Here's Chapter Five!

By the way, for those of you who said the characters are OOC...I know. But I dont really care. I just wanted to write something about Ian and Amy dating and I figured I couldnt do that without them being somewhat OOC so...

On that note, I hope you like this chapter!

Amy was furious with her brother and she knew he would be mad that she left him but she had no intentions of going back at the moment.

Ian was being very quiet next to her. He seemed lost in his own thoughts and from time to time, he would furrow his brow as if there was something he just couldnt figure out.

Soon they were about 3 blocks away from Dan and Natalie. Amy stopped in front of a little cafe and turned to face Ian. "You have money, right?"

As soon as it left her mouth, Amy knew it was a stupid question. Of course Ian had money on him. She wouldnt be surprised if he had thousands of dollars stuffed into his pockets.

Ian raised an eyebrow at her. "Me without money is like Natalie without shopping; its just not possible."

Amy smiled at him. "Good, then come on." She pulled his hand, dragging him into the cafe.

"What are we doing here?" Ian looked confused.

"Getting coffee." She answered.

"Here? But it's so small town." Ian kind of looked disgusted.

"And thats just the way I like it." Amy stepped into line.

The line wasnt that long and soon they were able to order.

"Venti, Iced half-caf Toffee-Nut Soy Latte, light ice no whip." Ian said. The cashier looked at him blankly and Amy nudged him.

"Something simple." She mumbled.

Ian scoffed; he didnt like simple... it was beneath him...but if it made Amy happy, he would put up with it. "Just black coffee."

"Latte. Extra whip." Amy said. It didnt take long to get their coffee and then they were walking down the street again, opposite of the way to get to Dan and Natalie.

Ian was right in the middle of telling Amy a story from when he was little, when Amy stopped suddenly, mid-laugh.

"Amy, what's wrong?" Ian asked with concern.

Then he saw it too.

Dan needed to find Amy. That much was for sure. He was still mad at her and he knew she was mad at him too but he hated when they were apart. She was all he had and when they werent together he felt completely lonely.

He started to run the way Ian and Amy had disappeared. It wasnt until he had been running for awhile that he found Natalie was following him.

He skidded to a stop. "What are you doing?" He called to her.

"Ian's my brother, if your going to look for them, I'm going with." Natalies tone was final. Dan knew if he tried arguing he would probably end up getting shot with poison dart gun.

"Okay whatever." He said and took off again.

"Dan? Where do you think they're at?" Natalie asked.

"Well, knowing my sister, they're at a library or a bookstore." Dan answered.

"Your kidding, right?" Natalie looked at Dan like he just said that all her money was gone.

"Nope." Dan was completely serious. "Lets start by looking where ever you can find books."

Natalie nodded and trailed behind Dan.

A few minutes later, Dan realized he wasnt hearing Natalie's footsteps behind him anymore. He turned around and saw Natalie disappear around a corner. He ran after her and saw a sign that said 'Westside Mall, This Way' and an arrow pointing down the street that she was heading.

"Natalie! Wait!" He yelled. But she ignored him and kept going.

Soon Dan was lost in the crowds of people and Natalie was nowhere in sight.

'Oh man, I hate shopping,' was Dan's last thought before he stumbled to a stop in shock.

Okay so I know this chapter is short and not my best but I'm running out of ideas...

Does anybody have an idea about how I can continue with this story? Review and let me know! Please! Please! PLEASE!