First of all I own nothing.... No wrestlers, no anybody.... but believe me, I wish I did!!!!
This was the first time in a long time, that I'd been backstage at a WWE event. I wasn't just a fan anymore, I was an employee. I was told to go to Vince McMahon's office. I was nervous, I hadn't seen Vince in a couple of years. I'd seen him on t.v. and he'd always been ruthless. I wondered how he'd be now-a-days. I walked down a long hall and the last door was Vince's. It said " WWE Chairman Vincent Kennedy McMahon." I knocked on the door and a voice from inside said "Come in." I took a deep breath and walked in.
When I walked in Vince was on the phone, so I waited in silence and looked on his walls. On one wall was a picture of himself, Shane, Stephanie, and Linda. The other wall had an American Flag, and next to it, a picture of this month's WWE Magazine, which had Legacy featured on it. I walked over to it, to get a closer look.
"Wow, Legacy... How I'd love to join them." I thought... "Legacy has three members. Randy Orton, The Legend Killer, is the leader. He is a third-generation superstar. His father is Cowboy Bob Orton and his grandfather is Bob Orton Sr. I had always had a crush on him. I loved his bright blue eyes, and his spikey hair, not to mention his smokin hott body! The only bad thing was I had heard that Randy was a Lady Killer as well. There is also Cody Runnels, a.k.a. Cody Rhodes, second-generation superstar, son of the "American Dream" Dusty Rhodes. Cody also has a half-brother who also wrestles, Dustin Runnels, a.k.a. Goldust. I always had a tiny crush on him too. His amazing green eyes and short hair, not to mention the adorable way he looks, just makes me smile. Last but certainly not least is Ted Dibiase Jr., second-generation, son of the "Million-Dollar Man" Ted Dibiase Sr. Now Ted I also had a tiny crush on, his beautiful eyes and his short hair... Mostly I loved his voice, it's southern and sexy. I guess I have a thing for guys with short hair.... I guess I liked the whole group. I sighed, thinking " man... I wouldn't mind being stuck between those three amazingly hott guys!"
I was startled by a tap on the shoulder. I turned around and Vince McMahon stood smiling at me.
I blushed. " I'm sorry, I had a very important call. Emmalyn Guerrero... You've grown up a lot since I last saw you. Welcome. " He stuck his hand out.
"Hello Mr.
McMahon, please call me Emma, and thank you." I said nervously,
shaking his hand. "I'm sorry, I was just mesmerized by them."
I say pointing to the picture of Legacy.
"It's fine, and call
me Vince, you're not a child anymore." He looked at the picture
of Legacy. " They are amazing aren't they?" He said very
"Yes they are. I think that they are truly amazing athletes, who have a lot of talent." I say, staring at the picture in awe.
"Good. I'm glad that you think that." He said with a huge grin spreading across his face. I give him a puzzled look. " Because... You're going to be joining them." He watched for my reaction.
"What!? Really?!" I say, trying hard not to show my excitement, I knew that I'd be joining a group, but never did I imagine that it would be Legacy!!
"Yes, Really. Now have you studied your character?" He asked, being very serious.
"Yes, I used to watch the show. I love the character, she's a girl who looks good and kicks ass" I say smiling. He grins back.
"Good. Now tonight is Backlash. Legacy vs. Shane, Hunter, and Dave. Stephanie is going to accompany them. Now, you and Stephanie are friends aren't you?"
"Yeah" I nodded. "My dad introduced us a long time ago. We used to be really close, but I haven't seen her in years."
"Good. She knows you're joining Legacy. Before the match you two are going to do a segment. She's going to ask you to accompany them to the ring also. Throughout the match you are going to cheer for them. Then after Randy wins he's going to try to punt Hunter. Stephanie is going to try to stop him. You plead with Randy to stop and then turn on Stephanie and use your signature DDT on her. Then hold up Randy's hand in victory."
"Alright I can do that!" I smile. "This is going to be amazing! I can't wait!!" I thought to myself.
"Good." There was a knock and Mickie James comes in carrying clothes. "Thanks Mickie. Mickie James, meet Emma Guerrero."
"Hi" We both say and laugh. We shake hands. Another knock and Stephanie walks in with Shane, Hunter, and Dave. Mickie waves bye as she leaves.
"Stephanie!" I scream and run and hug her.
"Em! I haven't seen you in soooo long!" I looked down.
"The last time I saw you, was at dad's funeral." She looked at me, then down at the floor.
"I know, I'm so sorry. I meant to keep in touch, but everything just got so hectic."
"I know, it's okay. I understand that."
"You remember Hunter, Dave, and Shane, don't ya?" She says, trying to lighten the mood.
"Of course," I smile. " Hi guys!"
"I'm glad you finally made it kid, you're dad would be proud." Hunter said, hugging me.
"Thank you. I really hope that he is." I say fighting back the tears that were threatening to come down my face. I turned towards Dave.
" There isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss your dad." Dave said, hugging me. I looked up into his beautiful brown eyes.
" He loved you like a brother." I said bursting into tears. I couldn't contain them anymore. I knew that it had been four years since Eddie died, but he was my dad and I missed him terribly. I wish he could be here to see me. Shane came over and gave me a hug. " Thanks Shane. I'm sorry guys."
"It's fine. We all miss him." Shane said. "He was a great man."
"Yes, he was." I agreed, wiping the tears from my eyes. Stephanie looks down at her watch.
"Uh-oh! We've got to go get you ready, so you can meet the guys!" Stephanie said as she grabbed my clothes.
"Okay. Nice seeing you guys again!" I waved by as Stephanie dragged me out of the room. We walked down more corridors to the Diva's locker room, and we entered it. I was expecting to see lots of Divas, except nobody was there.
"Where is everyone?"
"There's a Diva Lumberjack Match" She said as she unzipped the clothes carrier. "Wow." She said, in amazement.
"What?" She pulled out my clothes. "Wow is right." She handed the black, rhinestone lined top, it tied it back, highlighting my "assets" and showing off my tummy! Then I put on some dark blue jean short-shorts, and black boots. I grabbed my make-up bag and went to the mirror. When I was finished I called Stephanie over. We looked in the mirror. All we could say was "Damn." Where was Ron Simmons when I needed him?
"You look amazing." She said, standing there staring at me.
"Thanks, I love the outfit. It has badass written all over it." I grin.
"It suits your character very well."
"Yeah, it suits me well too!" We both laugh. Stephanie again looks at her watch.
"Time to go. We don't have much time before the match." She takes me down more halls and we come to a door. It says "Legacy". She knocks on the door and...