shadow screamed "The creators are never to clash!"

"Then the battle is on my misguided friend."

"Bring it!"


Spyro rose up into the air over the clashing creators and signaled to the masses. They charged full speed towards the opposite. A large blue bubble arising over the entire mass.

The dark side doing the same with a purple bubble.

Spyro quickly moved back towards the mass of bright dragons and joined them a long with Alnor and Jessica.

"Jessica!" Alnor yelled to her as the groupds neared colision "Know that no matter what shall happen today. Know that without you nothing would be worth it any more. The only thing that would drive me on after your death would be the prospect of us sharing our eternal lives together."

"You know that this is the same for me"

"I know" Alnor replied and looked towards the dark mass just a few hundred yards away. "I love you!"

"I Love you too!" She replied then quickly jolted her head back towards the impending battle.


Alnor stood beside the newly opened whirlwind back to his world as the millions of light dragons dove down through it. The light creator at his side.

"Are you ready for this?" he asked.

Alnor looked at him questioningly.

"Your destiny. The humans, a billion years ago, predicted it from their planet."

"I-I guess"

"Good, I guess it wouldn't matter anyways. Ready or not it's going to happen unless consequences decide otherwise." an odd sense of mourning rang through his tone. He whispered a few inaudible word to himself as Alnor nodded in agreement to his first statement.

The creator shook his head 'no' and then looked back over to Alnor as though he had finnaly made up his mind "Well lets go. They are going to need us sooner rather than later."


"Then come with me Cynder! I can draw off of your energy too!" Spyro nodded towards Alnor and Jessica

She crunched up her face squinted in hard decision. That crazy young menace that so, so long ago she had sought to kill had just asked her to accompany her in death.

"You leave me no other option Spyro. I must accept."

The pair ascended into the air further without flapping their wings as their faces drew fourth peaceful expression. Their body's started to radiate with light energy and draw the landscape once more with a pure white light as all of their stored lifetime of love was expended from their bodies. The energy they created came off of their body's as hands of time began to turn once more. The light energy took over the Dark Creator who's entity exploded in a small black bubble. Even his dark energy was nothing of a match for the shared love of Spyro and Cynder.

Spyro's world was perfectly right as his final energy was expended from his ancient limbs and sent on it's way from his body towards those of the Dark Army.

Cynder was by his side and that was all that mattered.

Spyro's Legacy III: When All Has Gone


"It was only the years that would wear down upon those who had survived that one last battle with the darkness in the universe. No more would there be epic battles. No longer would there be large scale movements against or in support of a cause. No Longer did the days bear as much importance as they had once. Peace reigned over the lands for the most parts. The Generations came and went peaceably. The Hall of Love and War filled quickly with the emotions of the newest generations.

"Alnor and Jessica sailed through their lives. Time as it is it's nature weathered their bodys down to less than that of their youthful glory. All five of their birthed children lived this simple life. Their likes filling most of the most important stations. The lone excetion being that of the Earth Guardian. The purple dragon's family had nearly became a peaceful royal family."


Ignitus set down the book as he reached the end of what he had written prior. He drew a long line under neath that entry and then he looked into his visionary lamp, and suddenly he was taken away to another place.


Alnor layed weakly upon his bed. Familiar faces surrounded him on all sides. His faithful mate, Jessica, weakly resting on the bedside.

"Friends, you know that I shall not make the ending of my life last long. As life takes my powers away I now fully understand what this life is all about. To be humbled by the simple powers that we all have is a simple miracle that we all take for granted. To understand before the next life begins.

"Dalago, you know that I love you so. As the youngest I ask that you take care of all of your brothers and sisters as they begin to wither. I need you to be the stongest of the family and to keep them all in line.

"Farda, I remember telling you this so ever long ago. Now you are just getting to the same point as me and Jessica." The large declining orange dragon nodded solemnly back.

"Groness, As the middle child you never really get to be looked after or looked out for. You are more or less on your own in all of life. Of course I love you just the same honey. I have always treasured your advice in tough moments and I can't recall you ever letting me down.

"Fiona, I would always would look forward to our training sessions together. Your oddball tactics would always work and I have yet to discover why or how, but atlas I must resign my search for an answer.

"Dyfo, Dyfo, Dyfo. I can recall always going out into the wilderness and searching for remnants from ages past when you were little. I'll never forget the look on your face when we found that huge Dark Dragon Skull." Dyfo sent a weary smile back as he held back his laughter.

All of the children addressed Alnor turned towards Jessica. Her scarlet scales having faded to that of a dark pink hue. "Honey, ever since that day I met you in Warfang I knew that you were the one. The quickly closing events only added to my feelings for you. You stood by my side through out my life time and nothing could ever replace that."

"I would trade it for nothing." Jessica managed clearing tears from here eyes.

Alnor smiled "Me and you.."

"Together until the end." They then slowly pecked each other on the lips. Alnor squirmed a bit and then looked up to the ceiling in reflection. His entire life had been lived to reach this point in time. His legacy had been set in stone. Any aspirations for greater greatness had been expended slowly over his life time. How great it was to be young and have your whole life left to make something of yourself. Now he did nothing more than hold onto life.

Suddenly he felt an awkward feeling spread over him. His eyes widdened and his conciousness went away.

Something completely possessed his body. He suddenly looked more alive than he had in a long time. He sat up and began speaking in a deeper stronger voice.

"Days draw nearer. The Demons that you have thought destroyed still reside on this very planet. Their spirit draws energy and has all ready spent their energy to relinquish their powers. You peaceful days are numbered. Your ancient cities will fall and your traditions will be trampled. Your bodes will be the only things at peace. Resting in peace!"

Then Alnor returened. "Wha? What? What happened?"

Jessica's feelings of Concern and grieving melted together into a wide eyed cry. "I... I.... I.... don't... know...."