Wizard Lessons

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Summary: The Russos are all grown up. Justin won the family wizard powers but gave them to Max, so he could marry Harper. Alex ran away. When wizarding laws change dramatically, Alex must return to Waverly Place to take wizard lessons from Justin with his kids. Jarper.

A/N: If you've seen Retest, you'll get how this story is like the older Russos.


"Maria!" Harper Russo called as her six year old daughter ran down into the busy sub station, her wand held firmly in her hand.

"Catch me, Mommy!" Maria called.

Harper swung her arms around Maria and turned her around, grabbing her wand and placing it into the pocket of her apron.

"Darn it!" Maria said with a smile.

She was short, and slim, with brown eyes and dark hair, the same color as her fathers, which was in two braids on the back of her head. She was missing her two front teeth, and sported a peach over-sized T-shirt, capri pants that had sparkly pink butterflies along the side of them, pink, orange, and green striped socks that reached her knees, and hot pink Hannah Montana crocks.

"Now, where's your sister?" Harper asked her daughter.

Maria couldn't stop giggling.

"I don't know." She choked out.

"I think she's under here!" Harper said opening the lower cupboard behind the counter and revealing her eleven year old daughter, Haelee.

Haelee had dark, curly chocolate brown hair that unfolded messily behind her back, hazel brown eyes, and she was skinny and fairly tall for her age. She had braces and was wearing a blue JONAS shirt, ripped white skinny jeans, flat black converse, and a dark pink head band.

She reminded Harper and Justin a lot of Alex, which always stung a little.

Haelee got out of the cupboard and sighed.

"I told you we should have used magic to hide ourselves." Haelee shot at Maria.

The three paid no mind tot he entire sub shop, who were starring at the girls in wonder.

"Now, we need to find Ronnie, so you guys can tidy up the terrace like I asked." Harper smiled.

They walked into the kitchen to find Justin, hard at work, making sandwiches.

"Hey, Honey." Harper said, planting a kiss on Justin's cheek.

The door to the lair opened.

Out came Ronnie holding her wand effortlessly.

"Hey!" She said.

She had caramel colored hair, light brown eyes, straight teeth, and she was average height and slim. She was wearing a navy blue dress that stopped mid-thigh, black leggings, white Keds, and a scarf that had black peace signs all over it.

She was sixteen and a half, and smart kid, just like Justin was.

"Where's Jake?" Justin asked, looking at Ronnie.

Ronnie shrugged. "He's taking a nap."

Jake was there six month old son.

"You didn't use magic to get him to sleep did you?" Harper asked uneasily.

"Maybe. Why does it matter?" She asked, throwing her wand at Haelee, who caught it quickly.

"Babies who are forced to sleep by magic don't develope properly! Why do you think your Uncle Max is the way he is?" Justin asked.

"Ohh." Ronnie said.

"I heard someone mention me." Max said, coming out of the lair with a puff of smoke behind him.

"Max, you don't use magic when there's this many mortals around!" Justin said in a low voice.

"Sorry man, let's talk about it." He said, running back into the lair.

"Yep, he hasn't changed." Justin said looking after him. "Well, we better go see what he wants before he breaks something and wakes the baby." Justin said folding his apron and walking into the lair, Harper and their children following close behind.

"Hey, Max." Harper said, giving her brother-in-law a hug.

Max returned it. "Hi, Harper."

"Max." Justin said with a smile.

"Justin, it's been a while." He said, hugging his brother.

"How are my favorite nieces?" Max asked.

"Hi, Uncle Max! Guess what? I lost my two front teeth, see?" Maria said, displaying her bare gum to her Uncle.

"That's nice." He said picking her up.

"And Haelee, you look so much like- Never mind." Max said, setting Maria down.

"Who?" Haelee asked.

"Oh, just someone I used to know when I was younger." Max shrugged.

Haelee seemed satisfied enough with this answer and started playing with her sister's wand.

"Hey, give me that back before you break it!" Ronnie said grabbing her wand roughly. "Hey, Max."

"She's got you know who's eyes too." Max said motioning to Ronnie.

"Who?" Maria asked.

"No one." Max said quickly. "Speaking of which, there's a reason why I'm here. There's been a change in wizard law. Every wizard gets to keep their powers unless they marry a mortal. Which means nothing for you but you-know who, well... Each wizard that lost their powers has to take lessons to regain them. Which means-" Max nodded.

"Oh no, so you mean she's coming here?" Justin asked.

"There's no other way." Max nodded.

"Oh no.... You mean there's absolutely nothing you can do?" Harper asked.

'Well I could teach her, but we all know how that would turn out." Max shuddered.

"Who's this 'her'?" Ronnie asked.

"But she can't come here!" Justin said.

"Who?" Haelee asked.

"No one." Justin said harshly.

"Dad, we're not babies, we know that no one means some one, well, except for Maria and Jake." Ronnie said.

"You're aunt Alex." Harper said calmly, although Justin was loosing his temper quickly.

"What are you talking about? We don't have an aunt!" Haelee said.

"Yes, she ran away when I gave my powers to Max instead of her when I wanted to marry your mother." Justin said, cooling down a bit.

"No one knows where she is. She hasn't contacted anyone in years." Max explained.

"I think I have an idea where she is..." Justin said with a dark look.

A/N: Ohh.... Cliffy!

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-Ema Lee Lilac