Words: 675 (Short~! )

Notes: First, I'm sorry it's so short, but it was never meant to be anything more than a glimpse of what happens next. Second, to all those who were waiting all story long for the romance between Yama + Tai to blossom, this may disappoint you *bows apologetically* It's hinted, but still too early for anything deeper u.u On a brighter note, having finished this story with almost no romance, I feel the need to write something adorable, fluffy and romance-y ^^ And third, to all those who reviewed, I wish I could tell you just how much it helped me write. Not just this story, but all of my stories, and all of my ideas. You guys are like... like the water that allows a flower to live (yes, I'm corny, I admit it) :P Thank you everyone~!


Epilogue – Moving Forward

"Can't we just take a short break?" Mimi whined, dragging behind the rest of the group. They had been walking for just short of an hour, but already the "drama queen" was sick of it. The rest of the group sighed collectively, having already answered the same question seven times before.

At the front of their group, Tai inwardly grit his teeth. Within two days of waking up, he'd decided that his body had had enough time to rest, despite the many protests. Jyou in particular almost considered chaining their leader down until at least his shoulder wound had properly closed. But Tai insisted on moving on, and so they did. Unfortunately, just this first hour of walking had brought to reality just how tired his body really was. Perhaps a break wouldn't be so bad...

"You alright there, Tai?" Matt asked lightly, his tone only sarcastic on the surface. He didn't know who he was pretending for; the group or himself.

The boy in question was about to answer with his usual "fine", but a throb of pain from his shoulder cut off his voice. He grimaced, thinking that his body was revolting against him. Why did it choose the most inopportune moments to remind him of the fact that he shouldn't be moving around?

Matt snorted, "I should have known." Without another word, he stopped walking, thereby making Tai stop as well, seeing as Matt was currently his "walking stick". The rest of the group took the cue easily, having been secretly watching for it since they'd started out.

With a sigh, Tai allowed himself to lean tiredly against the other, "I can keep going, you know."

"Sure," Matt stated with a roll of the eyes. It wasn't that Tai was unable to keep going—he'd proved to be too much of an idiot to give up peacefully—but that he shouldn't keep going. Instead of pointing this out, however, he simply led Tai to a decent tree and made him sit. "I'll be back in a few minutes."

Tai watched as the blond walked away, undoubtedly off to get him food. Brown eyes began to roam, taking in the changes to their group. Their hard battle bore many consequences, both good and bad.

The way Jyou walked more confidently, ready to do his job and knowing he was capable. How Sora took more time to listen to the younger digidestined, becoming even more of a mother figure than before. Mimi and Koushiro's watching eyes, looking for signs of danger just in case. TK's newfound place, no longer feeling like just a little kid. Tai could see the growth in everyone.

He wondered if the others could see the changes in him too. He might recover from the shadow's poison entirely, maybe even heal without scars, but he knew that he would never forget. Not just the pain, but how quickly a leader could fall. Still, a smile remained on his face, expression peaceful. He might have no one guiding him, but maybe that was alright. Perhaps he could bear the weight of being leader a little longer, until they were all safe.


Looking up at not only Matt, but the entire group, Tai cocked his head to the side curiously, "Yeah?"

Sora held out a plate of food, smiling gently, "We're all in this together."

"I know," Tai grinned, taking the plate. The others all found comfortable spots around their leader, happy to enjoy a break that didn't involve fearing for anyone's health.

As he cheerfully dug into his food, Tai felt all worry disappear, if only for the moment. Sure, he might one day fall again, but he knew that he'd have his friends to help him back up.

"Tai! That was supposed to be for all of us!"



