Sam took a deep breath, and reached for the door, syringe in hand. The door creaked, and he bit his lip. Brigitte's eyes widened, and her heart pounded. She couldn't let Sam go out there….she was sure there was something…a little something…of Ginger still left in that monster out there, and she was sure that that part of Ginger wouldn't attack her. As Sam crept forward, she grabbed his shoulder.

"Brigitte…let me go!" he whispered, attempting to free himself from her grasp. She shook her head.

"Ginger would never attack me…" she whispered back, her voice shaking, but certain. Sam sighed and looked down at the floor, allowing his hair to fall in front of his eyes. He took in a deep breath as he weighed out the options… of course, Brigitte was right, Ginger would never attack her…but how much of Ginger was left in that…that thing out there? A Lycanthrope doesn't give a shit about who it attacks…who it kills…because that's all it wants…to kill…

"Brigitte…please think about this! That's not Ginger out there! That is a Lycanthrope…a real, live Lycanthrope that is ready to tear apart the next live thing she see's! That would be you! Not only that, but you can barely stand after mixing your blood with hers! God Brigitte, you'll fall straight into her open jaws!" He cried, in pleading whispers. Brigitte's only response was to blink, and to sigh.

"I'm fine…whatever is happening to me…the transformation…it comes and it goes. Come on Sam would you rather she kill you?" Brigitte asked, staring for the first time, into Sam eyes. Sam stared back into them, they were shinning with tears, alight with emotion… He had to gulp back a sob before he replied.

"I don't want either of us to die Brigitte! But we can't stay holed up in here! Ginger…the Lycanthrope…whatever! Will find a way in! But I'd rather I die than you Brigitte… I'm nothing, a god-damn drug dealer. That's all I'll ever be! You…you're smart, funny…different… you have a future, a future you couldn't see before because you listened to everything Ginger told you! Now please…Let. Me. Go." Brigitte dropped her gaze, but not her hold on Sam. The silence between them stretched on, broken only by distant crashes and bangs from somewhere else in the house. Sam watched Brigitte closely, and was sure that the tears that lingered in her eyes, had now fallen, despite her face being hidden by her hair.

"Out by sixteen, or dead in this scene but together forever" Brigitte whispered, barely loud enough for Sam to hear. "We swore we would go out together…one way or another…" Sam groaned and grabbed Brigitte by the shoulders, giving her a good shake as he spoke.

"God Dimmit Brigitte! You are not suicidal…you're just feeding me the same bull shit that your sister fed you!" Brigitte pulled herself free from Sam's grip.

"I'm not suicidal… I just can't live without Ginger!" Brigitte cried, her voice raised to just above a whisper. "I know Ginger is still in there somewhere… I know she won't hurt me! I'm going to go out there, and I'm going to cure her, ok!" Sam opened his mouth several times, but was unable to pull up a response to Brigitte's words. Brigitte took his moment of weakness as a chance to escape, and tried to climb over him, and to the door. Sam had just enough time to grab her and pull her into his lap. He didn't allow Brigitte to look away, he cupped her face with both hands, and held it firmly until she allowed their eyes to meet.

"Okay….Go….Try…But come back to me…Promise me! Promise me you'll come back in here, no matter what happens out there!" He pleaded. Brigitte closed her eyes in thought, but Sam didn't let her go. "I'm not letting you go without an answer Brigitte!" He whispered, involuntarily moving a strand of hair from her face, so that when she opened her eyes again, all she would be able to see was him. As she looked into his eyes for a second time, Brigitte drew in one deep shuddering breath. Then she bit her lip, and nodded. "No matter what!" Sam said, encouraging a reply from Brigitte.

"I promise Sam…I'll come back…" The words were soft, quite, but Sam heard them loud and clear. Sam pulled Brigitte closer and wrapped his arms around her, inhaling her scent. Brigitte did nothing at first, but just as Sam began to let go, slipped her arms around him for the briefest second. "I'll be back…" She whispered. And with that, she clambered off Sam, and opened the door….