Warm and dry again, with her wrists wrapped in neat white bandages, Phoebe sipped at the last of her soup and tried to stay awake.
"Do you want someone to walk over to your apartment with you?" Joey asked from beside her.
"Oh, no I'll be okay. Thanks though," she yawned and stood to leave.
"Are you sure?" Monica worried, "You still look awfully pale,"
Phoebe turned to reply, but all that came out was tomato soup and whatever she'd had for breakfast, displayed in an abstract fashion across the rug.
Chandler stood up quickly to stand by his fiancée while she struggled not to panic. "Monica. Monica! It's okay; you know how to fix it,"
He was pleased to see her stop gasping and respond, "Uh-huh," then rattle off a list of methods and cleaning products which only she could understand.
"You go do that then,"
"Okay!" she hurried off to her cupboard of cleaning supplies.
Meanwhile, Joey sat Phoebe back down and handed her a paper towel to clean the vomit off her face. Rachel shuffled over to place a hand against her forehead, "Ooh, honey you're burning up! Monica, she can't go back to her apartment like this; someone needs to be around to watch out for her,"
"Well, we do have the guest bedroom…" Monica admitted, still cleaning the mess on the floor, and cringing at the thought of it on one of her quilts.
"I can take care of her," Joey offered. "She can sleep in Rachel's room – if everyone is alright with Rach being in the guest bedroom,"
"Yeah, that could work. Are you sure?"
"Sure, it makes more sense anyway since you guys will be out at work all day tomorrow,"
"And you won't be?"
"Nah, they're taking a break from filming 'Mac and C.H.E.E.S.E.' at the moment. Problems with the budget or something,"
"Aw, really? Well at least that works out well for Phoebe,"
"Yeah," Joey agreed and Phoebe yawned. "Are you ready to go?"
She nodded, and Joey and Rachel accompanied her across the hallway – Rachel returning to Monica's apartment a few minutes later with pajamas.
"I'll get you something that you can puke into if you have to do that again tonight," Joey explained to Phoebe, heading back out of Rachel's room to the kitchen. When he came back carrying a large mixing-bowl and a glass of water, she was already curled up under the covers, asleep. He nudged her gently until she opened her eyes, "Hey, just so you know, I'm putting this big bowl down here by the bed, and there's water for you by the lamp,"
"Oh…thanks…Joey…" she mumbled, her eyes reclosing.
"Are you warm enough?" There was no reply. "Ok, I'll put the spare blanket on and you can just throw it off if you get too hot." He spread out the blanket and tucked it in around her shoulders, then left, pausing briefly to lift a stray lock of hair away from her face, and watch her smile in her sleep.