Author's Note: Oh my god, thank you everyone for all of the reviews. I feel so bad I haven't updated in two weeks; school just started and I've been pretty busy. I made this one a little longer just for you guys. Again, thank you to all that reviewed! I'll probably update once or twice a week now, but I pinky swear not to abandon this story. I have too much fun writing it and reading your feedback. Oh and while I'm on the subject of feedback, please, anyone, if you have any ideas at all, please review them or message me! I'm having some writer's block. I'm going to have Adriana have her Christmas in Smith's Grove, but after that should I just skip to Halloween and have Adriana out of Smith's Grove? Should I have her stay? I don't know what to do; please help me! Thank you so much! Enjoy!

Two weeks, two longs weeks that it took for me to recover. It's been two weeks since I stole a guard's revolver and tried to end my life, again. I would've succeeded if there wasn't a struggle, but I was only able to shoot in the shoulder without hurting the guard, which wasn't my goal. I was in the hospital wing of Smith's Grove eating lunch. It was my last day in here, or this part of the building I should say. I wasn't allowed to eat in the cafeteria as of now, because I was back on suicide watch, and Dr. Loomis didn't want me near Michael for right now. According to him, Michael hasn't spoken a word since; it was back to his cationic state.

I mused to myself on what events led up to second attempted suicide; my memory still hazy. Dr. Loomis said it was my father that triggered it; I didn't find that hard to believe. I wanted so bad to know what Michael did. I wanted to prepare myself for the future events. In two days, this Friday would be Christmas Eve, my first Smith's Grove Christmas. Joy. I rolled my eyes. I hated this place, but I also enjoyed it. I hated it because I was pretty much experimented on all the time, but it also felt like I was protected here. My father could try, but he'd never get me in here, or so I hoped.

I remembered my usual Christmases at home. It was the only time of the year where my father would spare me. He'd save all his rage for after the holidays, where the beatings were extra hard. I wouldn't get any gifts from anyone, and my father didn't get any from me. When my mother was still alive, things were much happier. She'd build a Christmas tree, and put lights all over the house. I recalled leaving milk and cookies for Santa, I believed he was still real at the time. I'd open gifts from my mother and father, and other relatives. At the time, I still didn't really have any friends, but I had my family. Nowadays, I had neither.

I found myself wondering what Michael's were like, probably the same thing in sorts. I sighed and turned my attention back to my tree shaped cookie. I silently wished that for one more Christmas, things could be happy, but I knew better then to get my hopes up. I moved my arm and my shoulder flared in pain; I groaned in pain.

"Are you ok Adriana," Came Dr. Loomis's cheery greeting.

"I'm great Doc, say, what do you guys actually do here for Christmas?" I wondered aloud.

"Well, usually we have a Christmas themed dinner with the Christmas tree, and sometimes the patients make each other gifts in the art room on their own time." He told me.

"Miss Hart? There's someone here to see you," A nurse came in.

My blood ran cold, Dr. Loomis must have noticed.

"Don't worry Adriana; he won't lay a finger on you if I can help it." He said.

"I don't appreciate be called a he, thank you very much," Came an icy cold voice.

The woman sneered at me, "Well, well, well, you must be Adriana Hart. Good to finally meet my new step-daughter!" She exclaimed sarcastically.

"Excuse me?" I asked offended.

Then I started laughing at the situation, "I don't know you, but just by looking at your ugly, bleach- blonde ass, I'm sure even you could do better than Frank." I snorted.

"Hold it missy, your father is a great man, I love him. We're getting married right after Christmas; and how dare you talk to me like that young lady?" She glared.

I gave the woman a closer look and I busted out laughing. She was a tall and skinny young woman, maybe in her 20's. She had icy, blue, eyes that shined with anger. Coming above her crappy, silicone, breasts was her 'blonde' hair. She stood tall with pride; her nose up in the air.

"Oh he's a great man alright." I spat sarcastically.

"Dr. Loomis I presume? May I speak with her alone?" She asked.

"Miss, uh" He asked.

"Gray, Miss Gray; I'll soon to be Mrs. Tammy Hart." She introduced.

"Right, Miss Gray, all visits require my presence." He told her.

"It's alright Doc, I'm fine." I protested.

"Yes Dr. Loomis; let her speak for herself." Tammy added.

"Alright, ten minutes," He said stepping out of the room.

"So, Adriana, I'm sure you must know about your father and me?" She asked coming closer.

"No, Miss Gray, I did not, but then again he's not allowed within 200 feet of the building. I explained.

"Look, I really do love your father, and I want to know why-I" I quickly cut her off.

I laughed again, "What did he tell you? He'd pay for another breast augmentation, a face lift?" I started.

"Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into? If you value your life, I'd stay away from him, and like I did, file a restraining order." I added not listening to her.

"I don't know what he told you about my mother, the truth about why I'm in here, or what the hell he told you to get you to actually want to marry him, but I can guarantee you he lied to you because otherwise, you wouldn't be here right now." I added.

"Is that a threat?" She asked shocked.

"No, it's a warning. I don't even know you. You honestly don't know do you? What did he tell you about my mother?" I asked.

"He said that she left him and currently lives in California right now going after other men with money, that gold digging bitch; why?" She asked pissed off.

I laughed ruefully. I dismissed the fact she said my mother was a gold digging bitch; Frank probably told her that.

"Miss Gray, I hate to break it to you, but my mother died 11 years ago, my father, the money, and the guy you 'love', murdered her. I could show you the death certificate if you'd like." I said seething in anger.

"What the hell are you talking about?" She asked flabbergasted.

"My daddy dearest beat her to a bloody pulp every day, when he started hitting me, she wanted to leave him and take me with her, but he pushed her down the stairs, and she broke her neck. He told the police that she fell. I'm in here, because Mr. Hart, the guy who gave up his parental rights to me, took it to far when he raped me. I tried taking my life because I couldn't take it anymore. According to him, I broke my own ribs, wrist, sprained my ankle in a futile attack on him." I explained with a huff.

Miss. Tammy Gray looked like she wanted to punch my face in.

"Frank told me you'd say that, I don't believe you!" She cried.

"Well that's too bad, because you have to! You're basically making a deal with the devil himself, he's lying to you so that he can get to me! He's going to make your life hell, because at the moment, he can't touch me anymore!" I yelled.

"Get out while you still can." I warned her the second time.

"I don't know what your deal is, but I'm not going to put up with it." She told me.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I inquired angrily.

"I came here because I didn't find it right for his daughter to not be at our wedding." She spat.

"Well, as you can see, I'm not able to, so just get out." I growled.

"Fine, but if you don't mind me asking, what happened to you." She asked looking at my bandaged and stitched shoulder.

"Frank Ronald Hart happened to me; now get out!" I screamed in white fury.

She sighed and left the room, Dr. Loomis came back in.

"What was that Adriana?" He asked concerned.

"That was my future step-mother wanting me to go to her wedding." I snarled.

"Does she know?" He asked knowing I knew what he was talking about.

"No, she refuses to believe the truth, but she'll be back. I know she will, as soon as it starts, she'll be back looking for refuge." I said simply.

Dr. Loomis bid me goodbye, and I fell asleep quickly.


Two days later, I was finally let out of the hospital wing, only I was still on suicide watch until further notice. Right now, I was being escorted by five guards into what I thought would be therapy with Dr. Loomis; I was sadly mistaken. Maybe I should just start from the beginning.

"Miss Hart, it's time to see Dr. Loomis," A nurse told me and checked me for any weapons or such.

About 30 minutes into the session, things are pretty normal. Michael didn't move or talk, and I made sarcastic remarks the whole time, but somewhat cooperated. Then out of nowhere, guess who bursts through the door.

Was it: A. Frank, B. Miss. Gray, or C. Someone else, or D. All of the above? Well if you thought it was Frank or Tammy, you're wrong. The answer was B and C, Tammy and someone else. In came my father's fiancé and some dude who was probably some lawyer of some sorts.

"What's going on here?" Doc asked angrily.

"Dr. Loomis, I apologize for barging in but my name is John Heisler, Miss. Gray's lawyer. My client would like to adopt Miss. Hart. Even though she is already legally an adult, she is obviously mentally unstable and needs parental guidance until the age of 24. I've been watching her progress, and it seems like she hasn't improved under your care." Mr. Heisler explained.

Dr. Loomis looked ready to explode, Michael still had an expressionless face, but his body was all tensed up, and me, well, you'll see.

"Oh give me a break, Blondie here can't adopt me, first of all she's engaged to a psychopathic asshole who likes to pray on little girls and beat his wives, second, I'm no longer suicidal." I said.

"Yet, you're still on suicide watch? Also, you're obviously delusional; your father has done no such thing." He countered my defense.

"Oh really? How the hell would you know? The police never even bothered to investigate the fucking situation, so don't stand there and tell me I'm delusional!" I wanted to beat his face in, but I wasn't that stupid.

"Adriana, the police did investigate the situation. All the evidence was against you!" Tammy yelled at me.

"What evidence? There wasn't any fucking evidence; Frank planted it!" I screamed.

Tammy grabbed my wrist.

"Don't touch me! You're not my mother, and you never will be my mother! Frank killed her a long time ago, so don't think you can just walk into my life and tell me what's what. Until you find some evidence that isn't circumstantial, stay the hell away from me!" I roared.

"Even if you did get custody, you can't take me anywhere near Frank! The restraining order is still in affect." I added trying to make a point.

"Miss Hart, the restraining order has been lifted seeing how there was no evidence that he was stalking or abusing you in any way." Mr. Heisler said smugly.

Before I thought things could get any worse, Frank walked through the door.

"Hello, princess, ready to come home to your new family?" He asked smirking.

I backed up; what the hell was I supposed to do now. Michael glared at Frank; if only looks could kill, really. Dr. Loomis decided to pipe in.

"Adriana has improved and she will continue to get better under my care. I don't know what you're thinking Mr. Hart, but it's not going to happen." He snarled.

"If you say so Dr, you have two weeks to cure Miss Hart, you already cost Miss Gray her wedding date, I won't let you cause anymore harm." The lawyer said with a huff.

The trio left the building, and I could finally breathe again. That was it; no more bullshit.

I looked at Michael and Doc, and said, "No more games; this is war. I'm getting out of here." I said.

Michael looked down at the floor while Doc nodded.

It was time to get to work.

If you don't understand because I typed this up really fast, Adriana has to prove to Mr. Heisler that she is stable and not suicidal so she can get out of Smith's Grove and do what she wants. She has two weeks. If she fails, she'll be mentally unstable and be with Frank and Tammy, since they don't think Dr. Loomis is helping. I don't know if that's realistic, but just go with it. Thanks, and please review!