A/N:- At long last, I can update this story! So sorry it has been so long but I had issues with the document loader and it wasn't working for me. Sooooo... I have made this a longer chapter to make up for it and will now e posting regularly. I really hope you all like this chapter! Reviews would be nice :) I love to know what you think of the story

Chapter 5.

"What if I don't wake up? Or I wake up and find out this was all a dream? "

Spike sniggered, "Buffy, sweetheart, go to sleep. Your eyes are bloodshot and you haven't stopped yawning since we got back. Anyway, I would have thought you'd want to wake up and find out this was all a bad dream, what with you being a vamp an' all. "

"But then you wouldn't be here. " she pouted.

"And neither would you. " he sighed and pulled her into him again, " I promise you, love, I'll still be here when you wake up. "

"Promise? "

"I just said so, didn't I? Now close those gorgeous eyes and go to sleep. "

Buffy nodded, brushing her face against him, using it to snuggle down into his arms and chest and closed her eyes. Within minutes she was asleep. Her chest had stopped rising, telling him that she had finally drifted off. Spike could here movements downstairs and took one last look at Buffy before easing her out of his arms. Once he was free, he swung his legs over the side of the bed and slipped on his jeans.

The door to the office opened and Spike walked in, Angel was the only one to look up and acknowledge his prescence.

"Found anything yet? " Spike asked, the weariness in him showing in his voice. He sat down on the corner of the desk and pulled an open book towards him.

"It seems Angel thinks that Drusilla may have been a potential slayer before her turning. "

Spike sniggered, "Is that right? " He looked down at Angel and asked, " What makes you think that? "

Angel gave Spike a brief run down of his theories and explanations, at which Spike laughed. "You think I had some of my soul left in me after my turning? Are you completely off your nut? " He looked at Giles, "Come on Rupes, don't tell me you buy into it as well! You saw what I was capable of... Was that really the work of a vampire with a soul? "

"You were that way because I forced you to be, Spike. " Angel said quietly, " When you first came back with Dru you had no inclination to feed, to kill or hunt. We had to teach you, be hard on you ..... " Angel went quiet as the memories of how he had taught the young William to be a vampire invaded his mind. He shook his head to clear them and looked up at the now standing Spike. " What were your first actions as a vampire? "

Spike stiffened and his jaw clenched, his hands balled into fists at his side, "You know bloody well what they were! "

"You sired your own mother to keep her by your side and to save her from the disease that was killing her. Is that the act of a brutal vampire?You then staked her when she rose and wasn't the kind hearted woman that he remembered, but one that wanted to have sex with her own son and was a vicious killer. "

Giles looked to Willow who then looked back up at Spike. He was flustered, his shame obvious as Angel told of his first act as a vampire.

"Drusilla told me how she .. "

"Shut up! Just shut up, Angelus! You weren't there! You didn't see her.... " Spike had his fists balled at his sides, his jaw clenched in temper.

Angel spoke quietly, " I guess it's my fault in a way, I encouraged you to cut all of your ties to the human world, the only way for a vampire to do that is to kill their remaining family and friends. Only after my initial lesson did you then go out and kill your friends, only then did you show your potential as the kind of vampire I wanted you to be. "

Spike sneered at Angels comment, "I was never the kind of vampire you wanted, Angelus! Didn't matter what I did, I was never good enough for you! I gave up trying soon after you told me what a slayer was. "

The two vampires stood eerily still, glaring at each other. The tension was thick and choking, making it unbearable for the others in the shot a look to Giles, begging him to do something before they were trapped between the two vampires as they fought.

"Yes, well... Speaking of slayers, shall we get back to the matter at hand? " Giles said after he cleared his throat.

Buffy moaned as she turned over in bed and reached for Spike. Realising that he was not there, Buffy sat up and frowned at the empty spot beside her. She threw the covers back and got up to go and find him. She yawned and stretched her arms and back as she walked down the hall.

"I don't care if she had wings and a bloody halo when she sired her! " Giles yelled. " Fact is, Buffy is now a vampire, one that has a very deadly foe that seems hell bent on destroying her and the world along with her! All this he had a soul, she had a soul nonsense is irrelevent! "

"I agree, " Willow said. " What we need to do is find out who this big bad is and find a way to stop it before he has a chance to get to Buffy. " She turned to Angel, " As Drusilla's sire, can't you get her to tell you who it is? It will make it easier for us to find a way to stop them if we knew. "

Angel looked at Dru and then back at Willow, his face bland. " I can try, I doubt we'll get much from her though. "

"Try, " Willow said in a stern voice that he had never heard her use before.

Angel got up from behind the desk and went to sit with Drusilla, who was rocking and humming away to herself.

Her hunger was making her feel on edge and knowing that she would be around her very human friends only made her feel worse, so to fend off any accidental bitings, Buffy decided to get herself some blood before she joined them in the office. She sipped at a cup of O neg while she made her way through the kitchen. She heard raised voices and hurried off towards the office.

Drusilla swayed and whimpered like a child, shrinking low in Angels arms. "Just tell us who you have been seeing in your visions! We can't help Buffy if we don't know!! " He yelled in her face, trying hard to get through to her.

Dru laughed hard and shook her head. " He won't like me telling. He didn't like me trying to save her, but it didn't work. She still holds the spark he needs. "

Angel lips stiffened in anger and his hold on her upper arms tightened. "Dru, tell me who needs her spark. Why does he need it? "

Spike huffed loudly. " You won't be getting anything out of her like that! All you're doing is scaring her! " He couldn't believe that after all the time he had spent with her, Angel still hadn't learned how to deal with her. Over a century of looking after Dru, Spike knew exactly how to talk to her and understood her better than anyone. He approached her with a soft smile.

"Dru... Pet? "

Spike sat down on the floor and patted his lap, he held her hand and easily pulled her down onto it. Drusilla smiled and curled her legs up so that Spike could hold her like a child. Spike brushed her long hair from her shoulder and ran his finger down the column of her throat, bring a soft moan from her.

"Love? We need to know who wants our dolly. Can you tell me, sweets? Be our little secret. "

Dru giggled, "Shhh, we have to be quiet as church mice, he has ears everywhere. "

"Who does, " Spike asked in a hushed tone.

Dru moaned as if in pain and grasped her head, her nails clawed at her scalped and she pulled at her hair. Spike held her hands to stop her from harming herself, while she moaned and talked quietly to herself.

"I didn't , I haven't told.... No..... I am a good girl.... No.... "

Spike looked up at Angel and then at Giles, who frowned as he watched, his face torn between concern and the slow burning hatred he had for her.

"We need to get her calm, if we question her while she is like this we won't get the answers we need. " Angel said as he watched Spike comfort Drusilla.

Spike nodded. He lifted Dru as he rose from his lace on the floor and grunted "Move, " at Giles so that he could lace Dru on the sofa. When she had settled, Spike pulled Angel to one side and leaned into him, making sure that Giles and Willow couldn't hear them.

" I know what you're saying, don't s'pose you have anything that'll help? "

Angel was quiet for a short time then nodded, " I have some drugs we used a while back, when I was locked in the cage downstairs. Long story, " he added at Spikes amused look.

"Good to know, is the cage still down there? Could come in handy. "

"Yeah, yeah it is, though what state it is in now, who knows. Shouldn't take much to fix it up. What have you got in mind? "

"Not sure yet, mate. I'll let you know when I am. " Spike glanced at Dru. " Best get those drugs now, yeah? "

Angel opened the office door and nodded in Spikes direction before leaving.

Buffy stood in the dark alcove by the office door, listening to what was being said. She had watched Angel go into the basement and heard metalic scrapes and bangs come from the room below. It was only a short time later that he returned carrying a small medical pouch. He went straight back to the office, holding the pouch out as he entered. Intrigued, Buffy stalked closer to the room they were in and listened from her spot in the dark.

" This is the same drug used to weaken slayers that are to undertake the cruciamentum, it should be strong enough to calm her, " Giles informed the group. " It will take some time to work, maybe it would be best to feed her, so that she has fresh blood in her system. "

"If you feed her then it will take longer to affect her, vampire constitutions work differently to human. If we feed Dru then she will be stronger and therefore, it will take longer to work. We only have three shots of the drug and we have no idea how long we may have to keep her sedated. "

Giles nodded his understanding and with Angels help, administered the drug. Dru moaned and rubbed at her thigh, but laid still.

"So, now that she has calmed somewhat, how do we proceed? " Giles asked.

Willow, who had been quiet up until now, sat forward and pointed to a large book, which she had been reading. In it was a passage and an illustration. It showed an angel with white wings being shackled by a horned demon. The text told of a being, forged from an innocent and a demon that would be used as an instrument of God. It prophesized the rise of the fallen, that he would use the heart and soul of Gods innocent to rise up with his army and rage a war on earth and in heaven.

"Could this be what Drusilla is seeing? " Willow asked and thrust the book at the three men, each stared at the passage and illustration. Giles snatched his glasses off and huffed out loudly. Spike turned from the book, trying to keep his emotions under control while Angel held the book and began to think deeply.

Giles spoke, "I imagine it could very well be. If that is the case then we have no time to lose. We must find out everything we can about this... this prophecy and do all we can to protect her. "

Angel whispered, " Literal hell on earth.... "

Spike looked over his shoulder at him and then looked at the heavens. Giles slumped into the chair behind the desk, his face was ashen, as pale as the vampires that looked at him. If they were looking at him for answers, he didn't have them. He was in shock. He was scared.

They all were.

The outer door to the hotel slammed, snapping them all from their thoughts.

"Shit! " Spike cursed as he ran out of the office and out of the hotel.

Spike stood on the sidewalk outside the hotel and looked in every direction. "Buffy! " He yelled, as Giles, Willow and Angel came running out to stand beside one looked around the near empty streets. Giles punched his thigh as he growled out a "Dammit! "

Angel looked at him and shook his head. Spike ran his hands through his hair and muttered something to himself, then turned to the group, " Any idea where she would have gone? "

Angel shook his head, others shrugged.

"Bollocks! How could we be so bloody stupid? "

Willow laid a hand on his arm, causing Spike to look her in the eyes, "We forgot that she.....

"That she's one of us, a vamp and that she now has enhanced hearing? " Spike finished for her. " Yeah, I know. " He gave her a weak smile. He narrowed his eyes and breathed in deep. "Her scent... It's faint but if we hurry, I can track it. "

Each one fell in step as Spike followed the faint hint of her in the air, his pace was a fast one.

Buffy had walked aimlessly and found herself stood on the steps of a church. She looked up at the gargoyles and the huge stone crucifix that was above the large wood doors. She shuddered and reached out to push the door open. She peered inside and was grateful that it seemed empty. Buffy walked in slowly and made her way to the altar. The sound of shuffling feet drew her attention.

She turned to see the preist stare at her with narrowed eyes. She looked down , ashamed.

"You dare to walk in here? A creature shunned by God. " He took a step closer and his hand fell onto the crucifix tha hung on a long chain around his waist. He frowned. " But you're not like others of your kind, are you? "

Buffy looked up at him, " No, I guess I'm not. "

"No. " He said quietly, " Come, sit. What brings you to my door? "

Buffy slid into a pew as the priest sat in the one in front. She toyed with the dress that she still wore, some blood showed on the front and she felt dirty all of a sudden. The guilt grew tenfold.

"You killed? " The priest asked, his tone even.

Buffy nodded and looked away. "My sire, she..... she told me to, it was instinct. I woke so hungry and I didn't....... "

"Didn't what, child? "

"Feel it. Not until later when... "

The priest sighed and shuffled on his pew. " Explain what you mean, I'm sorry but I'm not one for riddles. "

"My soul. "

The priest nodded. " I could see it there in your eyes. You are conflicted though and not just because you have tasted the life of others. " He stood and faced Buffy, looking down at her. " Who were you before you were taken, child? "

Buffy met his gaze and saw forgiveness upon his face. It was as if he knew who she was without her having to say. " I was.... a slayer. " After a pause, " The slayer. "

" So, you are the one, then we have no time to waste. Come, let us go to my chambers. We have much to discuss. "

Buffy frowned, puzzled by what he had said, but followed him to the rear of the altar and through a heavy wooden door. It opened into a large hall where he kept to the left and then walked through an arch, into a long narrow corridor. Buffy hissed as her shoulder brushed the wall. She felt her face morph and noticed the walls were covered in crosses.

" You should walk in the center and avoid the walls, sorry I should have mentioned it before now. " He continued down the narrow walkway.

Once they were escounced in the small chamber, the priest sat at a desk and motioned for Buffy to sit in the chair opposite. She lowered herself into it slowly, nerves were getting the better of her. The priest opened a drawer and hit a button inside. The sliding door behind Buffy had her turning in her seat to see what was happening. Behind the door was another room. It was large, very dark and the aroma that it held bled into the room. Rich incense. The preist stood and motioned for Buffy to follow him, she did. Her nerves were vibrating and she felt uneasy as she stepped into the room. Now she could see what was housed in the room and she felt as if she had stepped into a lions den.

A nun sat off to one side and was knelt as if in prayer. She chanted in a language that Buffy had never heard before. Her eyes slowly took in the rest of the room and came to a halt when she saw the table. On it laid an old woman, bound at the wrists and ankle. Her eyes were missing, in their place were dark recesses filled with a dark fluid that looked like swirling molasses. The woman began to squirm and call out in what sounded like Latin. Her body was barely covered and when she began to pull at her bindings, Buffy could see marks all over her flesh. The markings looked like runes.

"What is she saying? What are those marks? " she asked the priest.

The priest approached a desk filled with books and sat. He looked up at Buffy and sighed. " She is a seer. She predicted the coming of the apocalypse and of your rebirth. The markings are to protect her from him. The nun is chanting from the Holy book in a bid to protect this room from his are at great risk now that you have found us. We must work fast, now please, sit.

Buffy sat down and as soon as she had, the priest turned a book, open at a page, to her and tapped it with his finger. Buffy frowned but looked down at the pages. Tucking some stray hairs behind her ears, she began to read. The priest sat back, his fingers templed under his chin as he watched the enigma across the desk from him. His mouth twitched as he watched her focus, her brows furrowed and her nose wrinkled.

"When does all this start? " Buffy asked, looking up from the book briefly.

"It already has. "

"The seven signs? "

"Will start on the 7th of the 7th of the 7th. "

"Next month.... shit! " she looked up and gave the priest an apologetic smile, "Sorry. "

" I may be a man of the cloth but I can assure you that I said more or less the same thing. "

Buffy glanced up again and smiled wider before focussing again on the book. " We really need this book. Giles and Willow would be better and this researchy stuff than me. I'm sure Angels team will be interested too. "

"Angelus? "

"Uh-huh, what about him? " Her frown had returned.

" He is to be used as an instrument of evil, tell me child, does he still retain his soul? "

Buffy nodded, " Yes, yes he does. Spike still has his too, in case you were wondering. "

"We know of Williams soul. His is bound to him, as is yours, but Angelus? His is not. He must be watched closely. "

If her heart could beat it would be pounding beneath her breast. The illustration on the next page made her eyes widen and her unneeded breath catch in her throat. It looked as if it had been scratched onto the parchment with claws and Buffy could smell the metallic taint of blood. The drawing had been sketched in blood.

In the centre of the page a monster held a naked woman bound in what looked like rope. On closer inspection, Buffy could see that they were intestines coming from a corpse that laid at the womans feet. The beast had a human-like face but with the horns that twisted out from his forehead, his chest was very muscular, his waist dipped in and from there he had the legs and cloven hooves of a eyes were black with a swirl of yellow and she was sure that she had never seen anything that looked so evil. Again, Buffy looked at the embrace and almost choked on the breath she drew in sharply. The woman was impaled, for that was the only way Buffy could describe what she saw, on the beasts huge penis. Hands that belonged to creatures and demons clutched at the womans legs and breasts. Each one displaying the effect she had on them. Behind the couple was an orgy, all manner of beasts in the act of fornication. Fire surrounded them and at the edge of the drawing laid baron lands with only a dry husk of a tree here and there.

Buffy pushed he book away, her unshed tears blurring the image. Not that they would stop her from seeing it, having it ingrained into her psyche. She stood abruptly and tutted as she felt the first tear fall to the table top.

"I shouldn't have come. I.... I need to go. "

"Take the book, child. Give it to those who need it to defeat the beast. "

Buffy looked down at the book, fear making her shake now. "Th... thank you. " She snatched the book up and held it to her chest.

"Take care, slayer. I hope that you can defeat him, for all our sakes. I will be here should you need me. "

"Thank you, Father. I am sure we will. "

"Buffy? " he said as she reached the door. Buffy turned to him. " William.... He .... He is crucial. "

With that said the priest stood from his desk and blended into the darkness.

"God bless you child. "